13 of 1950 - Amending Section 102 of Chapter I re: administration and amending Section 1401 of Chapter XIV re: B Salt Lake City,Utah, y ,195 VOT1/16 Aye Nay Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . Lingenfelter . . . „ Romney . . . . Mr. Chairman . . /ROMANCE Result / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 102 of Chapter I of the 1944, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah Jrelating to administra- tion, and amending Section 1401 of Chapter XIV of said Revised Ordinances, relating to the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection, as amended. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 102 of Chapter I of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 16, 1944, relating to administration, be and the same is hereby further amended by amending Items 2 and 3, which shall read as follows: ''ITEM 2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND FINANCE: City Auditor. City Cemetery. City Court. City Recorder. Ij City Treasurer. Law Department. License Department. Purchasing Agent. Municipal Market. "ITEM 3. DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: Bureau of Mechanical Inspection. City Chemist. Engineering department. Smoke inspection and abatement department Streets and irrigation department. Superintendent of street repairs." SECTION 2. That Section 1401 of Chapter XIV of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 16, 1944, relating to the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection, be and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows: .i_3 -2- 7SECTION 1401. BUREAU. DEPARTMENTS. There is hereby es- tablished in the department of streets and public improvement a bureau of mechanical inspection to be under the direct su- pervision of the City Engineer and which bureau shall be divi.- ed into the following departments: The division of building inspection. The division of plumbing inspection. The division of electrical inspection." SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that thds ordinance shall take,ef7act immediatel . SECTION 4. This-:ordinance shall take/eff p upon its first publication. _ Passed by the Board of Conniwtf oners 6 --Salt,„,j,ake City, Utah, this CJz,k— day of 1950 ,,•/ , Mayor. C ty Recorder. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 -as County of Salt Lake J AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE Chapter I NO SEC- TION lyd t I of the Re- vised '1944,relating of Solt Lake City, Bosh,-1944,relating to n tra- cdp,end.amending Election 1401 of chapter are 1 said Revised -.-- '-•---QCYLfY of Mechanical elating tot the Bureau amend- ed. d-e:Meah°°"oi1v,p"yyt'an, Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- c.m sei ne nneuf besIth'a e`rtit9l Utah:TIDN I. That Eeatld„1d,of vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper. Chapter I of the Revised.Ordinances of salt Li,a°oty Utah, 044 to published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Salt a binetqaeh p1944, se tnp Hoard f Calta,toonere 4n Ma h 16,Iarid the gam to e hereb- tletlOn..be arid the same le hereby of Utah. 1 n)14r'amwhded ay endln a Item. end 3,- hlch „all�uresd a fol- •'.16we ITEM 2.AI DEPARTMENT C PUB- LIC AFFAIRS ANDAND FINANCE That the advertisement City Auditor. advertisement O,ty-cemetery. • iyaCt Teeaeer.• .1w Ozcli. AC.f--3,1.7.J.-ND-.-.13Li at' Liebe.Department, PurchasinngAgent. Munlctpai Market. ETREETB AND PUBLICM PROVE- MENTe: .Bureau of Mechanical Indirection, £nginChemist.i deyyartment. mnoke'IneDevtthn and ab ate ment a"p°((tmrtli StYeets end its lgatlo department. Dune intendant at hest r pans.^ was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the SECTION 2.That'Section 1401 of Cho t,r XiE, of k tie Rev,nd 1944,.s a of Het Lake coy;titan, Passed adthe Bar an..dCommige., day of A.D.19 paned by the Board Of Commfng o the On Marco 1H 3944,relating Commis- alone.the Bureau-.:f Mechanical In- fuurthen'amen°dned to rfad se follows: and was published February l0, 19�0 "SECTION 1401. BUREAU. :DC• PARTMENT6'. There i0 hereby e- gabllshed t1n the deprovements aot burecta the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the r D henlcaln Improvements to beran- Cit E direr! n'which t the City Englneee and'which bureau dshall be divided into the following day of A.D.19 ay a 01910e: The Tgl?, Of bul1ding Inepe.V:- THe division of ylumbing 1neDe0 Non.Te division at electrical inspec- tion." b t.i. • l Cam--� tion, HoardSECTION 3.In She Opinion of the 1� Advertising Cler eary ofheopeare iit elth It neget- 1 fit:*Inhabltante et Hatt Lake City that this ordinance shall take ef- taSECTIONI4.Thlr ordinance eena11 take effect UpOn its flrst pOblicatlon. Passed by the Board of Commie- Menem y f Salt Lake a eyCity D.Utah,9a.this b to before me this 1.1 t h day of �ARLM2.O'ADE Irma F.Bitner A.D.19 50 city Recorder. I (SEAL) G BILL NO. 13 Published February 10, 1950 Notary Publi