13 of 1938 - Vacating alley in Lot 5, Block 1, amended Gilmer Square Subdivision of Block 17A, 5-acre Plat 'A', B ROLL GALL LU j y yd
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah,_________ , 193
Goggin•- - - - - / I move that the ordinance be passed. �/
Matheson - - - sf
Murdock /,:
Mr.Chairman - - - - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY in Lot 5, Block 1, Amended
dilmer 8ouare Subdivision of Block 17A, 5-Acre Plat A, gig Meld
A9 l i Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
d c
o.- b
° Lake City, Utah:
.1.! -.-
SECTION 1. That alley in Lot 5, block 1, Amended Gilmer
Square Subdivision of Block 17A., b-Acre Plat A, Pig Field :survey,
more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 5,
block 1, Amended Gilmer Square Subdivision of Block 17A,
i 5-Acre Plat A, Pig field Survey, running thence west 13
feet, thence north 281.22 feet, thence east 17 feet,
thence south 281.22 feet to place of beginning:
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property as an alley.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to the rights of
way and easements of the Utah Light N Traction Company and the
Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under fran-
chises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace
the electric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone
circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together r.ith
the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or af-
fixed thereto for the support of said electric telephone an< tele-
graph lines, wires and distrri.bution circuits as now erected and
maintained upon or across the portion of said street to be closed,
during the life of the franchises held by said companies, or any
extensions thereof.
Also subject to perpetual easement in Salt Lake City for
the construction, maintenance, repair or replacement of any water
mains, sewers or extensions thereof.
SECTION 2. In the opinion} of tie board of Commissioners
_l t
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the i_nhalitents .
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately;P
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. „ 1
Passed by the Coerd of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this lc ay of February, A. D. 193A.
Tempora y CLairman. 1
City Itecoroer.
' 0-7
Preortsd to i;eva E!
FEB1 7 1938
First Publication
atilt crry ilagRDER
Proof of Inhlita#ton
1niteit Mutsu of Ancerira
I LEY in Lot 5. Block 1, Amended
Gilmer Square Subdivision of Block I H. Y„ TFTCp".Ty'$O>\T
17A,3-Acre Plat A, Big Field Sur-
pe it ordained by the Board of
.Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
' Utah: ley in Lot 5,.SECTION 1.Thatbeing first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
Block 1,"Amended Gilmer Square
Subdivision. of Block 17A, 5-Acre
Plat A,Big Field Survey,more par-
ticularly described
ncing bee as f ll g uthwest THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
corner of Lot 5,Block 1;Amended
Gilmer square Subdivision of Block City,State of Utah.
174,5-Acre Plat A,Big'Field Survey,
running thence west 13 feet,thence
'north 281.22 feet, thence east 13
feet,.'thence south 281.22 feet to
place brbegmning: That the Notice ASS ORDINANCE.
be and the same is hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be public,
property Sean alley,
Said vadation is made azpresaly
subleot to the rights of Way and SALT .a...QITY...CORFOR4T.10 .
easemente of the Utah Light &
'Traction States
and the Moun-
tain States elephne&der Telegraph fran-
chises acquired
from Salt Lake City to maln-
.tain, repair, alter and replace the
electric transmission, distribution
of telegraph and,telephone circuits,
:lines,wires and poles of said com-
panies,together with the necessary
stop cross-arms and other attach-
ments thereon or affixed thereto for the support.of said electric tile-
of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
phone and telegraph lines,wires and
distribution circuits as now erected y
and maintained upon or across the
portion of said street to be closed, paper in its issue dated the 24th
during the life of the franchises
held by said c mpanfes,or any ex-
tensions thereof. March 1938
Also subject to perpetual ease- day of '
ment in Salt Lake City fox the con-
struction, aintenance, repair or
replacement of any, .water mains,se eof.
and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
SECTIONxtensions there 2, In the pinion of
the'Board of Commissioners,
It d is March to the peace, March 24th
safety of the.Inhabitants of Salt for
Lake City that this ordinance shall
take-effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall One i.nS ert ion
take effect upon its first publics- thereafter,the full period of
Passed by the LaBoardke
i of Commis-
17th dayf oflt February,,A. a Dty, . 1938.
W.MURDOCH,- the last publication thereof
Temporary Chairman.
Ethel Macdonald,City Recorder.
(SEAL.) 24th dayof
BILLPuoli NO.lost M13.arch 24,1A1R being in the issue dated the
Marc• ,A.D.1938
Suscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of
March , A. D. 1933
L Z.=/ d Notary Public.
My commission expires / ' ` % /`/i
Advertising fee$
c�I r 'ttlt Eake &Irgrttm
Entry No