13 of 1943 - Amending Section 835-increasing salaries of Manager of Parks and Office Manager in Department of Par ROLL CALL .1, x�N '' 'I Salt Lake Citp,Utah, I' 43.__._194 VOT[N4 -NAY AYE C,01 in - - - I move that the ordinance be passed. NkConkicil.axabsrbm - - Mr.cha"n,an - — AN ORDINANCE Rs3"It - - - - AN OhDINANt i? AmgADING SECTION 835, of the Revised ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by the beard of Commissioners on. January 5, 1942, designated as bi i I No. 2, and amending Section 836, of the ;Revised Ordinances of Cult Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by the Board o. Commis- sioners on January 5, 1942, designated as bill. lie. 1 ,relating; to bepart:maut of Parks and Public Property. De it ordained by the Board or Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 835, of the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, L934, an ordinance passed by the board of Commissioners on January 5, 1942, designated as bill No. 2; and Section 836, of the Devised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 5, 1942, designated as bill No. 1; rulatinL to Department of Parks and Pustic Property, be and the sane are hereby amended. to read a.sfollows: "SEC. 835. MANAWIS. OP PAS KS AND PUBLIC YHOPSIlTY. There is hereby created the office of Manager. of Parks and Public Property, under the general supervision of the Commissioner of Parks and Public Property. The Board of Commissioners may appoint to such office a person competent and experienced at a salary not to exceed 'Twenty- bur Ifiaulred($2400.00) Dol- lars per annum (which amount: includes the 41O.O0 as provided in Bi.li. No. 9, published April. 23, 1943), Payable semi-monthly and such officer may occupy as his residence the dwelling lo- cated in Liberty Park, rent free. The _,-Manager of .marks and Public Property shall take anu subscribe the constitutional ....,..,— •-;,- oatn of ofiice and cfkecute a bon0 kith good an1. aufhicioat sureties to be L,, p_COVea by boo _iooara of Calami.SiUD...rS, payable to i,alt La.,.c:o City!, in the 0UL1 of '.1 0 Tilualct and 00/.1.00 ( 2,000.60) Jo.I.LarS, conditioned for Li.10 t;alj.L;ZaO1,-.01!y- bOr:1:0121a- an0e of the autico of said officer and the oayment of all monios recived by him ao :..,uqh officer. it shall be the duty of the Manager of Pan,-;,o and. Public Croporty to super:vide and aireC* 41e ooFkof the maintenance and improvinfteni of all tiara aiiC. 5.6. 1c.,;!lifoaecty of ;,alt Lake City not anon for controkarndmcarc t4aomq. other depart !'::: iaent of the City and. to perfoiii sued othOi";-.w o ork a shall be --.7v ,,•. -,---- ' reqaired of him by the Commiss49ner '01: Pi.'4s and Public Pro SEC. 836: or-[..ac MANAGEh. TheMoc o. hereby created. in the Pepaf'tment of Parko and Public Prodecty the pooition of Office Manager, andcu• the .ih:?,neral 5UperVi:AUD. of the i:ommissioacr of said departTent. The heard of Commisolonero ifLqy ak!,oldt a comootent and qualified. beoarl. tp L.he position ci-:' office manager at a oalt.ry inot to eaceE:I l'w-a,iitymiotch Hundred (0..-'11‘.).3.,.) ) oot Lain; p(if anralin '. ••• (,•dij..(:.17. hraut..i.O.i, inclack-,3 (Ala 4,1.0.,..)) 00 010v1)L11)6 In L.1.1 L No, 9, jr;ubli.:.,IDA 1,,0,L'11. 1.1, ILOOP), ary,--dae :-.kaal-;-aonthiy. IL shc1li... bo the auty of Li o oiTicto (Itallabt' to oupecvine It d direct tae vor,.: -In tne officc of the Commio:kiener of Par!is and 2nblie mroderty 010 to pCri:orM StWb on.C:f toir'k 00 shall be required o:C him by the Commloolonor oi such department. -.U7'.,CTI.CA k.. In the opinion ot tiae Doard of Commissioners it is necesoary to the oeacc, health and oafety of the inhahitanto of Halt Lake City that tifio orulhonce hhaii take e.I.,:ect imtiediately. ,d,,,,cTifol::,; i,-,, T:„-L-is 0 1.,ctin.Linco._; Hiai tai,;:e Liifoc L at once upon 16- ..to ilast publication. 1/a) aoaed. by the Jioard. of C0,111:,;..-;:i.one r:5----ji :.;•.._j_•;:, (,a1,:.e ...; by,i Utal , 'Lobs clay at (4--",..... L ,, i . ), 1,),43,, .., (1„,-itit • • :,.. ,... v i, i ., 7-,-4° P a' a `'...1,._.. . _ .. ...... . , . . aiv.v ,amoirahr. 447,, 0.0 it, 40 - I a. • OP z 47. " ;• sta Pit`t' it*" -7• . 1-4 _ • 1 • • • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Legal Notice I AN ORDINANCE L.--•--- --'--� • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC-I ban TakeCity, Utah.Revised9 Ordinances d of .- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- yc passed by theBoard of --1 sioner4 on a ' 5,amending designated as vertisin,g cleric of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper bill No. v and 'tt f the Revised Ordinances of ce Lake City, lit h, 1939, `l by the n°ard Commissioners N published in Salt Lance City,Salt Lake County,in the State 'January 6, 1942,edesignated' 1; c Linz er Department of Parke and } IPUDlic Property. of Utah. Be it rs ordained the Board t h I of Salt Lake City, Utah: BookedSECTION t1.o That 0 Salt a3a. of the Revised 4dinances in Selt Lake City. �/ Utah. 1934,dordinance passed by That the advertisement the Board si Coed ssl bill January d S, 1942.designated a e.at d 2: and of Section L836,ott of the Revised Ordinances v ;i - - t .. �. of Salt Lance City,Utah, 1934,a otmin- -•alma passed by the Hoard of Commis- n January a,1942,designated a bill kNo. 1; relating to Department of • • Parks and Public he and the came are hereby ae00c0d read a • - followr: '00 01 835. MANAGER OF PARKS AND PUBLIC he office Y.of There hereby created the office f arty,Manager:f Parks and general tv Properly,of the (tommer fe ssion 'of Parkst and-011 Public Pron- epp 'Inc Board of ' may was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the °mints-tm,erP appoint .1 pe office person Cont- to ent exceed experienced Hundred at a l(52400ary . to o d i 500 (which amount r Dollars per nnu n re - v o.9,includes the ed A u drd i payable n Billday a f A. D. 19 • semi-m°.9,published Aprils 2]fficer, N pn[his randesidence such officer ratea9 his r t deuce the t free.g the ,,L led in Liberty Park. Manager o of Parka cr ruche Property and was published ,•, hall take and °Mr,la the constitu- tional a bond with of office and en execute a tbond with good y t sufficient sureties the last publication,thereof being in the issue dated the o be approved pa by the ait i Cem- m5--iotlet'e of Two to Seat Laka -100 'i ,h0 t f Two Thousand and 00-the taatl facto1 Dollars. conditioned0000t for the a ti-factory pertmmanne of the antics clay 0f A. D.t �t q la,,iV.d officer ,V the payment f all 4 r''➢n tc. eed ey duty a 'e fficer. • If rk, be the c P of the Manager eofl Pacd direct Public Property the super- ,, 'Emetic.vise and the work of parmaika , • od and ro of 11 Darks end avblic property c n salt d care city Advertising Clerk not thence for gent of and ear soma other department oche f the City and t perform vhi trier work as shall be required t him by,the Commissioner of Parks and fFIC Pronerty. ere s SEhereby6 createdEtikI the Department' of Parks and Public Pronerty the pos- ition OHire Manager.ttndcr the gen- eral tn00Vllton of the cnmtn,-,;nnereor to before one this _ aed department. day of The Board competent Commissioners glualifed posit to the position of and manager at ;plary L to exceed Twenty-four Hundred A D. f 9 (52400.001 Dollars per (woe.h I ^S /l 1 t L palodes the 51000,a r led s pro,tr amount n➢01l No�9f-m0nthlyd Aprt]2S,19431. papa shall sem office It ghall to W the deity of the work en -vice of and direct the work an the office o1 the Commissioner l` - and matte Pr°patio and t0 ,f of Parks eh_all be l "--\-. .-�:.✓`--.�i �_ t perform such other work as _ tlnit'ea of him by the Commissioner f Notary Public. u h dopartntent. a SECTION 2. is the oniniis a the Hoard of Commissioners tt-itetveCof aarY t hen to the peace. heatth td mbabalte'v f Salt Laka t ttm•tha4 Lhe. prSECTIe shall take eft act i dta(aloe effect aTat 3.Thia010 its first hpupublica- tion. ce Passed by the 1Board of Comntiaeaon- s 0f Salt,Lake City. Utah. this nth day of April,A.D., 1943. AS JENKINS, Mayor. (SEAL) E•THEL MACCDRe.coLd City r. FRANK A.SHIELDS Chief Deputy City Recorder. BILL NO. 13. Published May 1,1040. r), Proof of Publication OF Atto7 ney