129 of 1902 - Ordinance 129 of 1902 – Fixing license required of liquor dealers who deal both at wholesale & ret AN ORD I NAN C E .
An ordinance fixing the license required of liquor dealers who
deal both at wholesale and retail upon the same premises, and amend-
ing"an ordinance in relation to the sale of intomiea ting liquors",
passed by the City Council December 15th, 1902,and approved by the
Mayor December 17th, 1902.
Be it ordaiaid by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That an ordinance in relation to the sale of intox-
icating liquors passed December 16th, 1902, and approved by the
Mayor December 17th, 1902, be,and the same is hereby amended by
adding thereto a new section to be known as"Section 11 a,"and which
section shall read as follows:
SECTION 11 a. It shall be unnecessary for any
person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of retailing
intoxicating liquors,and who pays a retail liquor dealer's license
! of three hundred (S300.00) dollars per quarter as in this ordinance
provided, to obtain an additional license as a wholesaler before
dealing in intoxicating liquors at wholesale, provided that such
wholesaling and retailing of such liquors be conducted'upon the
same premises, under the same roof and upon the same floor.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Passed by the City Council of Laifit , U - sec er • •a2.
and referred to the IVa.or for his approval. r -
/1" City ecorder.
Approved this:?'_ day of 4-/e-, 190 L.
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