13 of 1901 - Ordinance 13 of 1901 – Confirming ordinance on Sidewalk Extension No. 2. Bill No. ' ' for AN ORDINANCE C0'7FIRMING THE ASS$SSMENT UPON PROPERTY ON ROTH SIDES OF THIRD EAST STREET BETWEEN EIGHTH AND TENTH SOUTH STREETS, FOR CONSTRUCTION OP GRAVEL SIDEeTALXS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUXI_L OF SALT LAKE CITY, Sec. 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved andc ompleted by the City council sitting as a Board of Equalization, of the property abutting on both sides of third east street between eighth and tenth south streets in sidewalk No. 30 in Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constr cting gravel aides-alks upon said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed/ Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. 7 i \ \\ 11 1, - — - .,- 11 ,• -.,) -,-,77,-1-014=1 -nqtr. r4whiReimait Irr,,,, 7ffraiirr- an 5017X1c,,Tq"-1) 'A .p.17A, T 2, "7107r -1-‘ ,.`r1"r" '-'"A! TTA, -el • i",', (Inn 'Tin ,r,,-r— s'" 'I ITT"'qv, Yl !".•fr: •,: 1rs;.,: `,1. t i'.n ::, ,CI 66t6666 ..1 1.-.1. Li.11.0 6,-6 a 0 16666 66 ,' ,a,it'r •* •0.92 k yi, ,,ni,- 1 , itw-ilio ,..,.1',!) eu.1 vf beesitteto o tii ka)iolc“,93 i.1)0-tof,1•,',Cio rz•W 1 h'',E,1-• ie aobze LiJ-a'i flo NiliJ.tsicit, -,1,4-..i tr.).1q. Of i‘ To iro.k.t.exii.eupr4 `to .b-Lew- ,e; .0 .)-..L.swette II SlIevi4e oz;ropi ,Jat,-.1 teu6 _31{Nte rfutiviJe:i Jt)eaze e,ef.., ;,,e .4t,ta. I.ovircg ---,,ri.tIo 7:„Thlitt)0 a tutiOq11,t1 Sill 10'• s Oir, 0N ', ...is' !: j_ ri .10: :::-; t:. ;:;:, ', Of1 tberLelit,Of., '(191€;,... Vii: ,Seelht L tn4 "'_c) OL ^0i ,r.ID ,• •--fel L.1,.1 szh--..t.1 Lie:It,,1:., Loo ii.t...e :i hoo-7.: ,.1,1 bite= o.beL: .. . 1 . \ . i I 1 \ [ N a 9 ,,T-, .•.`',...,:.`2.: AV\ 1 \\ ,