131 of 1920 - Providing for Smoke Inspection and Abatement ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Sept.....30, , Barnes Burton _— Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR SMOKE INSPECTION AND ABATEMENT IN SALT LAKE CITY. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. There is hereby created in the Department of Parks and Public Property a department of Smoke Inspection and Abatement, the Chief of which shall be known as the Chief Smoke In- spector. SECTION 2. The Board Of Commissioners shall appoint a Chief Smoke Inspector whose salary shall be not to exceed Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars per annum. The person so appointed shall be an engineer qualified by training and experience in the theory and practice of the construction and operation of steam boilers and furnaces and also in the theory and practice of smoke abatement and prevention. SECTION 3. The Board of Commissioners shall upon the re- commendation of the Chief Smoke Inspector appoint two Deputy Smoke Inspectors at salaries of not to exceed Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($2,400.00) per annum. The persons so appointed to the position of Deputy Smoke Inspectors shall be engineers qualified by training and experience in the theory and practice of the construc- tion and op eration of steam boilers and furnaces. SECTION 4. The Board of Commissioners shall upon the re- commendation of the Chief Smoke Inspector appoint two Assistant Smoke 1_31 Inspectors at a salary not to exceed Eighteen Hundred (41800.00) Dollars per annum each. The persons so appointed to the position of Assistant Smoke Inspectors shall be mentally and physically 1 competent to perform the work of smoke observation and inspection and to follow instruotiona of the Chief Smoke Inspector and De- , j puty Smoke Inspectors. SECTION 5. No new plants or any reconstruction of any old plants for producing power and heat, or either of them, shall be erected or maintained in the City until plans and specifications of the same have been filed in the office of • d approved by the Chief Smoke Inspector and a permit issued .y him for such erection, reconstruction or maintenance. The •lant and specifications to be filed with the Chief Smoke In- -.factor shall show the amount of work and the amount of heating o be done by such plant and all appurtenances thereto, in- Iluding all provisions made for the purpose of securing complete •ombustion of the fuel to be used, for the purpose of prevent- Ins smoke; said plans and specifications shall also contain a =tatement of the kind of fuel proposed to be used, including he commercial size of coal when such fuel is specified, and '-aid plans and specifications shall also show that the room, partment or basement in which such plant shall be located is rovided with doors, windows, air shafts, or other means of entilation sufficient to prevent the temperature of such oom, apartment, basement or other portion of such building herein such I I 11111 , I I II j 1I - 1 1 ! 4- Iplant or apparatus is to be used, from risin,-:; to - ' Ioint hi]:her than 120 Dew. 2; an sufficient al2o to hrovide t:Ict the atmos- phere of any such room, .h),rtment or b„sement Wherein such i,.)- Iporatus may be locsted, m:y cc entirely renewed every ton minute . 1 Upon the approval of such .,,lL s n and s::ecificntions, a , cate set of which shell be left on =1..e in o,,id ofifico, and uon I the payment of the feeL hereinaT.er -rovitC, 'oho Chief Smol,:e In4- Is)ector such issue 5. ormit fo: the constractiom, ore3tion or Laintenance of such 1,1a3lt. :12 c.)on as tbe :thief ,1hoke Ins:octor' has examined the -,lan. Loil sreci.fical.:icas submitted ,:nd hits is- sued a permit U.2 above rovidod, ',e sb11 then notify the cam- st. inissioner of h-lildins to see t:,at the o::ecution of the work -2eri- initted is carried out in conformity wl'oh the ,I.,, r: :nd sl ecifica, tons, with special refe-2ance ',,o the :mouLt of sace, used, the Is:lze and construction of the chi7,iney or o'f:imneys used, the -20- vision for the prevention of smoke ,nd the -frovision -,:0117 ventil !tion, tzd the ri.q-por tom2orture in tho so on, ay,,rtmeut or lane- cut. . 9-1. Each power boiler with more than l&O can It. of heating :-2=face, usinp; coal as -fuel, shall be provided with an -atomatic: Imechcnical stoker. 'ein3 surfaces shall be conled to ion all boiler surfaces with :i ter on one side and hot 7,:,ses on the Onler side, not exceting surfaces as covered by arches or tiles' used. in the furnace construction. 1 9-2, Each horizontal rotern tubular 'toiler ok 11 be set with a Vkistance between dead late and shell not less than the followint, gaccordino• to diameter of boiler: $ 1 48" Diameter 30" Desoxl la.,to to shell II1 54" Tr L:.2" " 6,0" rr , L--,,L,:r ty It IT TI 1 IV I'411' TT II Ti IT 6G" 1 72" W •tr tr -I I f TT 78" yr :8" ' ,, 84" n -8" " ” , " • I No return tubular hoilors of aizes oodles' th,,i, those seci4- lied, shall be set with less t7.,,n 30" from dead - late to shell. 19-3. Where it is areosed to use as o:‘ oil or - owdered caZi ifoT raorizontal return honors he lid lit of the boiler shell above the ash pit must not be less th,n GO". II 9-4. When extension farn_ces „n-e 1120a on vortic„-1 'ire tube lboilers for hand firin;, those shall be .,-, full etensi.on furnace, of such a length as to allow the furnace arch to es:',;end foul. feet Ibehind, the grate cud deflection arch or fire brick -1022 tO cc , linstallod. I A 19-5. All hand fired furnaces for boilers carryinz mol'e than 30 Hounds steam pressure ohL21 be -rovided with Lte:_m-,,ix jets. '1)ere shell be one steam-sir jet for each 200 se. 2t. of heating sur- face or fraction thereof, Lail the number of steam-air jets shall, never be less than three. Boilers of loss than 20 )ounds steam hressure ahal be ,ro-! Ivided with auxiliary air panel doors inwing _ free is ohonin7 o•.f 4 eq. in. for each souse foot of :,;rnto surface. , 1 . All return tubulor boiler sett' ifs in addition to steno-air: ljets and, panel doors sh,-ll have such '7as mining -relies, piers ori ,. lother devices as are acceatable to the Ohief Smoke Inspector. 9-6. Each hand fired horizontal water tube boiler shell be hod- baffled. and, set with c minimum distnnee of Gr G" from floor line to bottom of front hender. I , 11111 I i - rt 1 1. .... i ! ' 1 , i 0-7. Each hand. fired %v„ter tube boiler of the 1-1;•1.:21.1n-',- or vePti+ 1 cal type shall have full a:telision fuznace with Laa :,xch extend 1 lin?; at least 4,' back of the ':;rate. al-y:1 fire brio;: :)te,rs instal1ed4 ! , 19-8. All chain grate sto3:ers :•ust have hn irsnition areh -with minimum length of five feet at the froht of the fu,mace. 'The i distance from grate to near est 7: eatiad,-; fur f ac e on r e tarn tubul :2 boilers shell not be lees tin 48" and on horiontal wa.:'6or tube • !boilers not less than 72". I ; 19-9 Underfeed stoker 2, ill S t, lied ider lorizontJ1 return tubular boilers shall be of le,-.st 4, " from too Tra-'6e line to .'„;b.c .to-rest pleating surface.1 , Underfeed stokers installed in ep=ection 'Tith horisont,-.1 ;water tube boilers shall bavo - ' ininum head room on borizent_lly i.baffled boilers of 7' f:cOM floor to bottom of front heclor ,:,,nil on vertically baffled hollers of 10' from floor to ::ront 'dea.der. ,9-10. Side inclined overfeed 1,-d;o1:ers inctzllel a- La vortic ,.1 {baffled boilers shell 2 -ye f,L11 ea:tension farn CC3;3. 2-1(: ,..,.rch sh,411 extend 2' back of the :;.-rats, surf,._,ce a-lft :iiniadm head room from 1 floor to bottom of front header shall be 10'. !9-11. Whore side inclined overfeed stoker 2 ,_110 installed under • ihorizontal return tubular boilers full eh:tension settin7,s sh:-111 lb° used. 19-12. Where front inclined overfeed stokers we i_11.2.;t_1led. wader horizontal water tube boilers vertically baffled full ehtens ion furnaces shall be used. Where front inclined overfeed stokers ! ... Ire installed, under StirlinT; t,ype boilers the furnace shall be lifull extension with arch ehtendiad7 2' bck of the ,,,-,7rate in ,...ddi- ition to the regular Stirling brch. 9-13. Where front inclinet overfeed st,.:1:ers •,:•,re inst._lled ander jhorizontal water tube boilers vertically baff:ied the minimum dia-1 t,nce from floor line to "J.)ottom of front header shall be, 10'. , . .. , p-1.4. Where internally fired :ten or hot .-.r.ter boilers' or wherei, dol; air furnaces are to be inztalled :7or 1eatin3 the boiler or iL'arnace shall be eoui[h:ed with a dovradraft underfoot or other 1 7Pe of smokeless fur nce in which the frosdl coal will not be 6''s.irown dtrectly on the hot fuel bed, Ind 211,1..11 be approved. by tho Ohief Smoke Inspector; ehcept ,,I:cre -L;he a •darata 3 1.0 to furnish ' neat for bindings centainini less 14 ii 1200 E.:,. ft. of 2t0= adiation or less than : ,000 s,. It. of le't; -,rater radiation or e.-, „out liere in hot L'ir furnace inst...11ations the .total alOiralt of ' rate surface in all the furnaces co;Mined is leE; than 9 ,-1 . ft. , -15. Unless the Might of the flue or stack is :ro:te-_,.- to he breeching mast not dro-n at or'; Poi-nt from boiler to stack. ! , /here the breechin. is roctra,7;alar in section the ratio of the liMensions shall not be c_;reater thLn. 2 to 2. -Lhe minii,am IL,,dius 1 •-f the central line of .,,11 bonds shall not be loss th,n. the 7.7idt0 lar diameter of the breechin -. '.'he are., of the breecbing in ,aants 'lot exceeding 1000 H. I. shell be one-fifth of the Ti-,..te .i.reta. 11 power and heating pl .n.ts over 25 ::[. 'Z. c,:pacity fi11 be - , (ruipned. with stack of sufficient bet it to give a :thaimum of 0. 45" •/ I - ' , dtraft over the fire in the furnace. i -16, The grate area, of any boiler ucin,-,, coal as fuel shall not Ibe esS than 1/60 of the 1.10-t, A, surface 1-1010 at0,,e1,.: -,, used -ad /45 of the heat inu surface in Land fired furnaces. . , 1-17 The unrestricted area through the damper on ,ii'y water tube holler shall not be less than 1/5 of the 3a.-t-te ;:rea and for 1ori4L 1.;on.tal return tubular boilers shall not be lose than 25:, in ehcoop Of the combined area of tubes, 1 • II 1 i v i . -;! i ,.., i I , 1 i ' I • , i , I I I 1 • `�' .- i . ;I . SECTION 10. It shall ,e a fI "ul fo_. a y person to woe <<a1y new i Or recOnetrueted plant for the :r ._eduction and c ner .lion of ;o.;off• Sand heat, Or either of thou, until he shall first 3r.vo procured a II statement from the Chief S:coke Inspector that the olnnt Lii con- tructed in accordance with the :Inns end N- eci f cee.tio i filed. 1 1 with the Chief Smoke Ino,ee o_ at the t -�.e the _miL ,r�s iavaed. ;SECTION II. No owner, Iessee, or operator of :nif e iscioig rlant shall •alter or re:air any chimney or any old furnace or device, , which alteration, c';cil;e or installation shall �.';_'ect t,ie method; or efficienty of ;reventin ; smoke, without first snbmitt ing elena nd specifications to -Lhe iniof ` joke Inceector Lioad -1ec ui ng a Ipormit therefor; however, -E;hrt. ninor necoec _ or e: o oenoy- re- Ieeirs• which do not ehc:._-•e the cn2acity of such -,leap or which do ;;not involve any substantial . lteration iii • trooture 11d which do. • not involve any c.lteretion LA the mothod or off tcienty ofniche Irrevention may be T:i...de by or u n nder the e _ in .i eer n erh.. i- •:se of said. • Rlant •without a per,:it. Any ,,arson who shz,.11 violate decrions 11which he shall prosecute, 10 or 11 shall be } such oerection, construction,oe , a i tertion change or installation, or ieee cn'; new or reconstructed) plant €without a permit, end each d ,y'a violation shall constitute a separate offense. • 1SECTION 12. The emission of dense s:io_e within the City from the • smokestack of any locomotive, steam roller, steam derrick or steam 'Pile driver, for a period of more than one '.ifinite, e_:cept for a I�'period or periods ;yre:,o,ting not to emceed six minutes in cay ,lone hour, during which period_ or periods the fireboX or bores are {being, cleaned or e new fire or fires c•.re being built therein, is ;hereby declared a nuisance. a • The emission of dense joke within the City from the ,o':e- 1etaclt of any tar kettle or other sirfanr coot_.iv nce, or from the • smokestack or chimney of my buildin; or premises, or from any [open bonfire, open bin, tank, vat, basin or other rece,table en- • ijeopt for a period or iioriods .reg .:3-at not to e.:oociYsix ;,iinetes An any one hour during; ri ich r oriod or periods the firebox or b0 4- es, are being cleaned or a., new fire oc _71res are beta built tb.eile- fin is hereby declared a nuisance . J Any nuisance such <.c the above specifiel may be ;57,1n0c ily abated by the Chief Smoke Inspector, or by anyone w:;=_ori he any (duly authorize for the purpose, and such whale gent may be in rdii.- Lion to the fine hereinafter provided. 11 Fi Any person or aersons, or c°Inoration owning, oper_ting or in . harge or control of any locomotive, steam roller, steam derrick, itean pile driver, #ar kettle, Or other similar racliLne or contri Vance, or any open bonfire, open bin, tank, vast, basin or other ecepta,le, or of any building re or promises, who shall cause or emit t.ho emission of d cns3e niche ,.7nithoin the City, in contr avon-' c ion of the provision of this section from the cuoi:estacl: of any . ocomotive, steam roller, Gram derrick, steam pile driver, tar tittle, or other sis mil rr ?:,chine or contrivance, or from any open, onfire, open bin, tank:, vat, baein or other rece�mtalilc, or from he smokestack•or chimney of c.iiy bi:ilclinl or premises no owned, ontrolled, or in charge of hit:, her, or them, shall be deemed ilty of a violation 0 the ordinance, and upon conviction thereof hall be fined not less thaii 'Len Dollars ( 10.00) nor more than ne Hundred Dollars (;l00.00) for each offense; ,:and each day of tech emission of dense smoke sbi'11 constitute a separate offense.4 • For the purpcs e of rad n,. the density Of slaoke, the Ningelnkinn mote chart, as published and used by the Unite) . ores deological [urvey, shall be the st,anh rd of comprisson. Smoke shall be con ;Indexed "dense" when it is o: epu,l or „rester density than No - c f the chart. ., -4- 1 1 I I1 I 1 i SEC-1 IOP 1 fee of One Dollar ('..1.00) shall be charted ''or 117.e :n Eiection o 1 .its and specifications for tie erection, re construction, or alteration of any l::,nt, this lee ,;(i include the of _ or:,iit, in c se such .,e i t :l a ento t. The Chief Smoke In : ector aa.y* and ho is hereby directed ,n4 ins ucted to reDst inspection or 0 : cn .c-ion is eec onalped, or that hereafter nay be oared , itoo t y and _21 c . ,r ta.'blel, rel il;i ohs and educat ion:.l List itut.ions Lill i l.o 'Lxr.,cc or o t heal device or ._ratus inspected is loc, ,bed in or a on -re:.itse° used nd. occupied.-e cluciveip by unch ch::rit:.,ble, rell ions or educ.~:= tion.l institutions; -)rovidei that cacti ehylt le, icl ,toys or e;'.n co.t ion .l institution is not conducted or carried on for privato in or rofit; and >ravic].ed further that the Chief. , Smo t o r,o Inspector iy ren uire eve �licot ion for the remission of itch _fees to ae verified by the of id;.vit of one or nerd c_.1 n ;ye `-o the.City. • SECi'I01 t.4,:• Prosecutions for call Violations of this or din aiiee shi ll be i nstituuihd by the'Chiei Smol.a'• Inspector and shall lie prosecuted in tbo name off. Salt ,zaa:e City• L. Tha'..tssuance and deli-ocry by the Chief hoelae Inspector of any p ern e for the construction.: or i econ t •act ion, or -,Jiy ;i ermi t I for ,the citeratian or-.'repair of 'tiny picoot or chimney ecinnectod vita a plant, or the exemption of cny class of buildings from ; the necessity of talinp out permit, shall not be held to exempt"; person or corporation to whom imp ouch -.,cr:;i-t has boon issueQ or delivered,•or who has been e..err;t from such er.i-t, from uo- secution on account of the ciii so ion or iisu::;nce of dense smoke caused or s emitted by any such person or corporation. • SECTION 15 Any person who shall violate any r of the provisions I o..tin.nee (e ccopt ,-s 10rei.n c t', erut e )_eviled.) lie -.:loQ Zlet loss thin s tt-five 0071 .r ( r t.00) nor ?tore t'r_n One ;daidlec Dol1 .1 („100.00) for a oh S 011'Oli lb. 11'o Oi' shall arozido such ii ,�� r.�0ut; -• iper2, al uio :onts all be nece -r -o, the �.•o.;_:ol r_. orr,7- ante of 'the ties o�' t c nor:ihers of the arc„, Chief ,incbo ,.C-v0 oh 1a-e o:.: s._ ��.,;, :-n cent:, heel::;, r �:?;)O ;-.ci : eci?i .c .i ent, . _ shall to his sacecosor in! I office. • 'SECLIO]1 17. The thief a o be Ins outer oh.:ll c,nce to uc ho ,t in Tee; o TelI-, co-r,lete record of ;:11p crr.iito i_c ued of' all cucWii i Cti o of l._its .node bf is ibc o.. t c )0, ;:ezt -nd also lof an certificates Los _ed, and shiLll cc irovi.dccl with ouch cleric,1 help no is necessary to the roper conduct of his off loci l ;' in the canner as irovidea by l:nr. - i SECTION 18. The Chief Smoke Inspector shall make a re- --1 port of the work of his department to the Commissioza'of Parks and Public Property annually on or before the first day of May of eaoh year amd at each other times as may be required by the Board of Commissioners. Section 19. If any person on behalf of the City under the provisions of this chapter shall take or receive any money or any valuable thing for the purpose of favoring any person or persons, he shall be dismissed from the service. • SECTION 20. In the opinion of the Board of Commission- ers, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the in- habitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective I' immediately. SECTION 21. This ordinance shall take effect on and after its passage and publication. 'assed. by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , A. D. 1920. Mayor. amity Kecor ir. Ai u}? I • I 1,1.4.4n;-;1r r. r • • i . • p, c I a o A ice c 1 ' ' 0 '_ iu T G, / r ,( = C. f r• CI : • .;Gc C, c - • -,a ,t . •. c 3V '. f 44 1 .(r f L. '.C- !.0 O 'JO ( '(r .. ,h.;, I'.