13 of 1958 - Amending Section 51-11-2 of the R.O. 1955, relating to zoning by adding Item 36 and 37, property in kt.lue 2OU•l-,tl kT.r. r
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, - ='' 195
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . v!
Christensen . . r,"
Geurts '�
Romney . . . l/
Mr.Chairman �1 l AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to Zoning and fixing the boundaries
of Use Districts.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1: That Section 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Zoning and fixing the boundaries
of the Use Districts, be and the same hereby is amended by adding in
and to said Section two (2) new paragraphs to be known as Items 36 and
37, as folbws:
"Item 36. The following described real property in
Agricultural 'A-1' classification, as shown on the Use
District Map, is hereby changed to Commercial 'C-2' classifi-
cation and Use Map is hereby changed.
"Commencing at a point on the north line of Fifth
South Street at the intersection of the west line
of Fulton Street extended, said point being on
,� the west boundary of the existing Commercial 'C-2'
District, thence west 165', thence north 165',
thence east 165', thence south 165' to the place
of beginning."
"Item 37. The following described real property in
Agricultural 'A-1' classification, as shown on the Use
District Map, is hereby changed to Industrial 'M-1' classifi-
cation and Use Map is hereby changed.
"Commencing at a point on the west line of Fulton
Street extended 165' north of the north line of
5th South Street, said point being on the west
boundary of the existing Industrial 'M-1' District,
thence west 165', thence north 1175', more or less,
to the Western Pacific Railroad, thence northeasterly
along the Western Pacific Railroad 170', more or
less, to the west line of Fulton Street extended,
thence south along the west line of Fulton Street
extended 1225', more or less to the place of
beginning, being a part of the west half of
Sec. 4, T1S, R1W, SLB&M."
R108 200 158 Q.P.
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show
the above described tracts of land as part of Commercial "C-2"
classification and Industrial "M-1" classification.
SECTION 2: In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3: This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah
this llth day of March, 1958.
.' STD
Y v
( S E A
BILL NO. 13 of 19.58
Published March 17, 1958
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake SS.
D M Ockey
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake City Bill No 13 of 1958
An Ordinance amending Sec 51-11-2, relating
to Zoning and fixing the boundaries of
Use Districts.
was published in said newspaper on March 15, 1958.
T gal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of
March A.D. 19 58
Notary Public
My Corn �c�jsio Epgs
SECTION 5111-2 of the Revised
AN OR1 \ tit, Ordinancesf Salt Lake CWT.
AN INANE 1-MEND NG, 1955, relating to Zoning; and Its
SECTION 5111-2 he E s d tug the boundaries of Use Die
1095,t11aaF of Salt the
City.,, tracts.
1855, gybing to Zoning Ilse
at Be It ordained ca the Bourn
the boundaries of Ilse Di-,1 i Commissioners of Salt Lake
tr�ic,s'. City. [:fah.
Be it ordained by the. Fear,I' SECTION l: That Sectlmi
(.ri'n`aLt,nissioncrs of Salt Lagc' 5f-15t 2 of the Lana Revised OrdUtahinances
SECTION 1. That Section la`, a to Zoning and fixing the
El 112 of the En,''sed Ordinances boundaries of the Use Districts,
eit It kake City, Utah ..ID be and the same hereby
I to Z d-i 1 amended by adding and to
of sold Section two (21
he and the
sehere�by lclis a to be Icnowu ask Itemsa 3C1
iglled lit, adding red to and 37.asfollows: t
kgel Section two f21 in
'Item 36. The following de-
an hs to he Known as limns 130 scribed al property in Aaticul
ntt 1R a. follower, aral A_1. classification,as shown
"them 36. The following de- the Use District Map,is hereby,
cal -eat n1L oily hi Anifeul- changed to Commercial 'C-2'
taint A�l'classification,as hob gas ifica on and Usc Mop I�
ih Usefoi C--M ist"Vgg hereby change.
Commoni t o u t L
h�, f changed. Street L U.e aM p is the drib Ira of Fifth South
e-c!ry Street at the intersection of the
t'oinTenlhrg ,t -u point west line f Fulton Street
the or. i of fifth South tended,said point being on the
Street at the it terxeetion of the I west boundary of the existing
cct line 1 I'ulton Street 'C-2'Dlstiiet,thence
L`,dcd.sai4 point bcing nn the west 165 feet, thence north 165
l:1 bound,i,y f .he ex=ling
`Cormier,. Cep'District,t hence:'. feet,thence east 105 tech Mathce
5 fat,thence n ilh 105 ugh 165 feats to the lace f
6 beginning.
feet,thence el.�.c feet thence Item 37. The following de.
bsmithI65 fee, to .he dace of scribed real property In Ag,'Icul-
erhh,,,,,," s
Il 11 following de-'r t -.1'A 1'classification,as khown
I 0011 pninerty 1n A i d- changed lse to District
.all VM i1 hereby
cle to
timid•Al rl ( shown - fleation and Use Man Is hereby
itiet ira t�1lhrdnalria 100.1 ICl,t charged. at point fie..-nioa and Use Man I hereby I, “Commencing
Chenscd. th rr thine _ bullion Stre t
"Commencing nt a extended 165 feet north f the
the wt:t in„ of Fulton Sticet h lino t f 9th outt` Street,
extended Itin hTt north of the ' said pots b in n c es
north line sib youth Street. said
o' c.a,t'�isting Indus
kaki rr nt or
the trial 'M-t' eoet Hence e t
1ou1 0 of g BMA, Ida Peet,thence north il'!5 feet.
t I ',IX District, th n _west- l- to the Western
1 _,thence11 il'! into Pacific Railroad, thence north
to he "Meru^ Pacific along the Western
P-�:1.1 it nllroud, thence rth- Railroad 770 feet, n
easterly along the 11'e- I to the line of
l'imi is Eall,otld 1'!0 feet. n 1 or
Street idetd. thence
• In,ss, to he cast mow
south along the west Scu f
Pull n street extended,'one
1 ulton Street extended 1sea
ittlr mute the cat line [ feet,more or less,to the lace
Pullon Street e.,as led other;
t f beginning, being a art f
Rid,mom.c,les",to the lae� the w t half of Sec 4. 1'19.
f beginning, being a art R1W. esLEBcM"
the west half of Sec. 4, Tls,- That said Use District Map 's
RIW, L-B, ." I hereby changed and ...newel.,to
That said Usa District Map ra
show the above desonhed tcts
eby changed and altered to 1 of land a p:'t of Commercial
show the :hale described tracts i 'C-2" classification and Indust...
of land as part of Commercial i "Ni 1"classification.
cla.s.eifie.lion and Industrial 1 SECTIO : In the opinion of
M 1 --_f_ theRoad f C It et
r i thef f [ thei ]at
is f
1 t.. C h hlntt f
VmicesTicv T 1 fvl to (O il'�health
e lttl•f Salt Loy Cltl that hordinance
the b f ff e i, d'L .
C y, .�11+.a^e t c SLCe'Pl O\ 3: Th' d »c
C.N This or finance} shall to effect fors(
A--.'t rccct mien its 9rst h o Paired b
E Pea Passed by the Bond f Cam-1-111
1e nrrard of Cim-s s o f Salt Lake COY.
Snit Lake City.o tab.stl' llth day L March
tt M1ai-digs y llih day of March. , 1950- Adic]F Stewart
W5g' d Mayor
Adic!F Stewart S Heeman T.Hogenser.
Ir1n>'or Ci', Recor'tler
f S*,Aral _ Si,ALl
}rft,.Pn J_I3 of 1958 I fi ,]ILI.NO.13 of 1958
Yubi Cited Mu al:Jh,ilrl t(,�fP1ia` Published March 17,1958 (C-081
/ 3