131 of 1904 - Ordinance 131 of 1904 – Paving Extension No. 12. AN O RD I NAN C .E . An ordinance levying a tax upon the property abutting on both sides of Canyon Road from State Street to Second Street in Paving District No. 20, for the purpose of providing for the grading, curb • - ing and paving thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That said Council does hereby levy a tax and pro- vide for the assessment upon the real property hereinafter described abutting on both sides of Canyon Road from the east side of State Street to the south side of Second Street, in Paving District No. 20, in Salt Lake City, Utah, said property having a frontage of 940.48 feet along said street. Said tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, curbing and paving with asphalt said portion of said street, and it is here- by adjudged, determined and established that the said grading, curb- ing >nd paving of said street will thereby benefit the property' abutting thereon, and hereinafter described, to the full amount of the estimated cost thereof. Said property is to be assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portion of said street. The cost and expense of making said improvement is estimated at six and 60/100 ( 's6.60) dollars per linear ,front foot, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said. prorerty is six and W10e (S6.60) dollars per front foot abutting on said portion of said .street; and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to :assess en.id property in accordance ,:dtii the provisions of this ordi- nance for the purpose herein mentioned, and to collect said tax. • The property hereby assessed consists of the following* des- cribed lots and pieces of ground, to-Gait:- 131 -2- All of Lots 4, 5 and 7, Block 2, Plat "I", Salt Ls'ee City Sur- vey, and p-rt of the southwest quarter of Section 31 , Township 1 ' north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base a.nd Meridian, described as follows: Beginning 180.21 feet north and north 09 degrees 51 minutes east, 35.00 feet from the stone street monument at the intersection of State and First Streets, running thence north 09 degrees 51 minutesg east, 147.7 feet, thence north 87 degrees 30 minutes oust, thenceenoet,thgrca :9M i degr es 30 i;7 ea ec , �enceenol'tb. e sees � mi u.es e:z.s 152.15 feet, abutting on said street, as tee sane appear and. are show: upon the official plats of said City. The total amount of said tax to be so levied and. collected, at the rate of six and 60/100 ( h6.60) dollars per linear front font is six thonsnnd two hundred and seven and 17/100 (sa6,107.17) dollars. SECTION 2. That said tax levied as aforesaid upon said proper ty shall become delinquent as follows: One-tenth of the total amount of said tax so levied shall be- come delinquent December 1, 1904; One-tenth thereof shall become delinquent June 1, 1905; One-tenth thereof s',,all become delinq,;.ee,t December 1, 1905; One-tenth thereof shall become delinquent rune 1, 1906; One-tenth thereof shall become delinquent December 1, 1906; One-tenth_ tiberenf „hall become delingne. t June 1., ]007; One-tenth thereof shall become delinquent December 1, 1907; One-tenth thereof shall become delinquent June 1, 1900; One-tenth thereof shall become delinquent December 1, 1908; One-tenth thereof shall become delinquent June 1, 1909. Each of said installments xxA$l except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent ;jer annum from the time of the levy aforesaid, and if any or either of said installments shall be unpaid when they become delinquent, interest thereon shall be at the rate of ten per cent per annual until such delinquent i.ns.toll- meats are fully paid. -3- SECTION 3. That the entire ao..ount of tax so levied and as- sessed in said property may be paid by the owner of OW of said property, or the entire equal proportion of said tax upon any piece of property may be paid by any person on any part thereof within fifty (50) days from said 1 evy, and thereafter such pieces or por- tions of property affected by this tax shall be exempt from any lien , or charge therefor. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon apuroval. Pavinn Extension No. 12. Parsed by +}:e City Ccur@11 cf Solt Lake City, U+ t, 2,(r ente) 1411, ]EC4, and referred tc the ldevrr for hi^ s pravel. City [?eccrder it .i 9rFroved this day cf :'fFt,enirr, 14C4. fir J Navor. • -E- iMA beiVV31 ox.et ix Intso'%13 9'1 t Sif114 ef "fiT .E b.!-.PL 'to vie 'to -forme nr;td bt.aq o J O..ta fit 1.w.7:r.orl 9o3.t(1 %.rfs3 -writs bisa e mit-tot/0'ff; 1ntrpe ertid•rto ti.1117isr flo ti o rzV-13:_;:Cf-f 't 0 ^10 lirgra -tettno•te,'t .brto ,z,No I .b.i i ± 3-,;;,zb (oa) fro.t.E itrf:, ;toll J.cintexe ocf ILerfa x.o4 a.t rc ho,toe'ria y.J-tec.To-tq i c ..tole•to.'J• sn-te.11:o ^to .Lev 0%. J-fssrri o,or.r.rtio-to atrIT litOITD112 .oII not one,t):1 • — , - _ . . , f .1/ ire? 14. vi a" l• t 1,4tD:!' t 0 8 (...) T.1 •.- 4210 C:14Itio:j1"-fi Lt. • • , 111