128 of 1979 - Repealing sections 20-15-9 and 20-15-10 and adding sections 20-21-14 through 20-21-19 defining and s ROLL CALL
'VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, September 27 ,19 79
Mr.Chairman �
Agraz ; I move that • indnce be passed/
Greener /7 AO!
� /�i
Phillips ✓
AN ORDINANCE REPEALING Sections 20-15-9 and 20-15-10 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, and ADDING
Sectiors20-21-14 through 20-21-19, to the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 20-15-9 and 20-15-10 relating to
hotel-motel runners and solicitors, of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, is hereby REPEALED.
SECTION 2. That Chapter 21 of Title 20 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to courtesy
car service, be, and the same hereby is amended by ADDING thereto
Sections 20-21-14 through 20-21-19.
Sec. 20-21-14. Definitions. The following words and
phrases, whenever used in Section 20-21-14 through 20-21-
19, of these revised ordinances, shall be defined as
provided herein, unless a different meaning as specifi-
cally or more particularly described:
A. Courtesy car. "Courtesy car" shall mean any motor
vehicle which is regularly operated for the transporta-
tion of customers and baggage between any railraod
station, bus station, airport or similar terminal of
public transportation and a hotel, motel, parking lot
or auto rental office without making a specific separate
charge for such transportation.
B. Courtesy service. "Courtesy service" shall mean
the operation of a business, an integral part of which
involves persons and baggage being regularly trans-
ported between any train depot, bus station, airport or
similar terminal of public transportation and a hotel,
motel, parking lot or auto rental office in a courtesy
C. Hotel or motel. "Hotel or motel" shall mean the
carrying on of any business in which rooms, overnight
accommodations or other such facilities are furnished
to the public.
Sec. 20-21-15. Permit required. No person, company
or corporation shall provide courtesy service within
Salt Lake City without first obtaining a permit and
paying the requisite fee.
Sec. 20-21-16. Display of permit, All vehicles
required to operate under a permit as provided herein,
while on the streets of Salt Lake City, shall display
said permit, having proof of payment of said fee.
Sec. 20-21-17. Application for permit. All appli-
cations for a permit shall be made in writing to the
license assessor and collector. The application shall
show: (a) the name of the person desiring a permit;
(b) the name under which the business will be conducted;
(c) the business address of the applicant; (d) the
number of motor vehicles to be used as courtesy cars;
and (e) the locations that the applicant will be trans-
porting persons and baggage to and from.
Sec. 20-21-18. License fee. There is hereby estab-
lished a license fee for revenue purposes which shall be
$25 per year or any part thereof for each vehicle to be
used as a courtesy car.
Sec. 20-21-19. License period. All license fees
shall be paid annually in advance and shall date from
the 1st day of January of each year and it shall expire
on the 31st day of December of each year; provided,
however, that when an application is made after the 1st
day of July of any year, the licensee shall be required
to make the payment of one-half of the amount of the
yearly license.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 27th day of September , 1979.
"..‘j- ife...,
BILL NO.128 of 1979
Published October 4, 1979
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
"— AN ORDINANCE---"--" Shana Da Conaty
AN ORDINANCE REPEALINGSections 20-15-9 and 20-I5•
lb of the Revised Ordinance of Sal,Lake City,Utah,1965,and
ADDING Sections 2-21-1d through 204149,to the Revised Oral
n s f Salt Lake City,Well,1245,
a Be it ordained by the Board of Cemmissleners of Salt l eke
Utah. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
SECTIN I.That l rNona rs,0t and eoised rdina,g to
el se mefol runners and relic-hors,her.of the Revised Ordlnan�e;
of 6ali LnkeN 2,Utah,Chapter
21 of REPE ALof advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
SECTION o is Thal City, a Of Thlc 20 in the Revcourtesy
car service,of.Salt the same'Utah, y6a'rdondrd°by A°DOING (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
heretoSwhcn..9a-21-,dUreaphM}21-w language with general circulation in Utah, and
Sec.20-'21-1a.Dellnit101s.The talky/An,works anti bras t� f�
whenever Used In Sesctlon 20-21-id through 20"2119,o:
lo se revised ordlnern,shall be defined as provided tle;ehn, published in Salt hake City, Salt Lake County, in the
unless a dlhnrent mcanllq as Specifically or more particularly
described: State of Utah.
A.Courtesy c "Courtesy car"shall mean any.inotor
vehicle which Is reoularly operated for the trensporbtlen of
n,cust alr2s a naRnaee boRneo ony rail
road sportstatio t bus d That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
hole{,Imoiel,parkin,'lot or auto rental office.withoutlmaking a
specific separate charge for sUch tranenorlatlon.
13.Courtesy service. "Courtesy ye vice' shall Mean the
.c.s'and'bagooe�cfireregullaarlytrranspoacabetweoaiv Pub notice of an ordinance repealing certain
train dopct,bus station,airport similar rminal f PUbIll
tranoenllatlun and a hotel,motel, ro
parking lot or auto rents
office Ina tourtesv car.
C.Hotel or motel."Hotel or motel"shall mean the Larry sections of the Revised Ordinances
ho hero otner such ncls litleo are{lurnlshedo to till entit bllcommoJa
Sec. us-ge 1s. Permit required, He en mpaev 0
Cicorporation shall p ovlde courtesy s within Salt.L'ake
ty without-first obtaining a per mit and�payillg Ice requisite
Sec.I100 11-I6.Display of primp-All vents Ms eegri'iivtl.te
sheelender a rnlh asprovided herein, while o the
ts of Salt Lake City, h endplay sold permit,havpnn
p o Seca 20,21411,Ap ication'or permit.Al!applications lot a
permit shell be made In writing to the license essesser any
lector,Tho application shall show: (al the n et the
person desiring a permll,Oh)the name under which the bust,
g;nwill be conducted,(c)the buulnes,.address of the a
r(d)tile number of motor vehicle,to be used a
and(CI the locations that the applicant will t,eciral e.
porn°beruuns ndbawaa<toandfront was published in said newspaper on Oct. 4, 1979
c.20-21-IN.Licbnse lea mere Ls hereby established a
Beals pee ter revenue purposes which shall be S25 Per year o,
a caCt thereof for each vehicle to be used as*courtesy car.
ally in advancer Hod shall me date frlibense om the loes ist day of Janua-
ll be paid
of each year d It 1 II moire e,the al t day of Decomb
-of each ye d however,that whenapplication ti
,aa aft, the r d or�mv a env v u u v ,y
s n n make the payment of nthe
shall he requiredthear,la anc h.rll of the a �.....amount (Ina Yearly liccrosc. ��� -��-� s � �
itsneSECTIOlN aO.1hL ordinance shall take enact 00 days alter Legal Advertising Clerk
ties,Pasced by Inc Board o ntlevinitarf of Sall Lake City.
Ulah.this 22th day of Seblernbnrn 1929
nnl�DRFCO f this IIIG ItnM ? ore me 1QUs dayof
BILL NO.128 or Iv/9
Published ocroncrd,I929 A.D.19 79
.,;�!�.1,' �I ,,.;
Notary POlic
My Commission Expires
June 1, 1981