13 of 1936 - Amending Section 1306 as amended relating to Taxicabs. ROLL:CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, 193
Goegin I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser _
A itexx - - - -,
Lee I
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1306 of the hevised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah., 1934, as amended by an, ordinance passed by
the hoard of Commissioners on May 1, 1954, as amended by an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 18, 1936, relating
to taxicabs.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 1306 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on May 1, 1934, as amended by an ordinance
pasned by the Board of Commissioners on February 18, 1936, relating
to taxicabs, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
SEC. 1306. Before any taxicab license is issued the
owner shall file with the Board of Commissioners a true finan-
cial statement verified by him, shoring that he has assets sub-
ject to execution of the reasonable value in excess of his lia-
bilities as follows: For less than ten taxicabs licensed or to
be licensed assets shall be $5,000.00 in excess of liabilities;
for ten and less than fifteen taxicabs licensed. or to be li-
censed, assets shall be $7,500.00 in execs:: of liabilities; for
fifteen or more taxicabs licensed or to be licensed, assets
shall be $10,000.00 in excess of liabilities. Said statement
shall disclose such information and shall be upon such form as
shall be required by the Board of gommissioners, and shall be
referred. by said Board to the City Treasurer and City Auditor,
and to such other competent person skilled in auditing and ac-
counting as the Board of Commissioners may determine, for exam-
ination and report. Upon the receipt of such report or reports,
-- -
if said statement has been approved, the Board of Commissioners
shall authorize the issuance or rejection of u. taxicab license or
licenses to said owner, or take such other action with. reference
! !
thereto as said koard deems proper. Financial statements shall bel
filed annually and may be reired by and shall be submitted to th
1board of ComTissioners by any ouner from Limo to time ns nay be 1
directcd by said. Board when special circumstances arise. It the I
htime of filing any stqtement said o7nor shall f;ay to the city. tread
4surer a filing fee in the sun of 010.00; provided that in lieu of
such financial statement the owner may filb with the Board of Com- I
issioners, and thereafter shall.. bees in full force and effect a I
I 1
policy of insurqnce executed. by an insurance company Ticenued to do
o • 1
business in the tate of Utah and approved by. the Board of Commis- 1
Honors insuring any person against loss or damage to his person I
11Aqat may result to him or his heirs from the negligent oueration oil
any taxicab operated by or on behalf of said oaner. The amount ofl
q I
,h I
Usuch policy to be not less than the followiw!, sums: For injury- Lol
one person, or the death of any on person in any one accident, 1
I i
41,000.00; and for the injury to more than one oerson, or the deatn
of more than one person in any one accident, $1,000.00; provided, 1
liol,ever, that in lieu of said financial statemnt or oolicy of in-
surance any owner may file wi1Gh who board of Commissioners and I
thereafter-shall bean the same in full force and effect a surety
bond in such form as the Board of CO=i5E101102;S may deem proper,
Oxecuted by a responsible arid solvent aurety company authorized to
d I
do a surety business under the laws of the ELoto of Utah, which 1
dbond shall be conditioned that the owner will pay all final judg- 1
Iments rendered against him for damages on account of Injuries to i
;any person by reason of the operation of any- taxicab, wgicn bond I
h 1
Osha/1 be in the sum of $1,000.60 for the opeation of one tazicab,
shall be
and shall be increased $1,300.00 fur each additional taxicab uperal-
ed; or in lieu thereof bond of the same amount and effect as that
;required. if executed by a corporate surety executed by two good an
sufficient Individual sureties, each of llhom shall be and remain
and whenever required by the City Luditor shall ta. e oath and satis
fy him that he is the ocher of proi,c,rty in ni c'tata of Uthh nct
e-.x.empt fro,iL aiLecu'uiJh of We value af no laaa than ' l,c.i.)u.O0.
Caid bond If libt aix-autbd by. a C321,u2LtC suruLy• ,Lualicied
said, shall. b,- aparoved by• the City Lt.i'ii:jr and We pc.:r:on filing
the same shal1 pay co tha City. T.rba2tircr a. fill in the Lnlm
of ti0.00.
It shall. bc unlaeui for any ov,acr Lu oeratc• al. causa
i to be operated ,ny• La.Licab v,-ill.out navihg ch6P-ilcan atiti- oved il-
1 .- •,...' 'P• ' •-, '.,4 nancial 2tatement in good standing, or••a,polax p1" LT roe cr
2- • • ' ' 5, .,.• -,-
bond as described in nib sectiOn in r.141 f671*2 ana• affpct at ail
Limed during the oi-)cration ofs-uph La:A:14a.
. , . ..... .ft'...
LiT(7,TION 2. In cite ,a1). hiou of thc j4trd..4C0-4-iissiJac2,
• ,,.,
(. ,..
• it ia necusaary• to the peace, ,healtn and .2ufyy Of t494habitants
of IM.1L Lake Cl_ty Chat this 0rrd1nan,„:e2hli 'take cf.nce0 iLidiatcly.
' 1 2ECTION6. ThiS ordinance s'ucIll take effect cr:Jon its
. • first publication. . „••- ----7
. _
I Pa2 by the . ,aid ofCuza,i7oiona-22 of Calt Iakb City,
Ar #
Utah, this _2: _ day of itt,..1& _i
_ . /
1 - 7
I i i 1 J ,
,ity Feeord.e.r.
i \
Presented to the.Board of Commis9innets
First Publication in
•.dSTY N£
proof of Jnh1trtt#tnn
1 Ltited*tatro of.merira
TION 1306 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah.. 1934, as
ended by n ordinance passed by
the Board.of an
on May I H. . . TTIOI'.P;10
1,1034,as ended by an ordinance ----
passed by the Board of Commission-,
' rilr;,Wg—fllignet,rY 1.8,.1936,relating to,
tEco�Biee i Co
mmissioners ed£be t enR and of being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
' Utah: o
SECTION 1. That Section 1306
of the Revised Ordinances of salt
Lake City, Utah. 1334, amended THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
by an.ordinance passed by 1 lard II
of Commissioners on Mayy 1. 1934,
' as amended by an ordinance passed City,State of Utah.
by the Board f Commissioners c
February le. 1936,relating to taxi-
cabs, be and the same is hereby
amended to reed as follows:
SEC.130e. Bete any taxicab h- That the Notieelth-Di' TN..LiT-i;-„ BILL 1.-3-
with sued the owner shall Mc- f
Cwith is R 1.
nth fine vialBoard of Commissioners verified
true financial statementhat lost ed by
sal showingtexecution
that he has assets: r;�:.,.^_-rTr,•--
subject to xecutfon of the re _ 3,1,j'j�..__._ U '>V - V`• �[ 4�`-�
able value in excess of Ifs liabilities - �•
s follows: For less than ten taxi-`
cabs licensed or to licensed essets
shall be$5000 in excess of liabilities;
for ten and less than fifteen taxi-
nabs licensed or to be licensed,assets
shall be $3500 1n excess of taxicaassbs
' hies; for fifteen ormore
licensed or io be 310,000 i e excess licensed. liabll-
itles. Said statement shall disclose
such information and shall he upon
uch form as shall be required by of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
the Board of commissioners, and
shall be referred by said Board to
the City Treasprer and City Auditor,
and to such other competent ner'son I paper in its issue dated the
skilled in auditing and accounting,as
the Board of Commissioners may de-I
• termine,for examination e3 and report.[7pon the reoelpt of sucri report or AnriI , 1�,, ,
ports,if said statementsas been day Of
•approved,the Board of Commission-
hall,authorise the Issuance
selection of a taxicab lic take such ense or lie-
es to saidowner. and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
other action with reference thereto.
as said Board deems proper.eq Finan_Ii
vial statement. shall he filed a Arir.� �SZ'(�- for
wally and may be ruired by and
hall be submitted to the Board of
Commissioners by coo owner fern
time to time as may he directed by
said Board when special irrnm- (i[5;,: l-abort i011.
'stances arise. At the time of filing thereafter,the full period of
any statement said owner shall pay
to the city treasurer a filing fee in
the sum of $10' provided that in
lien of such financial statement the last publication thereof a
the owner may rile with the _C
of Commissioners, n
shall keep 1n full force and effect arS.rd
a policy of insurance exec ted by day Of
n insurance company licensed to de being in the issue dated the
business,in the state of Utah and
approved by the Board of Commis-1 r
stoners Insuring any Person thatins April A.D.193
loss or damage to his on
y r ss It to him or his heirs from
the negligent o„Vpetion of any taxi-,
cab operated The amount or o
said ownr. off such
less than te follow-
ingiCumsPolcy to:For e notinjury to one person.,
or the death of any sins person for
any accident. $1000. a
.the injury to more than one person, ¢t?' day of
or the death of mare than one PeT o before me this
• n in any one'foot1,t, sold
aided.however,that in lieu of sold
financial statement or policy of in-
s any owner may file with the
Board of Commissioners and there-
otter !hall keen the same in soul , A. D. 193 ' •
force and effect a surety bond in -_�
lt� ~tL--'l GiC yli��J
q V Notary Public.
My commission expires — �S// /3,
Advertising fee$
such form as the Boned or Corn-.
missioners ere deem wooer.
cuted by a responslh'.e and solvent•
surety comnanv nutlrorl^ed to On
nrety business under the laws Of
the State of Utah,which bond rha"
be conditioned that the owner win.
pay all final Judgments rendered
oaainet him for damaers on account
f inhales to r v person by reason
wh'rh the
lrall be any In the ours of
$10n of one too,-
cab end the ell cire In crraserl SLIM
lieu each thereof bond delltionnl of the some
qr,In and effect as that reoutred
• 1f amount executed bee a co rate surety
executed by two cood and sufficient
• individual sureties. each of whom
shall be and er el and ^dtenev^"I
required by hem City him
take oath e n
is the owner of n in trip State':
of the
not of exemptexecution
of Lira wiles I n t ot cuted it 3]DOO.
Sald poreteosureti'qualified Led hie a
• forrsald.
shall hp enproved by the sCity Audi-
tor and the person filinn the Sam •
hall pay to the City Tr^^^ureraI
filing fee 1n the sum of 110:
'It shall bop cons,en toe v evene
to he operated
any operate
d or cons,
statement without havina on f file
an,approve colony of lnv,r-
eood.r bond
asa r
bond described en the':al 1n full gore nod etioct oo
all times
during trio operation of
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners.it i. noses-
sari,to the Peace.heath rod safety
of the Inhabitants of Solt rake Olin
that this ordinance shall fake effect
'SECTION 3. This ordinance shell
taro effect upon Its first neibi lcntion.
Passed Sr the Board of
of Salt r Cite,.',tali, hs..
2 y of Aml A.,en 1033.
E.B. Ew,VT'-'. Mr-or.
nobel Macdonald,City Recorder.
B April 3d, 1730.
0'0 tt.tt Kuhr Megrant
Entry No