131 of 1960 - Amending Section 20-1-2 of R.O., 1955, relating to duties of the License Assessor and Collector. ec.106 6.60 Mnu,r r Salt Lake City, -..-- December I6 ROLL CALL � Utah, ,196 u VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . L' Harrison . . . l Piercey /7- Romney . . . fl►r. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 20-1-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to the license assessor and his duties. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 20-1-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1.955, relating to the license assessor and his duties, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 20-1-2. License assessor. Duties. The license assessor and collector shall have charge of the license department, assess and collect all license taxes provided by ordinance and enforce the provisions of this chapter. "It shall be the duty of the license assessor and collector to assess each licensee in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances and statutes. The assessment shall be based upon the rates established by the ordinances, and all licenses shall be payable annually in advance, and shall date from the 1st day of January of each year, and shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year. Provided, however, that when an appli- cation is made after. the 1st day of July of each year, the licensee shall be required to make payment as provided in Sec. 20--1-9, and, if the application is approved, the license shall be issued for such unexpired portion of the year. The license assessor and collector shall keep a suitable index con- taining the names of the licensees, and the names of each class of miscellaneous licensees shall be arranged alphabetically in the miscellaneous license roll. "On or before the 1st day of January of each year, the license assessor and collector must complete his assessment rolls. He must take and subscribe an affidavit to the assessment rolls to be substantially as follows: "'I, , assessor and collector of license taxes of Salt Lake City, do swear that before the lst day of January, , I made diligent inquiry and examination to ascertain the names of all persons within the city subject to assessment for license; that the persons have been assessed on the assessment roll in accordance with the rates established by the ordinances, to the best of my judgment, information and belief; that I have faithfully com- plied with all the duties imposed upon me under this ordinance, and that I have not imposed any unjust assessments through malice, error or otherwise, or allowed anyone to escape a just and equal assessment through favor, reward or otherwise.1 - 2 - "Failure to take or subscribe such affidavit, or any affidavit, will not in any manner affect the va:Ldity of the assessment." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it La necessary to thepeace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1st day of December , 1960. • y Mayor (SEA L) BILL NO. 131. of 1960 P,,blished December 7, 1960 nom•sea Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake —71 D. N> Ockey ' :L'syats.Nofices i' OS1,ORb1 Arrow Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising Section'a oaCI Qi�neRmENdlo; clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- aia i s'to L a cn e, Pnewspaperprinted in the Eng- I t a to the 11 i GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) a h daua fish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in o f. d re o b It Bard of f °°m xe°f s Se Lake aft"7 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Utah. SECTION 1.That Section'Sett 7 f the ilS Ut Ordinances t Salt 55q of Ut olr' , eLt ntig p ec and his d Uis !!! d n¢r¢by is,t That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto am c,' tth dLice,e sor ma f .i •s aAt a ;nose" ,a ft g1 nli��o�itr�;}, tl s ¢fiht� 'r;]t fu1r��C city 9711 No. 131 Of J_960< ' 11 tdlltsc qeISTId 1qm slthe 1 'I h" it1 sf1?..,,6g4 i An Or lush ounce relating to the license ,11,"`"Q lla ha tiV 71 i rty, t h lid fi f de, 'acravith ce to dptatattons,Thfe asO a.',Sen::or <.n6 'mil_. duties. Be t h It b bad ugM; moue.aest b11A1 Ed by the ,,,,,4 and all peers shall cc,q Dntasa aiA 1n 2 itt nee: b a d ehallatlate f?am the Ss.aaY, of aanuatc of-¢mn d - hatea efreo rr the dreal,. eY.P o.y. December�E each rea ft Aded, how¢¢ .th et y+hcn nn.p I- 'D�Ifcatfon is inede otter ache]Ft::tl 8 day se July aa- eft tl r tne'g licensee shallt be:xe�ulred to't' UYadein.fn 11 9 Scckea0!1-9mantj,.eff the llco-C �i.CEP't1 C',r �1 1.ICJO. mn nnraved, the Pb7,„ae , was published in said newspaper on el ael E soved So� uch .t Ir 9 portion 0E�}I!'seer, 11lctoY t hall Iceepaa sua�tahledlhdex con l f yaoning the a amceffhe llace'I1 i rd m¢ n f_ali shall be ss arranged a lnhabeticall 1 theRanoue license "On or before the 1st day of' Tanya, f h Year,the licence 1i o d ollmect roils cobIn / / -ZG-` Iclamt ttk nd sleS- be . tattle ebb tnnirau eas in"lioxo. Legal Advertising erk- '-.'antl hector f license taxethat ''before the lets Adead,,ali School.hO ,I mndo dl hsent en- Uu1rY and examination to a -i ' twin the na es f all per ono Rhin the enc suhat Sl a assess- ''' 'k l!'se;sthat thefiT'sls t, nay bf aloat�e e�nra;nae w�mi 8th in¢rai¢a asmbhehaa by tha,-°'au=''before me this day of ` s,to the best of o nonce information and ybelle 5 meet comnv:•a ., that I have duties imposed n i'.:'with all the duties imposed aan�l; A.D. 19 fJ"der this orain::neeri ----_ that I hay`not lmnosed n v e. i\ 1 anyone to escane a i a cl'aegh,lio i d 1 crror or h equal assessment throughf dI, ill affiIWiVre"davit,It k b b 1 i -^� will t anncttdavit, / C/t_r ,�,.< r1-C��� f . SECTION t o nlntthes sser of r� - Notary Public the Lake f Commissioners tah,,AiJ of Salt'Lake City.Utah,,A 1s ece- i' to the ocacc,be of tsaZa ' tvrof he'Ills (Sob Lal,e. - Cify that tlsls rdinance become effective N S,T an m S£,CTI et d.This s first nee shall take effect anon Its first Publica- l\ Linn. Tnect l the Board of . Utah, t Commis.' _'Ithts 1st day'of December.incatnh.:6 J.11RACXEN LMavor ---- f0$ALi ERMAN T,I OGF,NSRN, fI CtIY Recorder- �a N11.ng1 df 198054rItl ':i)eaemben Z,)1990: ( $9TI: tt 4 a'