127 of 1978 - Vacating public right-of-ways known as 1700 North Street, Delaware Street and 1600 North west of Chi ,I,eptentber 20, 1978
Alfred Brown Company
c/o Howard L. Drowns president
P. O. Boa 3035
Salt Lake Citg Utah 84110
roar 2tr. browns
The Board of City Commissioners, at its meeting today, passed an
ordinance-DILL NO. 145 of 1078. reseindia(Bill No037 of 1978
providing for the vacation of public right-of-ways known en 1300 North
Street, Delaware Street and 1000 North Street west of Chicago Avenue,
together with platted alleys tesstsd to Blocks 3 and 4 of lele ses
Addition,a subdivision of scetioa as in Salt take City, Salt Lake
County, Utah,
'Yours truly.
City Recorder
Attorney regimen
Water Fire Public Weeks
Planning 6 41estag Property Manager
Piles Petition Si Attorney Report 440
..---Bt1l No. Sat
F y 4 7r;;
NOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, August 22 ,19 78
Mr.Chairman i 1DlSC:V,
Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Greener .kx;E,;::,'.
AN ORDINANCE vacating public right-of-ways known as 1700 North
Street, Delaware Street and 1600 North west of Chicago Avenue, to-
gether with the platted alleys located in Blocks 3 and 4 of Folsoms
Addition Subdivision of Section 23, in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County, Utah.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that the public right-
of-ways and alleys described herein have never been improved or
actually used as public streets or highways and are no longer
necessary for the use of the public as a thoroughfare; and that the
vacation of said public right-of-ways in said streets and alleys
will not be adverse to the general public's interest; therefore,
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the following 66 foot wide public right-of-way
known as 1700 North, Delaware Street, and 1600 North Street west of
Chicago Avenue within the Polsoms Addition Subdivision of Section 23
together with the platted alleys located within Blocks 3 and 4 of
said Subdivision in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described
below, be and the same hereby are, vacated and declared, no longer
to be public property for the use as streets, avenues, alleys, or
pedestrian ways:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 20, Block 4,
Folsom Addition, a subdivision of Section 23, T.1N.,
R.1W., SLB&M, and running thence south 125.00 feet;
thence east 125.00 feet; thence south 15.00 feet;
thence west 125.00 feet; thence south 125.00 feet; ;,
thence east 125.00 feet; thence south 66.00 feet to l..P
the northeast corner of Lot 19, Block 3, said sub-
division; thence west 125.00 feet; thence south 125.00
feet; thence east 125.00 feet; thence south 15.00 feet;
thence west 125.00 feet; thence south 125.00 feet;
thence west 15.00 feet; thence north 125.00 feet;
thence west 215 feet more or less, to the northwest
corner of Lot 9 of said Block 3; thence northwesterly
15 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of
Lot 10 of said Block 3; thence east 215 feet more or
less, to the southeast corner of Lot 18 of said Block
3; thence north 125.00 feet to the northeast corner
of Lot 18 of said Block; thence west 224 feet more
or less, to the northwest corner of Lot 10 of said
Block 3; thence northwesterly 66.00 feet, more or
less, to the southwest corner of Lot 10 of said Block
4; thence east 226.00 feet to the southeast corner
of Lot 2 of said Block 4; thence north 125.00 feet to
the northeast corner of Lot 2; thence west 226.00
feet to the northwest corner of Lot 10 of said Block
4; thence northeasterly 15.00 feet; more or less to
the southwest corner of Lot 11 of said Block 4;
thence east 226.5 feet to the southeast corner of
Lot 19 of said Block 4; thence north 125.00 feet;
thence east 15.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights-
of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every des-
cription now located in, on, under or above the confines of the
above-described property; and also subject to the rights of entry
thereon, for the purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing,
replacing, removing, or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Said vacation is also made expressly subject to all existing
rights-of-way and easements of any third parties as may be estab-
lished by law.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days
after the date of its first publication.
Passed by the Board of City ICommi sioner on the 22 day
August , 1978. i-
BILL NO. 127 of 1978
Published August 26, 1978
A. ,•
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE Shane D. Feltner
AN ORDINANCE v crating nubtic right-of-ways known a
Il00 North Street,Dclawdre Street and 1600 North want of
ChiC.10 Avenue,together with the platted-alleys located in
!:lock,3 and 4 of Folsans Addition Subdivision of.Section 23,;n
.;a:t Ldke City,Sall Lake County.Utah.
WHEREAS, me Hoare of commrsm0ers finds thntthe Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal
right-of-ways and one,,de,or ibed herein have never h,.,n P ) g
"`odor n=rove•edner^nth6 streets orhibhways and are advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
io„r,r or
for me use f the Hahne ns a thoroughfare:
;nd that the vacation of said nubdc Dont-of-weys in said streets (except Sunday) newspaper in the English
and alleys will net be adverse to the general public's interest; P Yprinted '
n»reface. language with general circulation in Utah, and
- Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Self Lake
SECTION 1. That he fullowino 66 too wide public aware in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
Soho of-way known Del 1700 North, aware Street,and 1600
North Street west of Chicago Avenue within the Folsoms Addition State of Utah.
within Blocksion f.3 and 4 00 sn?)aid Subdivision iethar with n Saltf Lake City,Us tah,
rticularly descriMtl below,be and the some hereby are,
.ate"l e and declared,nolnnnertobepublicprortyfortheuse That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
I streets,avenues,alleys,or Conner
of Lot A,Block 4,Folsom
Addition,a.ubdivision of Section 23,T.1N.,R.1 W.,SLB&M,and
sonning then south 125.00 feet;thence ens;125.00 feet;Mende
then,uth 15.00 feet;thence wenn25.00 feet;thence south 125.00Me1; Pub notice of an ordinance vacating certain
tamer earsf iti, foot;thnnce snug 66.n.test to the northeast
f Loi ou,Block 3,rot,thencethenceth00 east e sou Mar;
thence we tePr10I..rice west e north 12;.0nee Bohm 125.00westfeet; right—of—ways
ir:et more or lessfeet;
o llrrnor thence
hwesst cornerM feet;
9lof said Block 6;
thence northwesty 15 teat,m r less,to the southwest
corner of Lot 10 aid Block 3;thence east 215 feet chore or loos,
to the southeast r of tol 18 of said Block 3;thence north
J 0112125.00 4 feeit moro the r less to theast the northwestrner of Lot corner orner ofLot 10 of saf said Block', id
Block 3;thencerthwesterly 66.00 feet,more or less,to the
'southwest cornerLot to of sold'Block 4;thence east 226.00 feet
Io the southeast r of Lot 2 of said Block 4;thence lord!
25.00 feet to thetheast corner of Lot 2:thence west 226.00 feet
to the.rorthwes of Lot 10 of said Brock 4;thence
northeasterly I5. eet,'more or Into to the southwest corner'of
Lot II f said Bk 4;thence east 226.5 feet to the southeast
eastlhof Lot 14 ale Block a:thence north I25.00 tee,:thence
-W fect torntuln"I'inp,n.
/ 1 I f,h Idect to 1 If f i1Aug.ydes ,art confine, was published in said newspaper on u z5 1978
'I the ill - d 'f.-of
h Yr
6rdnairino,renlacik h,rento,.,.,-•6,,m6x, ,,d,Ildit, 1'll
of them. 1
T. Sold vacation is
SECTION i! also
tl shall tr rl Ilnq C\l
n t thirty cunt v ,-
aHorassd t lie t sr publication.
he,. take e Legal Advertising Clerk
P.esst,07 the Board of City Conhnlssluners on the 22nd day
of August,14J8.
lempracy Choirboy
City Recorder
City 12e)cortler
BILLLNO.127 of lO10 fore me this 31st day of
Published Au0u5t 26,1270 I C-94)
Aug, A.D.19..78....
/:1 •
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Reba 11, 1982