13 of 1960 - Annexing and rezoning property in Arcadia Heights No. 5 Subdivision to Residential 'R-2' Classificat AS ,08 200 -0 Q.P. r Ll,' t, J ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah,...iA.N.2.I;..ii(:' , 196 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . ' Geurts . . Piercey . . . �. ' Romney . . . ' Mr.Chairman . __ _ V �`' AN ORDINANCE + , Result J.. e AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. o N. v WHEREAS, on the 23d day of November, 1959, there was filed with the 2 0 eCity Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 729 of 1959, by Foothill ',development Company, Inc., being a majority of the owners of real property situated in the tract herein described, requesting that said tract of land e taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate a 7.rnap or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved 0 4py the City Engineer to be flied with the City Recorder. ' o . ' WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City, and tthere is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part a y oof said city; and d. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examin- , ping said petition of said owners of said tract of land and considering 0 °the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said =� sr 49Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed mthat an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension ,z. °of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. 4 o NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt 2 Lake City, Utah: a o SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same ware hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described a tract of land -in Salt Lake County, to-wit: m Beginning at a point on the present city limit boundary of •1-' o 0) Salt Lake City, said point being South 0° 01 ' West, 1320 feet -r+ 0,v and South 89° 41 ' 10" East, 1393.30 feet from the Northwest u▪ h Corner of Section 23, Township I South, Range 1 East, Salt o ri Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence South 89° 41 ' 10" m East, 551 .31 feet along said present City Limit Boundary u of Salt Lake City; thence South 64° 48' 50" West, 318.63 feet; x thence South 48° 28' 30" West, 68.77 feet; thence South 64° 48' 50" West, 112.99 feet; thence North 25° II'' 10" West, 256.69 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.42 acres. 13 • -2- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT the whole of the above described property be and the same is hereby zoned as Residential "R-2" District.., AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect, the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential "R-2" District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, juris- dictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thence- forth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and he is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the map or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided In such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 20th day of January, 1960. Mayor-;., � (. tie SEAL BILL NO. 1 of •60 Published February200h, 1960 3 STATE OF UTAH, .ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Bessie N. Judges, I, ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance extending..the._Limits...of...Salt..Lake..City" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January 20th, pep¢g_I960 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 1st day of March, 1960 xi . (SEAL) BILL Na, 13 of 1960 :i , 1 .1 _.:..I t k.t.1 Deputy J Cit'Recorder ,published'-February 20th >459* 1960 �3 • • • • • • • • • 1<e13ae,84 Recorded_..MAL1` 1964t y ' 74 . Request of VA gal Fee Paid.Nellie M.Jack, Reccoorder, Salt Lake Couuttty, tah $_Qill.E By. ZT C� YFE ��lEL eputy RAP %:. ./ /_-.. �,• BOOK1691 Fla114 AN ORDINANCE n. 30 sec. West. 68.77 feet; AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING thence South 64 deg.48 rain.50 TFIE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE c. West, 112.99 feet: thence CITY North 25 deg. 11 10 e WFIEREAS. the 23rw daY t West.256.69 feet to the Point of November. 1959.there a Idea beeinntnd Contains 1.42 rth the Cite Recorder 7 Sall AND BE IT FURhole of he Lake Cite Petition No. 929 of GAINED THAT the whole of the 1859. by Foothill Development hove described property be and Company Inc.. being a property ty the same Is hereby a as Rel. • of e real a to situ dential R.2"District. a OR- e`rbed re In fnestntag`that`said tract GAINED ND BE ldeclaredTthatt when pt land be tare aken Rhin the bm- this ordinance takes effect. the • its caused Salt Lau ate i mY.p of plat shall t ttteneeforth be a ithln 1 the tornbpe`made aandt certified to by rate limits f Salt Lake City Cnt surveyor and ea cod o nod as Fesidential 'R-2' brrth CltyuEnelneer to approved rfiled District a In the ordinance pro. with the Cite Reeeoaee. ided, and all ordinances, )uris- WHEREAS the itl tract f dictlpertaining ons. rules and obligations of City.and contiguous he a is no proper[reason lake Cite a tam extended said Salt Lake • by It shouldOct be annexed applicable d pertlnentn tom the why de part of said city:and ld tract and end the treeta WHEREAS. the Board f Corn- blocks. ]legs and a of aid smlini of Salt leetitioCity It of after tract ned bylthe ordinances srules and of said tract of land and r lotions F sold clan4-no in that o nsideetog the eircumelences behalf.and the is of the thereof,voted be a antmous vote City kEngineer shall thenceforth of all levee of annexingine f said id Btraet rd 1t bf,!-.. .n sha dndista,veestandards land to Salt Lake City and di- o SECTION 2. Upon the passage • rented that an rdfnance should of this dlnance. the C e be passed annexing said territory coder of Sall Lake City hall file • lnd the xtoxnion t the cltc and he is hereby directed to file imits of Salt Lake Cite accord- ith the County Recorder of Sall • ingly. Lake County a coon f the malt NOW. THEREFORE. be It or or lot abovementioned duty donned b the Board of Commis. certified and nowledged. s sinners f Salt Lake City Utah: provided In ch cases. together �I of5 SaltIOLake City t be.landl the ordinancecertlfled c of thin sameare hereby extended d SECTION 3 In the opinion of enlarged asto include the the Board f Commissioners of • fallowing descrbed tract of land Salt Lake City.Utah.it is • In Salt Lake County, to- it: ee to th .health dneafe Benlnningat Point n the to of the tetlnbifants of Salt Lake Saltt 1tr i eaednee of City that this ordinance hall he, Lak C1te. 1d point being effective nmedlately. South 0 deg.01 in.West.1320 roSECTION 4.This odinance shall feet and South 99 deg.41 rotn.10 take effect at once upon its first c.East.1393.30 feet from-the publication. Northwest Corner f Section 23. • Passed by the Board f Corn Township1 South.Range 1 East. isafone s f SaIl Lake Cily, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. kNob this 20th day of Sanooee. viand running thence South 89 1960. T.BRACKEN LEE. deg. 41 min. 10 C East. 551,31 feet long said present Marne City Limit along So e f Sall HERMAN J.CIsc Re EN, • Lake City;thence South 64 deg, SEAL) City Recorder 48 min. 50 sec. West. 318.63 BILL NO,13 of 1960 feet; thence South 48 deg. 28 Published Feb. 20, 1960. (3.15t • • • • • 13 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IITAH, )t ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE 'I't1E LAID SA OlH SWIM?:(E 1) 1,2. CITY. WHEREAS. the w of Da/tend/et. 10-iS.9. there ass flea r tl tl C R I f Salt Being first my sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising I,t t vz� of iIl• rr�: clerkr of the DESERFLT I E\A'S AND SALT LAKE TELL- ;'t Ib d Ih t 6 11 tt 1 1 L' t GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper }hinted in the Eng- td d U t'k h ihn 1 1 In Hs a Salt Lake ratty, c »$ fish language with general circulation in Utah, anr{ published to`be mane Gana`ate ce.rftarl tproW.v Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah br�Inc"CIi.;y"netrecr toabe filed 'with he I,I10 Record,. WHEREAS. the said tact f i land is .tlRuous said SaLL lake That the legal notice which a copyis attached hereto air.�na`mere Aso„o nr000r reason 9 of why t Mould t br:nn ed b B1.1 ' de ariofsoZcity:'oV aI ,r9kr-. C9ty I11 m IW}oCREAotPSthi L hie ri;iir Cfirroat '_ r' T ��. - �rn e 1 O 1 t• or dannri rre!nd 1 ., 'nTe' An. Orri1 nane ndj the Li-ral.t5 o• favor at f • _land to Star nLake City et an`I nf di- �led trrai nn nrdi,,:�ncr giVitt i't !CC' 01i;rl `l, .ra.,n,r><Inh ald trrr;en.� , u,c .ren1loh '�t um Br ]�i»�its of Salt I.akc('ih� acrota- auNOW.hrl'DII0 110 ,2 0 Cr ,onor. ' f Sal'fake limits 1.'That thr�i 1r llt the n[ Sall Lahcrebryc Stcnrtacll 1 silotecd`' a to hiut tf tllr tt ,n114.It 1.�Nrs`fionr,t t.flu-v t:thrt e,cet h,a t a st n the t ell(tY, it bnoint.nY of / 7 Salt Lake Clty In brne - was pwhl[Shed in said newspaper on _ -. 5 1 ) I • W ,18 fart South 09 d 91 in 10 LaiYAnt itftioiai 'Orji'Iary 1 P60 • ifo,vn,r 1 9ou'Il R,nrr 1 Easl,. Sall Lake Hat,,5))i S�11h Ia0'Fl Ir1. 41nn is` nl, " 1'fl fent .1 1 t t 11 ' It y d Y rSalt - 1 k t thr -S Ili G12 arm. 4It,ft12 t tl tht 4ft 2R d tt 3south br 4E minr..9. r: red Wcs1, 11299 t; hrLegal Advertising Clerro N Ihasden a 111 • balconinett, c`n,�i l,s h1.S] n ppND BF J1" who'd the ,{ ` move I� Tubed too rwhtnle be the th I hr,i d as 11 pi R-2"D t l t NI) DP: IT"1 PTRPR OR-� 1V 11r W I d ir 9 thte t t eat hn shall• tract f tl of land ttboye th'n l ll I the 25tiI r t l 1 t [S I[Gala CIL ",,dz-,'r a fore me this day of D u F>.. Ipals/ain't,L "r • aad id! fad/It/dines..ryas- titles r�tn, i A.D. 19 Id.III n�blc r land'd th to for ne tlant 1 land,and the-rtrr"I:,. ',Jetushalt ,t Itte and , of s"fr1 tr:,cllslby tiler rtinanca.send cnat ty "�1 1 nt f 1 1°i;.aSkn�rr(,'ra ucnot ry,a n.nt y R• Ih :f Krrkt Notary Public Or this old e ICiv Ho ord<,n Salt Ltd,City.mall hhe i crchs corclyd to a,ti;• n(m'h nf - tined 'nFnanclvr cr r<Icc,l.d'gin. rnosidedtth ccrta Celtrrt cssas v to ctaf liri' "�SItOTION:1 la Ihrno n of r th 'Bondi „f Corranisainnets of tarn e It• ty f t fyea 11 hlt d f. ............. e. In n( ii salt ratite City that l,i. .i',r�J,.11 he t. t:,ke effect at onceo,�IIII,on `r Dist nnhlitatibn a snione by the rJloa�1, of Cum, ,1s f rev S 1' on arm City, 1%10 :pis 20th far ern nt . l j6a- T.BRACKEN ITtl r iavor HHRMAN J.CI [ie.:e4. 1 f�LALI City Itccnrdcc 11.f.h'1 :t, 196n "Publ,.�hea Fcb.2h. In511._ (I1;151 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake legal Notices 1). t..1, do leaky AN ORDINANCE -,-' AN UMIN'I ' A eNDING T} L f S Uk 6Al E LA SF. "`' Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal odvertising wrlEiecns a,e z e r E N tl I L' n ',I Clerk of the DESERET NF_A\''S AND SALT LAKE TELL'' L h } tt v E e I GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- E W;". r l;� I, the t,aei I,e,'l, „r lish language with general cirefilation in Utah, and published in °5`�lo)i •,'Z'' has sale b,::ei od e�`�I,el, L ,he:�„- Salt Lake Cl!). Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. $alb Leke C%,))"d ulsn con. U C 1. [ lit t^ he tea d i plied'Id °��dnel t t.�„eCJ 4 EI°ii That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto ISHEliEAS the I t,,,t f criIIrt - I;°`„ 5RL-.why It . ]t LoireGity [Ii11 No. 13 of 1,9e;0 at,a,,,,rid'should not he.,t„e.<a m WIiL'LILAS trtnt` El of�Itl t ES:t1 I Ct (.n Or d;.zl a uc E; 117tend i no; tho 1,ri mire or y:alto C E t. f! EI ::A 'tztof f.e t 1 to fg,nu°members E oel u l ;� .,97 t, i.'ylre C:ii;v„ I Iona toy 2'Z L.;�I'cc id tne�t ri"lI - -cud lha[r °rlh.,f'cc sl`mutq bo tl n i,t!c>far s.-i d tcrrllniv rd the -I]L ] t Ra c,Lv �a,r,of Salt Ea1ro old e,�tyer,�. - ,v0W. THEREFORE. I,,Ib°° clamed by he Bo,.of , 'a 1 .SDI[I.akn`:." Uf.i'n:�- s�1s't I] I 1 'fh:,t the i I I, ht '16 1 bt 0e I 1< �{it `� t iu 1 1- i` r Fr,i ril'icy 5, l 9F60,; S j'It I,1 Lh [I'[t i,I''"'u was published in said newspaper on Q��{[C1i fI<r'.I C1ts„RIt'lidoiin°°4 I]',� JOU11,0<le�,01'Wes[,I: ,rg-[ IJ9,I8rf1ctlf„,4.t 1!' fl'"tEwaraf1'01¢„h. H:�[oI] f:e "'Lul<e Rase alM,It• iin. ii]h nnlF'T '.S5B3uu'ccn9 44',4 V- Ir i1 I t e1 rC]-r "I3] i - A ',P, 9 a[Ita n 'uCt' .ts 1 z o9I rvIvAr5I Legal Adve rtisingClerk--/ fe 121E, to 'AN' h C°ntt.,1a[h1''2'",, s°E axle4* AND FI•: 11' I5[IR'CtE O UR- 'DAINED T[[A']`the wh°I�*aE Ihn i ar I. Ih I _-Ih R ,V AND 111, tt I'f1R'IHF'R OR.' 'A1N1 D ,,1 n I fI,t h e e :I I day of �" `°0 'before me this 1l uI , n E 1s:lt Itll n,c I I 1hr IC0I ltrt. Fn n t ° a ° A.D. 19 1 bl, t� IlL t tIc,1Ee i It ( l I1 t-.f ��,, t 1 i1111 f 1-I- d 1 h h 1 l'1 In II, I [I e^ i f Public blit IF rthc } 1II!tl I II; Notary L ublic Esri ea-2,rlD,°n thrs d<,te a i. Ct ii: TP I' J :I Il e „h',n CI" ]Re1 rl° lilt n.,etc^', a '/'',T '• 'rtl.„f7a°nho°c`�''d„Nen<,n auly fined tli ciilr,n,o`crt,•od, irh e tn+cl l,�z • av r vh SE.....tn nn�-rl I' fh^ n^i„inn n/ .................... u,.,,e hanrho: taln fTiO!4 ;"h i.s a�dilin,r�.shrill c[lrel at n 's first A,, ,,;'YE „ee unn„�! '1=, hr the i1"'11.' f Cni,,.mirth thls 2l1r h Sc, Efate ,al', 19G0. ° �'^'� .1.nr,c1,P;1 I.FE,y i1P.RMAN A NUGEN.SEI�'.°P tilt,, Its Reonrnnr R 1,51RILL NO _nf 1260 t1