129 of 1920 - Substitute for Bill No. 119, confirming validity of franchise to Bamberger Electric Company .., ...... - ROLL CALL — VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, -,„;.:•,:.,',..,...-.-..,.i.....-...,...,„J.,, , 192.1,1... -fifilPoens / —7--- Crabbe V/ I move that the ordinance be passed. -- Green .---._ .1,1eslen =MI t -- Mr. Chairman k!Result # AN ORDINANCE 01..D.L. ..6..1',..5iL; ,; ):Ju'll- .f..riTf.; -U',c.. V. idit:i• ,',,-... ., • ,....-i; ,.i.: -.;..h......i; certain :tro.-nc.i.t. --ie oi.d:i.-.,-1..A.c.c; • ..ttLod Lry tic Ji-t-; ,...tt,t!..e.ii t,t_. tilt .._ 1t-o Cit-t, :0:tail, 0:ii tic Cit:t. (1....tt ,-..-_,:t- 00tety0 ..-,t, -.J.d•;()L,, „L-,, .... , )..; oidlina-nce o,J.sic,.1. Li:, s..i.dt t; . ,..--t.,..-,101-1 Jni.:•.-. .tutu, j.cji-.,<- , ;JJ.. .,t,,tAtleci, --„„y (yrdint,noc .-.,J.,-:,;_,e.a, 0:, --,:; ,,_:. ...t.).oil or.: .2,o.t t':. .;..-tio:;.-,tt.-: ost tt......1.i It.,..t_o Utoth, .!'obittol-tcy ILtAih., i'..r.L. , ,„:; .,-)0:;co-. c o ,11:- -tot. • :,: 0.1 t:.,- tt.1,1 1.1o,.....xd: (.,:t- -,-)amt,irtio0t.,.,::•1. , l---::,,-. -1.:••••.1 , 10-1,t, 'attlati•',..•.:3 ino 0o.ttti .:',o-,.-.--t.t .[oil tt .it_._.• :_.11..-,; it....a J.i.-t•--., Ul;Lila, On -Loe (..)-ti.). ci ,.-..t.: ;Po.cc, :L..) -,(.,, (..t 1.i,t...,,.. tt,oil. -:,. 4.:,(2 .„, r -,i_col-,1,.--Lo .,.,.-112o,td. Cont--...._-...],r to y•-:, ,t.' -:itt.:vidt ..._.]:.1 .rt,o....-zd. ..t.-.iti Hj ..r..., a ..n0c, ..11.c/ hoi; eon -in •.':-1:--nal.Lit-,,t: rytiit .-tot; - ..:_t.c;c1 by .6k, ..; .tt: .,:,(r.".-tail ot: 31,-t Ict,],-.(,--. cot ; on .::;.h.C, ttt A..',..• o 2 .,',a-,to-...-b el-, :i.':)Ci , ..,;s: La.L.)L,,c,..-a,.._:',.,'L.,:i..,,,; O,70.011.i.t not i)0 d(.;C;.1_,.•,:i.'oh cubit .,,,i no l'[..,), it 0 h,.-.1.; .:.ill •,..,...'ru laTla, ;I:L; jji-Lct in Ito ao-oLroe oi' [-...ti...-.1. --,..ot;ott:-..in_ :t: ,tt,tt,-.;:..-to..-1 on.-Lin .....tio.to..l dctt- toytL, ti-iore-anriai- b-,,,-,- all ,t. int•ot.ti Uot.,-.11:,,. all ., ,..c.:L:1:,id ...:0 I, ;:..i_(I jfo-2-1-,:d-",-Ail'a, ,..,-hich nroceect.L.J.. .-:-, ‘..dti-o-, laowovoi-, V.t..dtd.....:::-.tol- al ttiti.f.;200. ...nd ',.;non isc:c_ d:e itui--a not 0.oc-.1. ,i.o..f:, va[ER.:_:;As, 'tic :..i-t-,.,10.-i;.i.01.-1 ..IL.,,,, i.--1 -3C:.41..1 'loon-ill "i;i!..1(.. of etTital in aop.--t....i:o. it.i.--,-ovuyClit h Jo: .-..ttlei J.. -tint Linoittoo,',. no tien.ts at So -t It Jto °it:, -.1.. ; aatiti:tt ;,-..tit ic-on 01c; .10-t11 a:: 2',...ia ,. .ill:50"2— .. er Hiectitic .1Littil-..,.-o-ci. Jad.. ;..-..nt., . t...,,,i:. :;,..-,;;;.; i.:,-. ii, .1-,0 ,- :c.,:ce,i,:lc. tilo I."ttit::, talc.' Tori,,rilop:ot:-, titt..-ntc.!(1 !...Q.,..,- ..t„..id. :Zitt-.t,c..;.t.i;to to a otti.-;.:,5-,:,, ,i).-,..-;:.t...'60 ,..1.1d ttdinto.in oint;:to oi dotLHic.: tit_..c,..sts. 00.... ..ti.a:ot ,;(..d.:.-L-, ..-iti-ct.-I .t.-ttytt 2,..1..oc;,_ 05 -to .0100L: 86. .,..r„..i. n(i..,t ,or ,;.; ."t-:.!. iy-,,,-,..ty.,-,1011-'6 ly.-.)-... mulcti .-to-.7: 1.-rd ,., idents. 1,117.1 be it.do -i-n:.--,;i-.) tt.,,,,, -,,,,..-11...1,i-'6.- ,-::.:: t, i,11 t:-.,,..,-,tc:).it c t-,...-,.;.-.1:n.....nce t.I I29-1- ,1 , , , ..., , ,„., . . , . . , as amended. shall have been conifirmed and removed from doubt, with respect to the or ossin of first -est ;treat. EOW, he it ordained by the ',oara ofCommis- ioners of :ielt aJake bit , 'Utah: 9E0110 I. iii.Lat tht ortiii franchiCe ordinance passed by the City COW-Jon oi alt :Lake (iity, litz..11, on the bth day of September, 1905, as amended by ordinance pa,ised. by said (fity.Counsil July 29th, 1909, as amended uy ordlYL.noe L-ised up the Board of Commissi One ; of ;alt Make S Ltah, ?ebruary let , 1012, as amended by orb.in,-nce pa3sed by said _;oard of tornmissiont era May 19th, 191;,ii, be, od the same is hereby c affirmed uith spect to the right of the ;arnbergb,r -,;lectr lc iailroad JOillpany tot construct, operate and bid ntin a single tracii only across Arst West Street from .3lock 55 to look 09. 320"5I00 2. In the opinion of the oard. of Commis.iion- ers, it is necessary to the peace , health non safety of the in- hgbitants of halt Lake City that this ord_inance bec one effective inaneinmedintely. SECTION 5. Ohio ordinance shall -IaLe efILect upon its pabli cat ion. (19-'144-7-7 Passed. op the ,;;Li.d. of CohimisJiobers od alt :!, e dip, Utah, this 28th day of September , lose. Ui corder. -2- 1 ., ; .'! i _ 0- 1 , • . , , < 0 . , . . , _. • , , , t i , ..f:iftj 1 -r..) c....,> : • '...' A ,-• , ; 0 A C I/ I r r r 1 '-* 4 . . [ , , . . 1 , 41 4 !, It 44 4