13 of 1935 - Ameding Chapter LVII, relating to taxicabs, one taxicab for every 1400 population. Imc. lON ., ROLL CALL - - J VOTING AYE I NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, �" 6i3- "" 193 fr, Goggin I move tlidt the ordinance be passed. r•. Keyser Knight ,..�1' Lee D'Ir. Chairman - - - iAN/ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LVII, revised Ordinances of ra.lt babe City, Utah, 1934, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Cection to be known as Section 1328, relating to taxicabs. U,e it ordained by the Board of Coal issioner ', of Salt Lake City, Utah: 'EC'TION I. That Chanter LVII, revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Titan, 1934, be and the same is hereby amended by ad.dingg in and to said Chapter a new Section to be }mom as Section 1328, relating to taxicabs, which shall read as follows: SEC. 1328. Any license now issued and any which may hereafter be issued to engage in the business of operating' taxicabs in trait Lake City shall mean and be construed to be only a license or privilege to use the streets and public ways of Salt Lake City for the business of operating taxicabs thereon.. There shall not be issued to owners of taxicabs by the City License Collector. and Assessor, or other authority, for the operation of taxicabs, a greater number of licenses than one taxicab for every 1400 of the population of alt Lake City, based on the United States official census for Salt Lake City of 1930, and upon any subsequent United States official census of. the City as hereinafter made and determined. Such license shall be apportioned to the various appli- cants therefor as the foard of Commissioners may determine , the -public interest requires. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the uoa.rd. of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of tialt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. ,:`ECTION 3. Ihis ordinalcil shall take effect upon its first r)u:olication. / )''' , / i / /, '' , „, i ) Pa s'c 0 iy tar '301,-/c", o Coo:vi 7,:.-.•j o le r at nb 1 t J,L he City, G---- Utah, this . ' y of f .,). 1...,,5. 1-,Tor es q:.,.,. 1 - . 13 r 1...0 ORDINANCR tr— Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED Fi_o Gl 195 CITY RECORDER :First Publication in FEB z5-1935 nn 1441Z144414 GITY RscorweA -- __ •..... - -. anof of '',3u.i..trattutt Mint?' *twits of Attierito STATE OF UTAH , ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE tr7,;:,-7,,,ovoRtuaaNcE , i .. XII ordinance amending Chapter ,-, LVII,Revieed Ordiikances of Salt Lake Ciiy,,Utah,.1934,by adding ,in and to said chapter a new sec- . tion,to be:known as Section 1328, H. P. THOMPSON ela'Mita taxicabs. ! rBet'it ordained by the Board of ''—'llGairninissioners of Salt Lake City, being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk • • section 1. :that Chapter LVII, ' Revised Ordinances of Salt;Lake City,Utah,1934,be and the same is•hereby amended by addin of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in g ' and to said chapter a neW section' ; la be•known as Section 1328,re- ' lating to taxicabs:which shall read Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, State of Utah. . as follows: • Sec:1328..Any license now is- sued and any which maY here- after be issued to engage iti the That the Notice AN__ORDINANCE.. business of operating taxicabs in Salt Lake City shall mean, and be construed to be only a license or privilege to use the streets and public ways of Salt . Lake City for the business of 1 .operating taxicabs thereon. . There shall not be issued to SALT LAKE CITY -C-ORPOR-ATION owners of taxicabs by the City License collector and Assessor, • . Or other authority, for the operation of taxicabs,a greater I nuniber of licenses than one taxicab for every 1400 of the of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- ' Mtipulation of Salt Lake City, based on the United States offi- cial census for Salt Lake Citey. paper in its issue dated the 23rd of 1930, and upon any suos intent United States official cen- sus of the city A hereinafter . Made and determined.' day of February , 193 5, Such licerisetahall be appor- L tioned 10 the various applicants therefor as the Board or Corn- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on missioners may determine the ' public interest requires. Section 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is nee- February 23rd5 for essary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall( thereafter,the full period of One insertion take effect immediately. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publical tion. the last publication thereof Passed by the Board of Commisl stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah, this 21st day of February,A.D. 1935. being in the issue dated the 23rd_ day of LOUIS MARCUS,Mayor. (Seal)ETHEL MACDONALD, ; City Recorder. , February Bill No.13. ,A.D.193 5 Published February 23,1935. I ... . • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd -----7lay of February ,A.D.193 5 ------- _ , _,-----/-----/--r.-1--.--i--4----.--,---(______ ___ __---- Notary Public. _„--- -----____/i Advertising fee $ 1 9 • PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM Tbe ttlt Enke Tribune ) county Entry,No