131 of 1909 - Ordinance 131 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 108, Tenth Partial Estimate. if l a 1 AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property on all streets within the district bounded on the west by the center lin� jof State Street, on the!east by the center line of Thirteenth East hStreet, on the north by the south line os Ninth South Street, and on IIthe south by the city limit Sidewalk Districts Nos. 29, 30, 32, , '33, 34, 36037, 38, 40 43, for the construction of.bement side- walks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and Ilprovide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 1'40 and 43, for the oonstruotion of cement sidewalks, to-wit: 11 In Lots 1 and 37, and 16 to 28, inclusive, Block 1, Marion Park 1Addition, Block 14; 1, and 13 to 22, inclusive, Block 1, Maryland Sube II division, Block 14; 1 to 13, inclusive, and 1, end 19 to 23, inolusivn, 1'Block 1, Ouray Place Subdivision, Block 14; 1 to 10, inclusive, BlookE '1, Midvale Subdivision, Block 14; 1, 15, 16, 19 and 20, Block 14; 23 to 130, inclusive, Violet Addition, Block 15; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,10 and 11, Block 16; 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, Toronto Subdivision, Block 18; 1 Ito 23, inclusive, Liberty Park Addition, Block 18; all in Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, abutting on the west side of Seventh East Street between Martin and Tempest Avenues; on the east side of Seveit East Street between Burley and Tempest Avenues; on the north side of Kensington Avenue between Green and Seventh East Streets; on the sout side of Martin Avenue between Seventh East and Eighth last Streets; a d on the north side of Martin Avenue between Seventh East and Lake Stre tsa This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing cement sidewalks four (4) feet wide end four (4) inches thick upon the por- tions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and herein- 11 after described to be especially affected find benefited by s aid im- 1prevement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established thp.t said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amdkt 131 1 t _2- of the tax hereby levied, i �,id parcels � l n1r=_; hr!� - asUesse' at au ecivaal and uniform cute in accordance with the linear foot front ace upon said portions of said streets fro�tting spur, tu;J to •].e.th o t",renty-Give (25) feet hack therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of lead_ five tonsard. forty-.. .eht and 27/le0 (1t5,048.27) dollars, or 6714549/1C,"•00,C00 (,;0.6714549) dollars per front or linear foot of ahat t 1 L r. pest y for a:,1__..0 upon the := mentioned in Side zolk Districts ilea. ti , 30, 32, 33, 5•1, 23, 37, So, `, and. •1o, � ura wine 7510.4G feet of abut- tine property within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said districts, ...i.oh is t',_ ioto:l Coal a....:- coat per fro:.;. :-cot of said oidesr;lho aocordin; to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making; said ir.•iproveaent, with J€;mac iienned.y, dated the 28th day of September, 1908, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose hers.'.;: a. oticned: The east side of Lots 1, 37, and 16 to 28, inclusive, Block 1, ➢Barion Park Addition, Block 14; the east side of Lots 1, and 13 to 22, inclt,sive, :look 1, haryla nd Subdivision, Block 14; the east side of Lots 1, and 19 to 23, inclusive, Block 1, Gurcy .31s.ce Subdivision, Block 14; the south .side of LoO:, 1 to 15, 1 ol,isiYe, B1oci>. 1, Csray .'lace auudiv:.sio;:• , Block 14; the east side of Lots 1 to IC, inclusive, Block 1, Midvale Subdivision, Block 14; the east Wide cd Leto 1, 15, 16, 19 and 20, 21sci 11; the ..eat aide of Lots 23 to 30, inclusive, Violet Addition, Block 15; the west 728 feet of the north side of Lot 1 11; the south C.9 Zeet Lsol _ha i 231.2 fect t'o debt _ ide of Lot 3: the west side of Lots 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11, Block 15; the west side of Lots 2, 3 and 4, :?dock 2, Toronto Subdivision, Bioek 18; tho .,", vl•..l% of Llt:; i Lo 22, 11,;e1;a3i:C, L.'-%a. the south side of Lots 22 and 23, Liberty :.ark addition, Block 18, all in Five Acre rl "A", B.i3 Field Survey, i; 14 .-1 od=iciel Flats of .,aid city to a depth of twenty-five (25) feat back from said pr 1 / - i • . R t 1 1 1 -3- i land to collect satd tax. SECTION 2. laid tax shall become µnu 1:e. delinquent in . t c equa.i installments, as follows, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one year after r the approval of the ordinance eonfirmint;; the levy of the tax for the payment for such improvement; one-fifth thereof in two years after sru . pyova1; one.-Pifer f7in •three years after such aj1oval; bne. ti tYie aui in" S P r�dkz N;cY: api_.u.�_,1 ncl- a ,, if4 7 � f 'r 1 tl e0•e.Q min five yeary proval. One or erere/if.,said in- `> stalltge is or the wholetiix on or befor ae4 after ea -3� •r• p<.d of a o. ,.1 o f the u-r po 4`, "Hin the levy o fath 'itaxes ikae or ,:j Imgte tallments, or ,hpvrhol §ial tax may be gid On}t pay an I in4te4ent 'Jeccues dap,, pari she amount t'_ierebr" anti inte st to e of payment. Each of said: installments shall bear ihtere;t at th r, t0 o i' six (6) per cent per annum fro : the late o f the a,,,r ev."-I of ordinance confirming the levy of said ten until the date of delinquen i cy, and eight (8) per cent per annum from delinquency until p .id. i SECTION 3. This ordinance Cie ell the effect upon apyruvcl. i iSidewalk Extension No. 108. i t Tenth Partial Estimate. i i i Pr`, i;Of i r;:: CPC v.1 6y 0 o11 n1;j O:': •, .l_!: :' 0 1 i s.0,UjT- , i t,niil 12' 8, 1SOS, °errs l L,o e or Cn iE, .1.ft-)7M-.1 . i Cit e eon]c-r. 1,ro ve i =•'ia C ;c to -c, l ' . t I o`1t,' r. I 1 i 1 ?-?' , \'• ,.: . • :HT'.`\.3N,7i-kz.•K-"\-'''',1;A.,,,,7,7,;;N:t.:;4--- • 1:-..',''. .'s- ''. -'. " '...,.,_,_... '.'-'). ' :'• . • i•- I...?:• • -'‹--',2'-',4,',7- .=.--,.,:. ..-,. ,.V- -,--,.:,k-ii-',--, , l'L: L'-'•'N.N.,,..„) \::.::-...;'''''6-'-' = '-,.. ' = J1.4 : • . . .. . . . . . :Tv „;rt _- ... i .11'. j:"3.-3(,...'T:,-` -.7•::. "---:''''r .,.'c,• 3-,:=',_ • -) •77 1-•- ^- -- 7-7!-! 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