13 of 1909 - Ordinance 13 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 400, relating to vehicles and license for sa • All ORDI Af101. .An ordinance anerriir' and r.c n,.cti_�- ( ection 400 of the -devised. Ordinances Od :aft Lake City of 1903 as amended August 1.5, 1906. Be it ordained by the City Council of C aJ.t ,a1-;e City, Utal: Section 1. That section 400 of the Revised Ordinances of Bait Lake City of-1903 as amended. Pui,.nct 15, 1.906 .bg c,o the ci .me hereby is, amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: :sec cion 400. V- 'rCLf,3. It chill unl efui. r-or any jenlon, firm or corporation to engc.e in the business of hucxn,:n, I,assenL er, carrier, dr am, carter. chsci J„la drive , piano i ie dtr, e"- '.res e m-..n or cabman upon tho str _.ts of Call flake City without tax.:t obt. inink: license 20 to do. For such l.ieerso to carry pi-cccr^'era there shall be paid a semi- annuallieense tax, which shall Le paid into the City ]'reasury, semi- annually in advance, the amounts of money as follows: For a license to run an ommibua For a. license to run a En stinger vohiele drawn by two or more • horses:: - - - - -an20.00✓ For a license to run a passent er vehicle d awn c„ one horse - - 1.;.00 For a license to run automo c �- e carr ny not. mom.e than / four lersont; - -- - - - - - _ _. _ _ -- 0.00✓ For a license to run an au.tow_chilo ear,-yinm more then four persona _ ... .. .. 'i. 0 For a license to run a vehicle for cr ar 7. r-r ex re;,_ ltii,-:r, / ouch ve'z nmicle ari:.,- Br n di ere. oi.. p - - - - ._ - - -. - I,.00✓ b'o a license to ran a vehiclefo-3! e. . r. > anal: vet:iel.: -0 Cocoa by I.:;o or Inv .- - - - - .- Cl.'✓ And ,0 license in due teorm shell ix; I;ea8 b,r the proper .11';hor- itj , co such -.-j.er3en, '1. or r u Turrtic. , 1.f 2:I 1 -.,";cry ouch hereon, :1Ito or e yr orL Lion, V t o S'f7O,11. 0110 40 i;. the n • s, 05 to .;r:.a:�, v ci;;a11,. ✓, cru. a cr a frci'_;t:L c .ns.-i or, a];al i i"-3 inGo tie GI-Li ,.n l I:herefor an arnui lidanse G. - icr ca:.11 ; - 1:i C r-, .. „Jt.;,:.,. of moone;y oilo,iir; or P lioense a ran L;.. / 1 ehicle to uc a '!n o ",j one hore - - - - - - - _ _ 5.00 toe -1:Y V'c-11 I rt -;'r E it ;_ L 1.• vehicio to cc ,crrmcri by 1,, e or rs,cv e horses - - - - - - - - - 12.00/ br lice;'s<: Co run Pvei t.__ _- r nn i_'. c,. 10- ivr ly, rich vo- r i , to be drawn a one cn - - 9.00✓ For a licence 10l mienrun c veMel -;b r ' - _ elusively, su.cn vehicle, delay dr, r,_t o; , cr I,nr,) ;or. - - - J f;.00✓ or ruov>n�, itouOL_-o it furniture, such vehicle 'mini-: c1rana bi on horse -_ .. _ _ _ _. _- .. ._ ._ _. _ - _ 0.00 For a licence to run a vehic7.e for ch_a-r•_;in:° urili,cre1.:, or a v.:Llcle for mot i.na household for nCh r,< .,,eh two o;: more horses - - l,`:.00 ✓/ For a license to run an automobile ea ! u,-. - - - - - - 60.00 ✓ BJhiei ,sum, or sums, shall become due and payable, and shall be paid g 'aforesaid, in advance rat the e.econc i':;-,y or Jvhuary in each year; provided, that in map case, i.blero a licence shall be issue( after the beginning-, and durin the time of falot endar year, there shall be paid a whole year's licerso for such part of such year as aforesaid, and such license when issued, shall be effectual only until the said second day of January next ensuimy' after the issuance of the same. 3FCTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent: of such conflict. FRANK J. GUSTIN .p ATTORNEY-AT-LAW .�� SALT LAKE CITY. - UTAH 6-3 /qo 't Presented to the City Counc and referred tothe Committee on ✓ 1. e� JAN 1 11909 eiti6 OITY Recommit, presented to the City Cou and referred trthe Committee a ry - JAJA[.2 t-1909 11 CITY RECORDER, \�•l Preseetcu to the City Council, 4 Rec.ived and Ordered Fred, b iL!]i.fifT) j 0 ��city RECORDER, ',I C/