130 of 1912 - Paving Extension No. 68, First Partial Estimate. ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City, Utah ... Sept. $kd, 191....2.
VOTING ! Yea Nn I move that the ordinance be passed.
Korns ..-..
_.Lawrence kr/
I m - Commissioner of Streets E. Public Improvements.
Morris ._...
RESULT - - .___... ..........
k An ordin:nce confirming tic assessment noon '.1..m preprty hero
linafter described on Fifth Et Street bet7eon Third South and
Ninth South Streets, in Pavina- District lb. 27, for the purpose of
providing for the gradlni;, ;-yuitering c,,s4 curbing, and. caviuc; there f.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt haao
City, UtLh: . .
.; -• .!
SECTIOh 1. That tho apsesment list Dade by the City Irtsu-
Ter, as corrected, aproved. and. corpletod by the Board of Conn t
sic:Jr= of Salt LJ110 Cit , ioj lionrd of eqUali'zctiand
review, of tie ioroperty in Lots 1 aUd'.0 Block 37; 2, 3, .4 cr.,i 5,
, .
Bloch 38; 4 and 5, -Sleek 4; 1, 6, 7 and 0, Block 54; 1 and 8
•.:: • ..
Block 22; •1-, 6, 7 i:A.a 8, D1Ockj20;„1 5,TIC:, 8, Block 9; 1, 6, 7 and 8,
Block 6, all in Plat "B", Lalt;Bake City Survey, abutting on Both
sides of .n.fth onset St2eet beteen Third South and Fifth South
Streets, and on tine west side of Fifth Ea.st ;Arcot between Fifth
South and Zintl South Streets, in Bavi:n District Co. 27, of Salt
Lake Sity, for ti,.e purp,oe of providing for 0d'.0 gr.,_-..dih,.7, guttering
and curbing, and y.aving of said. portione of said street, is hereby
confirmed, and the asseEsments made cod returned in said completed
lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTIOh 2. This ordinance shall take effect out dry after
its first )111;aication.
(JLAA. 0--y--z,1\• 1----\AA. 0--i-----.
Paving Extension he. 68. d
First partial E:3timflte. _.
Passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
4 --f
Utah,Septembe 3 d, 191 .-. .„, : ....)
Mayor. City Recorder
. ...
1:30 • -r
, i,.
Ptlwehl to as iige et0001081111.71
,SEP 3 12
CTY FisconD6R.
First Publication in