13 of 1923 - Providing for the sale of cigarettes and cigarette papers ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah,.,....,.., ...... .._.... Barnes ,192.3.... r Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Stewart Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING for the granting of permits for the sale of cigarettes and cigarette papers in Salt Lake City, Utah and for revocation thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. There is hereby created a new section in Chapter 33, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, to be known as Section 1345, providing for the issuing of permits for the sale of cigarettes and cigarette papers and for the revocation thereof, which said section shall be as follows: Section 1345. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to barter, sell or offer for sale cigarettes or cigarette papers in Salt Lake City without a first having obtainel/permit therefor which said permit may be granted and issued by the Board of Commissioners upon application therefor. The application for such permit shall be accompanied by a statement under oath by the applicant showing the location of the store, stand or other place of business where said permit is sought to be used and also the residence of said applicant,and shall be filed with the assessor of license taxes. No permit shall be issued until the applicant shall have filed with the city recorder a corporate surety bond in the sum of Five Hundred ( 500.00) dollars conditioned upon the faithful observance of all provisions of Chap.52, Laws of Utah, 1923, and for payment of all damages that may result from the unlawful sale of cigarettes or cigarette papers. No permit shall be issued until the- appli- cant shall have paid to the Treasurer of Salt Lake City an annual license fee in the sum of One Hundred 0100.00) dollars. Bach permit shall be numbered and shall show the residence and ; place of business of the permit holder and shall not be transfer- able. Upon receipt of said application by the Board of Com- missioners it shall be referred to the Chief of Police who shall,' within five days after such reference, report to said Board the general reputation of the store or stand and the general reputa- tion and character of the person who proposes to carry on said business of selling cigarettes ar cigarette papers, and whether any law of the state or ordinance of the city has been, or is being, violated by the applicant, and if so in what respect, ('and whether the business of applicant is being conducted in a !quiet, lawful and proper manner and any other matters regarding (which the Board should be informed, together with a recommenda- tion as to the granting or denying of said application. Upon ,Ilreceipt of said report from the Chief of Police the Board shall ;act on said application in regard to granting or denying the '[same as it shall deem just and proper. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to in- i Ivestigate and examine from time to time all places licensed to ,,sell cigarettes or cigarette papers and if it shall appear from such investigation and examination that any law of the state or ;ordinance of said city is being' violated at any licensed place or by any licensee or his agents or servants, or that said place is not conducted in a quiet, lawful and proper manner, said Chief of Police shall at once report the particular facts in ;regard to such matters to the Board of Commissioners, together - 2 - i�'i with his recommendation with regard to revoking said permit and the Board shall take such action in regard to the revocation of such permit as it shall deem just and right. The Board. of Com- missioners, may, on reasonable notice and hearing, revoke the permit of any such person, firm or corporation licensed under the provisions of this ordinance and when such permit has been revoked no now permit can be issued to such person, firm or corporation within a period of two years thereafter. Upon re- vocation of any permit report shall immediately be made of such act ion by the City Recorder to State Treasurer of the State of Utah. SECTION II. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by fine in any sum not ex- Deeding Two Hundred Ninety-nine (c299.00) dollars or by imprison. mend in the city jail not longer than six months or by both such ), fine and imprisonment. The court may, in imposing the fine, ente as part of the judgment that in default of the payment of the fine the defendant may be imprisoned in the city jail for a period not exceeding six months. SECTION III. In the opinion of the Board of Commission) ars, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the in- habitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. (� _ �P� lil it y Passed by the Board of Commissioners this a of cl\vr:&.- , A. B., 1923. Gi���-u��='flu bi a, y o r At 401111%Ka / City recorder. - 3 I ' 2 2 2 pm) ]!' 2 Sit: CiP 010I4 is OR ©Ii?P.i xi 3 I+ARs ZNO%T ALL I ICI :iti'3 a'RWRIEM Oat re �w r • as Priaoipal, end the a aura y company author- 3f�iit l"' a iwi1n si sosto of vtishe as sari*, ere hell sot ttasly 'bound taste Corr the► benefit et all. apart UR, sxs.else i off' FrTE xurmrED oo.00 ) pOL e , ecs, and truly te'k�e paid. we bleat ourselves. our and Msigae. r and utsrali y, i"1 surly by there preeex . to ned award sealed ini s day o f , �8 ,,. COADI'Cltst OP Ms AtiO!L oBLII?t'.R"ION to to tlat;: Ilhoulagio the ease saosall Prtnoi deal tiros to barter. sell ant ,ter pLo oigarrettee end. 4oi reett erp te pere during the year 1e se Warne a u tie Ilbereflev far 4e Iteet4 akt periaant to the terms of Chapter I 12, of rlibb sf ins auto-8 tail, for the year 1923, add to give 'tend es try said eat regaired. NOW u;, ;, , if dtar the torn of e� lieenae, seta pa?thoi *L 13 faithfully observe all provisions of Chapter a , 3eeelen amen of Utah, 192Z, and -) ' p all %Imagos them nay result Iran the unlawful Bete of eigazettea ear cigarette pore ten this obligation shall 'to void and of no effeott bat o ire to rerenhl in full foree and virtue. 3B WII AR) wHatii0P. the Principal and acid anrety have hereunto eel *sir hand Grad Goal this _ deg/ of _F__,..,, ttef4at Plate-kriefitens. A22I'3T s Resident Asein fent 3ovrotery. R • • .7 6) • • 111 � ) AD- or• b } • frfl • • i.: I' c��