129 of 1908 - Ordinance 129 of 1908 – Paving Extension No. 34, Second Partial Estimate. , w
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An orJinc•nce confirminE the HnSesiient Qdon -Cr-, ,.•,roltrty here-
in.,,l•ter described on 2ir:,t 3oilth Street hetwoen 5scond East sod
Thirteenth 7a,it 3tr,:et;,,, in ItsvinK District •To. 27, for the pur•pose
of pt-orl,Tir.-t„ for t',,-, .--r.,di-.-.- istItteri•IL •,.,-,,3 csrbit,,L,, cnd ,,,13 Vine:
the roof.
,17), Be it ordrinod by the City Connci3 of '3•_3-t 7,?ke City, Utsb:
-1,0•FT,T 1. Tin t the assess.. ' 11,431 ••.•..•dr,tby the Ci.- y, Tre.,sarert
/I-) ,/7;t: ,•‘,. e , - ,,,,,, • Im.
? 84.-4urrect-4, a.;,,•)roved .6,-,5 co•il•-,lertfefidt$ ttIrd otri4c1, littii,n
7,...)Handaelf,is/, hereto '-re dhly a,,,,,,,c-frtfci F1-47:4-frtVCity t.)o -it.eliet ,,Zet'o.e.t 1 • 1
,.. 2-:, •.:.,-'01. ...1-, '''',,... C:c'•5 A
' i.nit-6-61 Se, (plittte proiJertzi in 13ot..,., /..,,v%ka%(:;3Alke:. 73, 44$•,..... "Ri, 2, !
(•,.. t••
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3 (49i, 4ociK 63, 2.---,nd 5, 6, ? & i, t-ictql.,/• . --'1- tZ413)2billir•g
i• „,-7t -4 r° i ;:" ' "I:Z . . geci ,
"' o- iieno.,,-th eic',,e or -sic:it L)outhcgste.eoeyr*fri Geco :•,•
26 ,t,,,,,,<•-,, ,, ,, t, ..•, ),., ,.. g!,,,:lL, (,,..!• V, _r,. . ,,, , _•
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,..- ,,, 1 o,1,, s, -.'1.1 L.
be, tnieen 4-th :East and Seventh. 3 si ..., 2,,,s, tr Itryinz Distri3t tro.
27, f 3.it •'•,:,:e City, fo•-..- t, e Dur;,ose a2 .L.:thyt•jite.-. ['kyr the E•rading, '
guttering and cabint,, and pgvinL, of soil .dorti,•xt of Snld :,tre,A,
is 'hereby conirt.ted, sild t".•:-. st,sessment•.„ rte.••',•6 1,166 -•-turned in said
coral:leted lists are heret, confirmed.
SICCTIOB 2. Thi.., ordinEntJe shall t•-•ke er:ect •-•.,:oil s,,,,,,-oval.
2itving, 7-tension To. 34. Second Ti-rtisl 7,sti••n-te.
Passed b: „he City Council of ,3a]t Lall6to City, Utah, 3atr.tter:lber•
29, 1908, and referred to -the .7•6yor :t'or his approval.
- /-71 ,(7 ______—•
, yity _tecorder.
-pproved this C-, a d. of 2op-temiker, .
l‘7, .•.-tyor.
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