13 of 1957 - Ordinance 13 of 1957, Amending Section 19-1-9 of Title 19 of R.O. 1955 relating to beer, fees and n lla,.I08 9001fi.99.. - .• -
lROLL CALL salt Lake City,Utah, (�RFt 249ih 195
,",`e/ VOTTNG Aye Nay
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . .
Romney . . .
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to fees and
number of licenses.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 19-1-9, of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to fees and number of licenses, be,
and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 19-1-9. Fees and number of licenses. Applications
provided for in this chapter shall be accompanied by the fees
hereinafter provided, which fee shall be deposited in the City
Treasurer if the license is granted, and returned to the appli-
cant if denied.
"For Class "A" retail license per annum $50.00, or any
part thereof.
"For Class "B" retail license per annum $200.00, or any
part thereof.
s-� 'For Class "C" retail license per annum $400.00, or any
part thereof.
"For Class "D" retail license $400.00 per annum, or any
part thereof, and shall be issued only where the primary or
main business is that of selling beer in bottles for consumption
on the premises.
"For "Seasonal" license at the rate of $50.00 per month
for the season or period for which it is issued.
"For "Club" license at the rate of $200.00 per annum.
"All licenses issued hereinafter shall expire on the 1st day
of July of each year and shall be issued for one year, except
"Seasonal" licenses, which shall be issued for any number of days
determined by the Board of Commissioners.
"Provided, however, tilt the number of Class "C" retail licenses
issued shall not exceed ninety in any one license year; provided
further, however, that the number of Class "C" retail licenses now
issued and outstanding may remain in good standing and be re-issued
to the present licensees as provided by law until revoked or ter-
minated for any reason whatsoever, but in no event shall any new
Class "C" retail licenses be issued except, renewals as above pro-
vided, until the issued Class "C" retail licenses outstanding total
- 2 -
less than ninety in number, at which time new Class "C" retail licenses
may be issued but the said new licenses issued shall not increase
the total number of all issued Class "C" retail licenses in excess
of ninEcy in any license year; and
"Provided, however, that the number of Class "D" retail licenses
issued shall not exceed fifteen in any one license year; provided
further, however, that the number of Class "D" retail licenses now
issued and outstanding may remain in good standing and be re-issued
to the present licensees as provided by law until revoked or ter-
minated for any reason whatsoever, but in no event shall any new
Class "D" retail licenses be issued except renewals as above pro-
vided until the issued Class "D" retail licenses outstanding total
less than fifteen in number at which time new 81ass "D" retail
licenses may be issued, but that said new licenses issued shall not
increase the total number of all issued Class "D" retail licenses
in excess of fifteen in any license year; and
"Further provided that if at any time during the license period
the nature and charadter of the licensed premises shall change from
being primarily and principally an eating establishment to that of
being primarily and principally an establishment for the selling and
dispensing of beer under the provisions and limitations of a Class
"B" retail license the said license shall at such date terminate
and be considered revoked and it shall be unlawful for the licensees
to carry on or conduct such business from the date of such change.
"Provided, however, that any licensee who sells his place of
business, the purchaser thereof may be granted a license to operate
the business providing that he has complied with the requirements
and possesses the qualifications specified by the Board of City
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 3rd day of April, 1957.
City cord j'Ar 119k4{� � t
( S E A L )
BILL NO. 13 of 1957
Published April 5, 1957
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
TION 19 1-9 OF TITLE 19 of the
Revised ordinancesof Salt Lake City.
,berlt•E191,relating o fees and num.
Be, ordained br the Hoard od
missioners, of Sall Lako CltY,
Ufal,� Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
SECTION 1. That Section 19-19
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lek,
s,be.a o and vertisin clerk ofthe DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
bar f licenses,be, d the am g
number is amended m read as follows),
Sec. 19-1-9. Eyes and Lies
ltaenaes. ApDlleg,,,na eDrlQa� °�, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
else' hinter shotl1,�..be ,lOafI3rA rt
the tees ie deposited
n the City
Twas. of Utah.
uysif the ll be license1e Is granted and re
turned to the applicant if denied,
"For Class "A" feted licehtie pet
0.(Io. Y➢ 't therDe ol[a
nm c,aoa toteoh II That the advertisement
szClaeo et.any part ttre ee num
class"r ny 0 license qq a�
nu P2Vs, t thereof _
For class•'� t o lens $90a 00r"-
Der a nun, any part therm`,and
shall be issrbus ndessnis that of ere iselling be
in bottles iqr consumnt,➢n n' the • ,.n �rl"I. - fl l r,i".l,-rr i..l�• l f'
"Seasonal" license at the'-rote
of•$50.00 per month for the season-Or
0 0 E"`Club"`license ate the re tiV
920000 per a issued
"All licenses reised hereinafter shall
expire ,the 1st'daY of July.of.each
nod shah be issued for Scar,
apt Seasonal"licenses,which,shall
1 to mihetl by the Bdaldbof-t.OSAMlsidort-
err,PtnoIded, however that the ny
Lill Of''Close'.C'ratafl licensor isshne
Halt not exoeediedt0 na
ever, year: provided'of
v that the number Class •C"
Pan licenses n issued
a d out. was published in said newspaper on
•standing may remain in good stann®
and be re-issued to the➢resent licetsees
termovided by law tmtli revoked of
inated fora x whatsoever,
but in n event shall a w Class
"C" retail licenses be issued except,renewals as a above➢ovided,until the
f et Claw "C" tall licenses out.
ee'ndina lt-PW less retell
l w[v hu n
Lice,se which the issued
Glass"th retail
Licenses may Lie issued hut the said
licenses 'sued hill t Inext. e
the vtotal number of all issued Class " /�
liirail licenses in excess of ninety in anY / �`- �i
„„se nd -iC -f••-
Providetl,however,that the number
a gas.'"n"retail licenses issued shall Advertising Clerk
not exceed t!fte mi 'n an one license
Year; /
Provided further, however,that
the number of Class"D"retail llcenses
aw ed and nutria Iodine m ream
lin soon standing and bere-issued to •
lawpresent licensees� r aternt provided i
Sub,a,. whatsoever•but inn eyelet re me this day of
'helha m w Ctass"n"retail licensee
b` issued new
except renewals s above
o..(.1 WW the issued Class D" (r�,
tall licenses outstanding nt,3 less A.D.19
than fifteen i,number at which time
isw Class D"retail licenses moY be
sued•met that said p Licenses issued
.shall not increase.the total umber of
all u l-d Class 'n"r tall licenses,
excess0of fifteen in any license rear:and
"Further provided that ,f t .ant /s
time duel„o the license .rind the na-
ture and character of the licenser)mem-
is0 shall change from being ri,arulY
na principally en ea ing stabllshme'rt Notary Public
to that of being primarily and Prn-
II an establishment for the selling
i`aando dispensing of beer ,der the v i
d h nations f. Class l at
ret'ildhcenSe the said of
such date tnemiun.c r d be tut too
voiced and shall'be unlawful far
the Llnensee.s to ca '°o
ugh bush,ess teem the dale of s h
ch angc.
"Pee v who however. that sells, place of business,
(he➢urchnser thereof aY be=ennead
a licthat 1 eph0e.'CO tOlted n'lh thevie-
}ult-men.andcomp Possesses the eu0alifIca-
Pons specified y the Board f COOS'
Cammisslonc 2.."
SEoi 01 L 2. In the opinion of the
Hoare of c healthrars ndP safety is `of sthe
to the,anpeace.
becoamteL-effectivethat this
SECION 3'This ordinance shall lake
effect ➢on Es£leaf Dublfcation.
Passetl br the Boars of Utah,
o[Salt Lace City,Vtah,this 3rd
dray of April,1.02,
B1LS,NO. 13 nF 195'1 (IiAfl]
Yub!ished A➢r-il v.lfl5'I