128 of 1909 - Ordinance 128 of 1909 – Curb & Gutter Extension No. 8, First & Final Estimate. AB C R D 1 il A 1 C E .
An ordinance COffir:ni:i; !:i upon he prop arty on the
west side of Thirteenth East Street between First South and Second
South Streets, in Paving District o. 27, f,,r j2, irovidin�
I for the grading, and guttering and curbing thereof.
Be"it.-,Ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
S T1,4d 1. T'iat the qr,62siSnt li4; &ue 'uy the City Trait surer
a6 corrected., approved a. o mleted ✓y, the Board of yqueli:a'ton an
Review heretofore dulyap-bi'Vedk:c404,11e City Council fer;t'h ttptr-
pose flf, tha property in Loam 1 pia *.to 23, inclu;iie, Es t de
Subdivxaion, Block 31, P19 `pF,, tl Uurve ; rzbu t z} on
w '
tY1$i west side of Thirteenth iAst Stro between Firsts-South eC-
ft "F4, .
on Aottth Streets, in i'a vi Distri et i110. 27, c f Silt „c ka Ui� .t,for
the ar o..:;o of providing for',the grading, guttering; and curbing of
said -p'ortinn of said street,is hereby confirmed, and tl,e assessments
wade and returned. in Laid. completed idutu are hereby confirmed.
SECT12L 2. This ordinance shall t<ohe effect upon approval.
Curb and Gutter Extension Le. S.
.first and
li massed by the City Council. of Salt Luke CitS'',irtah, i ugust
30th, 1909, and referred to the iayor r a approval.
Cam '
'ty Recorder.
Arprovod thisU dads of :must, 1909.
r.`ayo r.