129 of 1912 - Sewer Extension No. 299, First & Final Estimate. ROLL CALL -- 7• Salt fake City, Utah, ..Sept•_3rd, _. ._191 2.... VOTING ve9 ' No I move that the ordinance be passed, Keyser Korns Commissioner or Streets tc Public Improvements. Lawrence 4' Mr.Chairman . RESULT - - ......... 1 I I 1 1 I AN OLDIN A NCE . I An or Inc confirming the ase,ecoment upon the pro ,crty herei inafter aescrihed i,; Chester Jircet, which runs north from Sixth South Street to Fifth South Street bot—eon -Eithih East and hinth East Street. in Sewer District ho. 1, for the co-astruction of a sewer. Bc it out-urea 1?-z to Board of Commissioners of, SaltBaho City, Utah: k - SECYICU 1. brat the assessment list made by the City Treasnr6z, as corrected, ap'roved and Completed by the Board ci, Commissioners of Salt Lake City, s4tt,14-- [is a-board of eq17alization and revie7, of the property in Liots :2, 3, ii,-oat 7, Block 27, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, abuttinc On both oidos of chester Street, which runs north from Sixth South St eot to Fifth south Street, between Elo-;hth East and lath East Streets, in :Jo:7(r Listeict Ho. 1, of Salt Coke City, for the parpose of constructist!: a SOWCT upon svid portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, oat the asach'smonts Imade a-id reirrned in said comleted lists are hereby confirmed. 0ECTI011 2. This ordinance shall t:leo effect olio day after is 'lust hublicaticn. Sewer Extehoicn ho. 29._ First and Final E:timato. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Se1Iember 3rd, 1912. ( ,zet",;,>-:;•,--- ('' :_ „';.;-.0.,,-,,,,,7( 1 -, I Mayor e' i y ecor er-1 .." 129 129 • • • ROM*ue feet g C' 1,k SEP 3- 1 12 • . • - .CITY RECORDER • First Publication in- SEP4-1912 C;TY FtECOR'_,=iti.