13 of 1945 - Amending Section 609 relating to Board of Health (salaries) ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. •
Matheson . . .
Mr. Chairman . .
Result t
Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by
an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah, on March 16, 1944, as amended by an ordinance gassed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on August
15, 1944, relating to Board of Health.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 609 of Chapter VI of the hevised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance
pissed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
March 16, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board. of
Couudi.ssioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on August 15, 1944, relating
to Board of Health, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
"SEC, 609. APPOINTMENTS. The Board of Commissioners may
appoiTt the following officers, assistants and employees of the
Board of Health, w:rho shall receive annual salaries, payable
semi-monthly, not exceeding the a aunts as follows;
Health Commissioner 4800.00
First Assistant Health Commissioner . . 3120.00
Second Assistant Health Commissioner . 2400.00
The Health Commissioner and first and second assistant *�
Health Commissioners shall receive the sum of 05.00 per .r
month for transportation and expenses.
Chief Sanitarian, who shall have charge of division
P" of milk, meat and food inspection arl divi-
sion of sanitary inspection 93420.00
Assistant Chief Sanitarian 2640.00
Bacteriologist 2.060.00
Inspector in charge of Sanitary Section 2400.00
Inspector in charge of Food Section. . . 2400.00
Inspector in charge of milk Section . . 2400.00
Veterinarian in charge of Meat Inspection 2580.00
first Grade Inspectors, each '
�_'3 2100.00
second 0rao.e Inspectors, each yj:i be.uu
G_'iiei of Nursin Division 204U.Uu
Chief of Quarantine inspection . 220.00
, uty ,ebistrur of Vital Statistics. . . 2100.00
i'e °sonnei Director . . . 3000.00
Officer Manager . . . . . 21uu.uu
i.first 6ruo_e Nurse . . . . 1860.00
Jocund Grade nurse 1740.00
Third. Crude nurse 1620.00
Fourth Grade Nurse 15UO.U0
Tdrat Grace Veterinarian ,Sou.OU
,ecuoc Grade lot ina^ian 2460.00
Third Grade veterinarian , , , , , , , , , 2340.00
Fourth GraCe Veterinarian 1220.00
1 %
,ether the 'aicf b tarisn, As i tant Chief f ['unitarian,
q or the Inepeeto in char, mf ;fit rje scsig a n ha'L Co
vato n rian. .4
e�t r inayyyii A for hai o r...c u Ot;es of an approved
.02 xk9 veterinary scho an c jeetent ,nu. iiii Elie i ,:�s vctc rin-
r uns ” 0 ,;,F�Ag
uaC 131. 2. t » , on o f loci.Ri Coia. l sioners,
h it is necessary to t peac ._th n_LI ei js 1 lie _i..�:bitant
1 4
p -' of bait j uIce City this ante oot iae eli ctive I eciately.
4 A.., ui C,TiU;: 3• This ordinance sna 11 t ice effect upon its
first y,ublicntion.
passed by the boars of Cons:iissionors or Cult I.aoe City,
Utah, this — day or ato .1 , 21..,_,. 1 .`--69P710.....")2X:-0‘ )- 17
pity 1Gcorder.
T-1/4 t .
' •as
SECTION 609 of Chapter I fa:
Revised Ordinances o1 4
City Utah;1944, amended by an
rue an co passed by the Bo rl of
• Commissioners of Salt Bake. Oily, '
. Utah,on March 18,1944,las amend
'Bd by a ordinance passed y the
oard,or Commissioners a Snit
Lake City, Utah,- n Angt111lll et 16.
1944,relating to Board of Health.
Utah Be t ordained by the Lake C o1 Affidavit of Publication
Commissioners of San I.aho d o • •
• SECTION 1. That Sectil 809 of
Chapter VI of the Revised 0¢d a
es i Salt Lake City,Utah,1 44,e
amended by an ordinance odes.by
the9 Board o1 Commissioners of Salt
.Lake CilY, Utah, on 'MaFeh ]B. ___- _
1844, as amended by pp o}mano
passed by the Board of Co 81191.0.
ere of Salt Lake City Ukk n,
of HeaAugustlth.
15, 1944, r he name.
. Board
of Health.be and the.hams..is here'i!�e
by ended to read '![ol ra': .j JJ
The Board t t Commission s may
appoint the following oftrers. as-,
aiatanna and employees of t¢ Boe .' I.iift..
salaries, onYable oeu'Ifskl!p Kdl
celeding the amounts es lbllows:,
Health Commissioner H8o "
F+nt Asa+ata.. Health •
]3'010° D H Ockey
• on nnna'Assisiant•...lt/allh
Commissioner a40o 3U` ad-
'and second Health Co l d first t' l
d s.sh shall
assistant Health Com-
missioners. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he i the ad-
6]s 0o par month for Wanapo tatmn clerk
d xSanit a. vertisiny of THE DF.SFk1!T NEWS,a newspaper
Chief Sanitarian ho•shall J
have charge Meat at division Of published a ee
let Meat d ifood s
apa�tlpn a"dfyia+��, '": e City,Salt Lake Counts in the State
sanitary inspection .342000 J1
Ha t o Ing inspection Ban.+�a I$e$$$ o f Utah.
000000t.it charge of
--. teary section .. 2400.00
Inspector In charge of
gB0ttor .arge 210000 That the advertisement
Inspector In charge of Milk
Section ..-.. ma 00 1
' Vcter[narien in snares of
• Meat ma°lfln,n s 2100.09' Bill No 13, relating
First Grade tnsprctore.e4ch 2100.00
Second Grade Inspeetoea 1980,a0 -
i Chief of f Nursing 0oo(on 2220.00
00 to the Board of Health
Chief a Qum'antine'Inapec-
unn aazo.0o
Deputy Registrar of Vital
'- Statistics ...2100,00
Personnel Director'„ t .5100.0o Salt Lake City
ofilcar Manager alno.oa - Corporation
F+rat Grade Nurse 1660.00
, Second grade "miss ...I 1940,00
rats Grade Nnrae • {{ 1000.00
Fourth Grade Nuna ati I6a0.0o was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated,
-First-Brads velermartan 2580.00
Second Grade veterinarian, 248d00the
Tehlyd Grade Veterinarian 2340.00 5th Ednrm Grade.Veterinarian 2220.00 daij of April
r the Chief 9anitar+an, Al- �1
Blatant Chief sanitarian:o lbe In. A. D, 7 9 45
specter hi charge of eat Inspection
shall be a veterinarian. a$
• -veterinary InapeetorS ahai be p2Cbl2SFGed_ 1 time
graduates of an apprO0 d veterinary
school d ro p t t$d nnalifled
as C 00 i the last p�tiblica.tion thereof
si*cTlor s I m opinion f
the Boamtaf n pEflcef.rf.. la, fi being i91,the issue dated the
Lakay City+that)thisitddlnanee Salt he- 5th A
come effective 1mr"ediately, day O April
SECTION]. This nddlnence.shall A. D. 19 45
take effect upon Its first m,bhcs-
Passed by the Bbsrd f Commis- - f
on pril it.
es f Salt Bake City, Dinh, i �r4.���.
-this Ord day of A . .D 1946,
EARL.D GLADE. Advertising Clerk_
City ReCn rder. '�
BILL NO.13. \
Publitphed April 6th,MI5. \
Subscribed and sworn,to before me this 6th
April 45 day of
• A.D-19
Notary Public
1 4t
\/ 4