132 of 1904 - Ordinance 132 of 1904 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 313, 314 and 317 prohibiting sale of liquo A
An ordinne dir ank. : o-ctmotifl ctionO 31 , 314 and
317 of 13 Revised Ordth .nco of Lt Loke
Do it craincd by o.oncil of Solt "3", ke
SErITIO1J 1. Sotinn 31 , 314 and. 317 of t3n Rovjsed Or-
dinancos of Salt L3e lity hc, ond no ooc arc hereby ulcT-Ided and
re-ected so am to read as firm;
S3OTIOI. 313. SAT3 07 LIrOM T.:1Tt7, OR
B03:T.)L40 HOUM K::1,73 .11. It rOtajl be unlaufal for k-:1-1pr;
owner, „Yro.priotor or mana(7er, or .m loyoe, ar.,e.nt or servant
or pQrson of or in any !'estaur -L, hotel or boardin7. house
which coritmimo or is connected with my Suit. , lxilr,tu roam,
stall, or screened or ctrtained apartmont wherein meals from
suchrestaurnt, hotel or boarding house are served, to sell. 1
serve, fT,ive assay or in arty maner (5.1oso of my rLvat, vinous I
or intoxication, liquor without fir:,.t ,rocurinp: a liquw. license;
for a rt.stunrant viimr booths as herainaft,.x provided, vxd all
provisins concernin saloons Ontierobd made alieable to
ouch restaurant, hotel or boardinr
And it &Ian be unitifl for any kc...eper, proprietor
or manger, or any employee, o..7cnt, servt or p,Hrt,on of or in
any restaurant, hotel or boarding house w'hich 'lori no vontp,in
or in not oonneotad with na:y bo th, stall, room or crt, ined or
ocrooncd apartmnt 'her in 1.-u13 are nervod, to soU, ;:erve,
g.ive sway or dispoo.c of rosy malt, vinous or Jot oxic: iiro liquor
wV..hont firot proc1.3rin17 a li,juor licronu ff:;•,• a restTwr::,nt with- 1
out booths e hereinftftr such lienHo it
full be uninful to sell or rove an;:j liquor in
any form, only beer :rod tine in ,jltitin of not
lors tbnn half plot hottls with main only.
TIO-!:. 314. :';„)7, HAT7.InATItl ":1TY
(.)) AT
sTon wiTnouT kt II ,,r13111,qT:M. It all be unlo.wful for
any 1.-erson cenductis any 4:1oleua1.e or retail drug store or
storen in salt Lice i.itj, to sell or oi: om.ise We000 Of any
liquor or lntoxi.cntio drin:: of z-ny kind, by thf,, drink or to be
drunk on the promises, at It Rll a3r-o o enlo:dful
for any porson to soil Or otherwinc dispose of any liquor or
LitoxicQ.t1.1g driz: in any bottle or oaeha:e in quantity less
th.i.n five gallons, unless saidorson, firu or corporation
shall first have procured a druggist's license to sell liquors
as hereinafter erovtled. It thi. 1 11en1ee ho unliful for any
person to sell ore ther,iino dinpone of any liquor or ini.oxicat-
in rim : in quz„etity oxedin such per-
'Arn or eororaton nio31. foro :r,ve ,reourf;d a w:;olosal-
er's licenne, on In thin c aptr j?rovined. It luall also be
Unlawful for an/ Ar117p:iNS druggist • r person employed in or
,Ocut :try drug ntorn havin,, a druggist'i, liconac, %o se:1, give
away or dinpoi31 of any iuttini- liquor or drin7,: in “ny man-
ner or form oz.ce)t in original ackagu or bottl(:s eoutwining
not rans tain one-lraf pint.
SCTIO7 317. NOWTS TO 72 7,tI7) 'OR l',I7;f7'% The fol-
lovcIca Ewloents shr,11 be ane are hereby cutablished an the quar-
terly cl'arf,o for lteense under %no ! rovilenn of t'is ordinnnee
and Chapter XXIV of th,:: Revlod Ordinancos of Salt 7,oke City,
As a Manufacturer, 0.50.W)
As a retail dealer, 300.00
An a wholesale deal :r, 250.00
For a restaurti.nt with b.)oths, 300. 0
Per a restaurant without botits, 100.(X1
All elms shall 1.;e :;trietly in thrance; orovided,
thtt in no caao suo.11 or license issued, en-
title the licene,eo to conduct more Lion ono loe of 1-usinoss
=Min 2. This o rUn an r thou take effect u,Jon a royal
4 .
Presented to the City Council,
P 2 1 1904
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