127 of 1905 - Ordinance 127 of 1905 – Extending the limits of Salt Lake City. AN O fll ^. T !i A C S: .
An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake (:i
B{`t:r;RFAS, on tt: filth d,+;, of Sept.::::b,:r, 1.906, a miajority of the
ownere of real property in t!)o tract of lord hereinaft:r decor/hod ,
i .
signed and filed 471th the City Recorder of Salt T„ ri City a i;eti.-
tian requesting tht said tract of land be taken within the limits
of Salt T.eke City and be made a part of said City, and also caused
an accurate map and plat of solo tract of land to he made by a con- i 1
potent surveyor and certified by the City Fnginder, to be filed with
the said City Recorder; and
WIIERFA , the above territory is contiguous to Scat T,^.'tc: City,
and no :;roper reason exists why it should nut he made a part of said �
Ci ty; and
WTMF,AS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, after ex.a,ainira
the said petition of said owners and r;.•.ld pl;.t, and riaviarr oonsid-
*rod the circruusstancee surrounding the sauce, voted by a vote of more
than two-thirds of all members of the City Council in favor of said
annexation, and ilireoted the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance
making and deolarinT said annexation; TREFORE,
13F IT ORDAI'i1D by the City Council of Salt twice City, titr.h:
ar+;CTI^l: 1. That the city limits of said Salt Lake City be, and
the same hereby are extended and enlarfed so :a.s to include the fol-
lowing described tract of land, to-wit:
Commencinr at e point or stone on the south been cry of Cait
take City oorporat,e 11,:1te, e%id point being .'::; feet eotr!.r. , r 64
feet went of rock monument set by City xngino.,r of Felt T,,;,e.o City at
the intersection of St•,'..e and. Tenth South "treots; thence south 0
deg. 03 min. west on west linef State Street 2960 feet; to •stone
on south line of Eleventh South and State Streets, t;_oned east on
south line of Eleventh South-Street 3235.4 feet to center of 'Fifth
least Street, thence north 0 deg. 03 min. ea t on center of ui.tth
Raft Street 29h4.4 feet to south lino of Tenth South Street, or city
limits, thence south 89 deg. Cis min. west 3256.1 feet to stone and
place of hefinni.nr.
And it is further ordained and declared that upon this+ ordi-
nance taking effect the said tract of land ebove described shell be
thenceforth within the corporate l.ini's of sold Salt T;ka Ci.ty, 8.151
a part of said. City, &rici all ordinanco6, joriodiction, ruluv,
oblirations applicable to or ,„ortaininr to sal flax Salt Td.o..k6 city
are hereby 07.t..:need ovbr aod .2ade av; licriThle and pertinent to 0.).id
tract of land above described, and to streets, blooks, nlleys and.
waye of said tract shall be controlled and ,.everned by the ordi-
nances, rules a.nd r-igulations of said lity in t'Au.t behalf, and the
nienunsente of thif.City Enp:incer shall thenceforth be token an the
standard of locations end distances.
• {
SItnTt4 2. Upon the paSse.r,e of this ordinande the City fle-
oorder.,of ¶ttle ity shall file, and he Ia b. rely dit4!.ect,.0 to file
I with the CoUnty-Recorder a c4y. of the map abovo
duly artifice -and acknowledged as ,provieed io sur:h cd.sv,ts, together
with e'aeirtifietr oop,y of this oreino,n00.
SECTION 3. This oraina:ice ehz&U +.1ko efTert 24t1.1 'o'clock,
doun, on the firA day of Jaka ', 19n8.
:Passed_ by the City Council of Dalt Tahe City, December ak.
1905i, and referred to the 7-yer for his opprov,
Mit yRec ordcx
APProvcd. this aq day of December:190
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