131 of 1970 - Amending Schedule 13-a, Section 180, establishing service trucks routes for restricted vehicles. ti
VOTING Aye Nay December 15 0
Salt Lake City,Utah , 197
Barker . . . .
Catmull . . . ✓ I move that the Ordinance be pass V/
Gain 0j
Harrison /� �%��Ze,
Ma Chairman . / z ,
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Schedule 13-a, referred to in Section
180 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to restricted
vehicle and truck routes.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Schedule 13-a, referred to in Section 180
of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to restricted
vehicle and truck routes, be, and the same hereby is, amended, by
adding thereto the following:
When appropriate signs have been erected, according
to this section, designating restricted vehicle and truck
routes, it shall be unlawful for such vehicles to use
routes other than those designated below, except for
reasons and purposes specified in subsections (1), (2),
(2a), (3) and (4) of section 180.
North Temple from the city limits on the west to
Second West Street.
Second South from Redwood Road to Second West Street.
Ninth South from Second West to State Street.
Redwood Road from the city limits on the north to
the city limits on the south.
Eighth West from North Temple to Ninth North then via
the state connecting route (Freeway) to U.S. 91 at Beck's
Hot Springs.
Beck Street from the city limits on the north to
Second West thence along Second West to the city limits on
the south.
Third West from Ninth North to North Temple Street.
State Street from Ninth South to 21st South Street.
California Avenue from Redwood Road to Eighth West
13th South from Eighth West to Second West Street.
Eighth West from 17th South to 21st South Street.
21st South from State Street via Parley's Way to
Parley's Interchange.
Seventh East from Fourth South to South Temple Street.
13th East from Fifth South to South Temple Street.
Fifth North from Second West to Eighth West Street.
Main Street from North Temple to Second North.
All State Highways within the city."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
15th December
Utah, this day of , 1970. I
BILL NO. 131(jf 1970
Published December 18, 1970
.L 3/
Affidavit of Publicati.n
County ty of Saki Lake
E. K. Carr
AN OeDINANCI: r,MEf•IDIN; she dale d to ou
r Love Beingfirst dulycorn-deposes and says that hexis legal adver-.
1 �IWa traffic,affd rt ling fo rou restricted vu �f p y
it tudnvth board of
tieing clerk of the DESEBET NEWS-a daily (except Sunday)
Ph.Cm a. or,qml Lake hv. newspaper printed irA the ErtglishL language toith general
e w„gdat 4[4e;fefeollla. dilation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
; ;fe 6i er3�i�da�w ;.url;,�++ County, in the State of Utah.
t�-,, respftheu
s1 'eelfd6�,nh�..latud4IffJ'S"tal
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oERwt.E (RUSK ROUYES That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
(°e�` Pub an ordinance amenc'i g Snhedu?_e 1 17 3•- re Cored tc
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,easons oho uo>ehl cIex °I re121:ing to re strioted arehiel_aa and tree-1c routes.
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C. o.der' Playoff
J4AI t Notary Public
1,1,1 tel of Wed ' wrn rcell
IVly Commission.Expires
Fob 12, 1974