131 of 1908 - Ordinance 131 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 186, Fourth Partial Estimate. 1 X
An oriinanoe levying a t'ax and. rovidi0g for t,ao sa:.oestneni of
property within the district bounded on the sonfie, by the north line
of Third Avenue, on the west by the west lino of A 2treet, on the
north by the north line of Sixth Avenue, and on the east by the oen-
ter line of Virp:inia Street, in Senor Dist:iet 7o. 1, Eon the con_
struotion of sewers.
Be it ordnined by the City Connoi1 tof' halt tnke 7:3t2, UtL.:4:
27CTIttE 1. TOat 1'no City C'oncil does herety levy tie tex and
provide for the assessment of tto same ttdot tin ,,re,.,orty bareinefter
described in Sewer District 7o. 1, an t'e constrnetion' of sewers,
to- it;
In ...eta 1, 2, Staid, 'leek 54; 1, 2, :7 an: 4, 75loo 55; . 2,
3 and 4, block 58; 1, 2 and :5, aoak 57; 1, 2, 3 soud 4, tionk50; 1,
2, ';', sod o, Slosh 3:C:. i, 3 and. 4, 31odk 63; 1, end 2;, Elook 83; 1,
2, 3, 4, 5 nhd 6, Cooke Subdivision, Eloo 33; 1, 2, 3 and 4, block
32; 1, 2, 3 aha 4-, •Klo..7h 81; 1, :' abl 4, ?ton); S7: 1 ::!..1. 2, 'Clook:
tto 1 and 2, Clnok 871 and 2, 51oeL 88, 1 , d 2, ,Clo.t: 89, all in
21st "D", abhttlri, on both sides ef Fon.ttb. AwenuaSatan' and E
directs, on hot': oides of Fifin Avenue bettean J 'in] dtreots, on
both Sia,_)2. of birth Avenue bet,sE)an I and i". 8treats, on of sides of
J Street between ',flftla and Cixth Ara':as, en both stdeo of K direct
between Third anC Si.cth Avennes, on bc.: h sides of L Street between
Third. and Sixth Avenues, and en both sidea of i.r. 3treet between Third
and Fifth Avon SOS)
This tax is levied to defl7u the etiJan an (tf constendtin - vitri-
fied pii)e sete:o oi.:-:';t (3) inotAeo in diaseior noon lie iJortIons of
said streets o,.Ltosite tue .yro)erty hnceinbefore en ' li.M1(2.tr des-
onibed to be es,}ocially affected an) beeefitod by said 1b:1;irovawoni,
and. it is hereby- adjalaeld, detorffanod and ontr.S;)lid. that said proi:-
erty will be es )ocially bdoefitod taerebj to t,o fuil !.2ff,,,n1 S o):f the
tax hereby levied, and said „...nocceln of land are hereey asseL4 0
1.31 (s,.,,,
an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage
upon said p,ortiena of said' Ltruota fronUn:' upon -..",,I to a depth of
tventy-five (23) feet hard' teaefronm woo t: e tdt : hcrehy dovied and
to be aosessed upon said parceled of Lend in twelve theueeed ix hun-
dred eiahty-six rna .7:.3/100 CJ2,636.631 dllars, or one end
917926/10,030,000 ( 1.0917926) 1017.J.rs p,:: Cont or lineor foot of
abuttinggro.derty for sewer on saia portiona or tbn streets above
montioned in Sewer District Do. 1, thorn being 11,62C feet e? abut-
ting .dro)orty within the boundatrien cr the lots, bioo14 and streets
above mentioned, vind.?,h iL the total doLt a id cost pdr front foot of • '
said never, encordisa: to the cootront enteeed into 7or the perforio-
snce of said aork and nakivid said imp;doveent, uith Davis0 heuser,
dated the 4th day of .,;.: ,y, 1903, and the Treasurer is hereby author-
ic.ed and directed to assess in accordance with the 2rovisiona of
thin ordiouhce for the i;uroue herein mentioned;
Fronting on fourth Avenue.
The north side of Lots 3 and 4, Olock 54; the north side of
Lots 3 and 4, Block 55; the north side of hots 7 and 4, lloek 56;
the south aide of Iota 1 and. 2, Sloet. 57; the south side of Its 1
and 2, Dlodh 50; the no::, Iv side of 7,ota 1 a03 2, lionS 59, fiat "D".
Fronting on fifth Avenue.
The north nide of Lots 3 ara 4, Id oil: 65; the north side of Dots
3 one 4, 531oX 59; the north : 1 hi of hota 5 and 4, Llook 58: the south
side of Lots 1 nod 2, Block 83; the south nide of Lots i and 2, Block
82; the south side of dotn 1 and 2, 71ok 31, flat "B".
Fronting on Sixth Avenue.
The north eide a:' Iota 7 ar7, 4, SleuX 00; the north aide of Lots
3 era 4, Meek 01 the hortn nob n e7 Lot.; 3 ;-ad 4, flub: 32: the south
aide of Lots 1 and 2, bloa did; tde rouVi eide of hots 1 uad 2, Bloo5a.
37; the rout uido of Loi:. 1 and 2, 7.1oeaL d6; the sootM ,,ide of Lots
1 Lid. 2, Block 3J; tho nurth aiJe of 7,ot 1 an,J 6, dooL' Sutpion,
.it•'(, /
•,, t '
. .
. .
, .
Block 33, Blot "D". .
Fr0ntin3 on J 3trect.
The north: 140 feet c:2 the east site of -hot 1, the south 140 feet
• of the eat sile of Lot 4., Flunk 80; the south 1.42 feet of the weeit . 1
side of hot 3, tho north 140 feet of the west side of hot 2, Kock
31, 21st "D". ,
Frontfic on Tr. 3ti;eot.
Tile north 140 feet of the eaet L,ia,3 0'. hot 1, the south 140 feet
of the esst side or :tot 4, 7.1(y2.',1- 5: ; the soath'140 feet of the west
side of lbt 3, the north 140 feet of the went side of Lot 2, Block
54; the north 140 feet of the cost ,,i. le a:,' at 2, the south 140 feet!
of the west side of Lot 3, Bleck59; the south 140 foot of the east
side of lot 4, tie north 1'10 foot o: the east site of Lot X 1, 73locl,
60; the north 140 feet o: the east side. of Lot 1, the south 140 feet
of the east side of Lot 4, :neck 81; the north 1411 feet of the west
side of Lot 2, the south 143 feet of the west side of Lot 3, Block
82, Blot "3".
Frontin : on L Street.
The north 140 feet of the east side of t,ot 1, the south 142 fee*
of the east side of Lot 4, Block 54; the south 140 feet of the west
side of hot 3, the north 140 feet of the west side of Lot 2, Plec
55; the north 140 feet of the west side of Lot 2, the south 140 feet!
of the west side of lot 3, Block 56; the south 140 foot of the east
side of Lot 4, the north 140 feet of the east side of Lot 1, Block -
59; the north 143 fest -yr the east side of Lot 1, the south 140 feet
of the east side of Lot 4, Flock 82; .the north 143 feat of the west
side of Lot 2,B1ock 83; the west side of hots 2, 3, 4 and 5, c:td the
south 20 feet of the west 4,7.o of lot 1, (Jook's Subdtvision. of Block
83, Blot "B".
Prontine„ on I.1 3treci.
The north 140 feet of the eat ,.ide or --,et 1, th.e south /4 rpet
v/ :,/
of the east side of :Lot 4, Block 55; the maxik south 140 feet of thee .
;west sire of :Lot 3, t'ne north 14C fe:-.t west side of :Lot 2,
;117;lock 56; t'le north 140 feet of the west si.:7-3 or ot 2, the south 14C
feet or the we et sire or .ot 3, ',71.).-;k 57; the ,-cnt.t,7n_ 140 feet or the
east side of Lot 4, the north 140 feet of the east side or Lot 1,
Block 58, I'let "D", .3; it La City 3urvey, sa;,-3 ere shown upoP
plats cyr Seid City 141 aidega. or Aiwentylrlive (25)4eet
-tri 110) —t- t o-git x 4•9
jelincutigt' equial
Ain slI7Ents as follo-ra, Pet 1-t-
-,7042s `nl•
, o_t e ordinE,'3130 cori..9(4-n4i4 1:11 .-&y of tfO he;
11 :
,,rb• o"-e-tt4.4th in twodeais aft'
vereneirOT Clam 1_,Li .]
1 suh tereof Bo'';;_t.-1-re..ed ye 16 after :,..13hap )ro 1;i
(oh:e-f1/.r<f, n thereof in four yearo, oau;(4 an) one-firth
ther44 in five years after sno rotc 1. Or_e or more of said in- ;
stallmentt;, or t7: ;a7;ole t;ix 1 y is ii on or before ten (1,1 ys a.fter;
a„?2roval of tho or:I:Ina:6.3e con firmin- lovy ".;r the tax. One
or more in,..tailments, or no .;7"ole s,),:cial tax or lop day
any installment .eeco"--.es due by il '.7c lou. 4 thcreor ;.,-(vi interest
to date of pay,ne",t. 1-Loch of' sal ft boar interest
at the rate oT six (6 oor eot ,per aninvo. fr.n] t7;e date or t'l.e appro-
val of the ordinance conri-rin; tho :Lowy or sair, tax until date of
dell: o 1 , L,r):1 .por oeut ,kor annum frep, delin,fuency until
3ECTIOIJ 3 7;4o ordioa-see erfect ucoo
Serer F.xt.a,,,ion. To. 18C. 20ari,71 :ti. 7 -Ai
I'assed by the City Council of Srlt 7j.trr , 73‘..-notember
29, 1000, and. referred to tho 1.7ay7_ ;orhis a -9roval.
_ Ci y
ipproved this J/;/ my of ;,;eter-bc-c 300a,
(01 -,,,4110..4, ," I-+
�� = � ,