129 of 1909 - Ordinance 129 of 1909 – Curb & Gutter Extension No. 7, Fifth Partial Estimate. • /A
AI -.11 OaDi il .41 1; C F, .
A4 ordinuce confirminL., the assessment upon the prolvoty heroin-
after described on hot ll L;ide8 of all uorth L.-:-13 Loath ,,1-..c ,-.,ts 2-1•Jis: the
south side of South Temple Street to the north sido of Third :iuuth
Street, from Second East Street to Tonth .17,1,,s , Street, both Lil,rests
inclusiyu,, in 2avin, Districts lion. 27 and 2d, fol: the purpone of
, .
-. roVidire for the curbiw and ‘31.tterilq,, thereof."
i Be• it ordrined by 1. 15 City Connell of 3;it L•zke.,Oity, Utah:
., • -.. .
44GT.E.,„4,4. T11. t t14 assepOirdetti list made by Vne ,GIty Tiro surer
, .
as fa orr .ate d', ailprov ed sr,„nd c ciniple te4 by t he Board ur. F,q-(As11.4t 1 on said.
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-:" Review, neretofore duly:-e.ppei*ted'.* .e he atity Councp. IV.•'Lhaf:4;urpose,
ot;the.i4i'opdrty in Lots:1, and 8, 74001 137; 1, C, 7 gad 6, Dio SG,
219±; 7Ifi'; 2, 3, 4 and 5431"ock 36; and 4 and 5, Blocek 29, flat'" "
Sait'Zeke. City Survey, ebuftins on both sides of Tenth llast Street
between South Temple aileecond South Streets, in I'svinc Districts
Dos. 27 and 28, of Solt Lake City, for the purpose o f providin; for
the curbing end i;otter-in nt; of soda portion of s>_-.1.-1street, is hereby
confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed
lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTItiii E. This ordinance chall take effect upon appruvel.
Curb & Gutter Extensic3n iTo. 7.
Fifth ,,2arial. 3stimate.
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