127 of 1904 - Ordinance 127 of 1904 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 313, 314 and 317 prohibiting sale of liquo AN O R D I N A U C E . An ordinance amending and re-enacting; Sections 31S, 314 and : 317 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTIO-; 1. That Sections 313, 314 and 317 of the Revised Ord- inances of Salt Lake City he, and the same are hereby amended awl re- : enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 313. SALE OF LIQUOR rY A RESTAURANT, IIOT-ict OR JOARDIlG HOUSE 37XPER PROHITITED. It sall he unlawful for any, restaurant, hotel or boarding house keeper to sell, give away or in any manner dispose of any kind. of intoxicating liquor/ SECTION 314. SALE 07 INTOXICI'TING LIQUORS IN C,?]ATT'TITY tk CCE]tbldr PIKE GALLONS OR TT ,c ThAN Oi 'FI TT TN DRUG STORRS WITITTTOU_^ A S LICENSE ?ROifIRITED. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person conducting any wholesale or retail drug store or stores in Salt Lake. City, to sell or othen.dse di;>::oce • of any liquor or intoxicating drink of any kind, by tbe drink, to be drunk on the premises,, t any time. It ..}:al.l also be un- lawful for any such person to sell or otherwise dispose of any liquor or intoxicating drink in any bottle or package in quan- tity less than five gallons, unless s..i.ci :person, ;irm or cor- poration shall first have procured a druggist's license to sell liquors as heroinafterp rovided. It s &fl. likewise be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any liquor or intoxicating drink in quantity exceeding five gallons, unless suchp erson, firm or eaeporation shall first have procured a wholesaler's license, rAS in :hip chapter provided. It shall also he unlawful for any drum -ist or person employed in or about any drug store having a druggist's license, to sell, give ' away or dispose of any intoxicating liquor or drink in any manner or form except ,tp original paeka es or '::ottlos contain- ing not lees man one int. -2- SECTION 317. AMOUNTS `20 71; PAIT% ';OR LICENSES. The fol- lowing amounts shall be and are hereby established as the quarterly charge for licenses under the provisions of this ordinance, to-wit: • As a Manufacturer $'150.00 As a retail dealer 300.00 • • As a wholesale dealer - 250.00 As a dru•_;-ist 100.00 All said sums shall be payable strictly in advance; oetided, that in nc case shall any payment made or license issued, entitle the licensee to conduct more than one place of business thereunder. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. .i.--. -c ;.-- , ,• _._.i.- -lo•;' :._1';'.,' .n'.--"..r7; ' r.r ,,r, 1 '-: :',.-: 0'.,.' fl'f-1.110-,A .‘'.1 7C;ITr.,:',,.E.r.faia.a r3J'rii:oi-s • f i',"701 :Ian.o I 131 ().-riptc-ff;) xl -zzi.r.p ,-:-- Z, t:,!.4t.r-oq gqrtzfltb"ro ,N. -., 7, 1;•••. -z Or,. C.,11. • - - -I-,- -,,,.4. - _- - Fr,2L- Jr)- .r3 Iiiir:f r,A i, ,,-_ t.:.„...„,• ' ''''' sb Ilk t•-).1 ..-.... ..A. , ,...) • i'( 0' ••..,, ,t, -I - - -.: :C.',- '4:7- il. .F, o..!1.7 .; .. za t.l. .q. „7. _. ... .., 1 X )1111 ..:(.475"c' d•ia.t.- '-131,-) :. ,-...A-6- ‘ cartiicsz E .,-.:•,, 1,--',1• • ,'-'ziantl s :, cio.--• a i bitt'''' i. is,. c-),,_. ,,., •, a i 07 rig° I • 5 :',1f11%4 V., 11,,31-; 6 4,..ri ,-;a yi 1.11- ..5 E.,t).1;_it_o-cf. ..,:o s„,, tc_, C)I:C rty. ;. -J•tel:L, •••.,•iNubno. 'int eikelirEgg'11 9/1 J/49; ,bqunP,1 i... L E.• N__.`"N .1,Stiliftt, c_t tlerrr.te.kro' ,.. . r:. v o• ,: fIocr to91:15 0: ,Ii• 11,e;;;:a ,9-•:(-1.,i r-1-..h-to ;' '''7 .S Tfc IT (4).tt