132 of 1908 - Ordinance 132 of 1908 – Paving Extension No. 34, Fourth Partial Estimate. . 441
A t ORDII. A1: CE •
An ordinance levying a tax and ffoviding far the assessment of
the prolDerty hereinafter described on First South Street beteen
Second. East and. Thirteenth Sat Streots, it. ?eying Bietrict 17o. 27,
for the i.hici)oue of ycoviddn,-: for the gTadi , itterdeg and curbing,
and .,)PVill thereof.
Be it ordained by the City Council. of Salt Lake City, 'Utah:
SESTI.: 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and
)rovi:le for the asses mat of te s's.to udon tto 2ro2arty hereinafter
described in 2ovina District IT°. 27, or t.':: i;c1rdoee of )roviding
for the Lyndin L:atterilv ,:dnd cerbirda, ond du.vin.7 of a portion of
said district, to-.wit!
In. :Lots 1 and! 2, nocAL 62; 1, S, S -ad 4, Bloc : 5'.); 1 and 2,
Block 53; L',..na 5, 6, 7 end 3, Sloh 35, alL in ?let "3", abutting on
the north aid.3 of First South Street between T;ohrtb. East and. Fifth
East Streets, and between Seventh Bet mood fiats That Street , and.
on the south side of First South Street betY,..'een EiChth Best end Fintli
Bst Streets.
Thiu tam is levied to defray the ex)enee of gradirys, mattering
end curbing with cement, re4. je.nvia,, with Utah asphalt (said as)71.81t
pave,c.ent to be sixty (60) feet ride het,:lamn cnrbe, u.nd nine (9) inc#es
thiek), tb.e :ndrtions of F.aid street c_, ),,,,:l.ts tte ,?royerty hareinbe-
.fore fl.,:': harein,-fter described '.. 0 he esdeciely affected and bene-
fited by enid inovecart, und. it le haroby &djud.E:ed, determined and
estd-;blin.hod ttdtt ,.011 „.)mooertj .,d11 he eu;doe.iilly benefited thereby
to the full aonnt of the 1-.. i.: hereby lovied, ,:.- d erd9 )arcelo of
lord n-i.a rmerebeesech : t 1-1 eTdP1 Y ,-1 ,JU-5.. 0-1:ffl mete in accord once
vA.th the linear foot fmentm,::o aL)/..n i:-.' mci-ticne of saild street
Srormtlme, aton ...ti 6o a 3j .i.'7,. of t:ienty- 'Iv (25. feat bacb tiero-
frold, mold -to tax herety 1 ..v-1 ,1 .!..m3 to b3 as6cod li.jo ,. ..,i,', doece18
of lend is treaty thouunnd one'hdc,drad bixty-elx sod.
(0- )
G sod,20,166.3Zi Jolt-ore, or uevesod65t3D52/1,0 ,00 (.,,7.67g)
r;1 t
- dollacu )Or front or or linear foot of ubdtti-nL. ,nce.dort-y, t if e h ! , etnL: .. . ,
, 1
-2- ,
2640 feet of abutting pro.darty winin hoc boun1srier, or t'oe lots,
bloob and street above mentIoned in oaf 2 district, whIlch iu the
tat coot oaf coat r -r front root o 1 sell i-proveont, c aoo.oi og to
t 11.,-: contract entered into for the 2erforance of said work null oouking
st-Ad in12,--0-,;ene_it, with 2. J. loran, 3nted. the 22t1. 1ay of April, 1906,
and the Treaeuren to hereby- adtl,arize,:l oe1 ,lieected to aasost, in ac-.
cer,] nce yith t"---) n.n.,,lui,oe. ,,f 1,.1 -h- , :'. 7, .. Ce 90k the Jur,tc ,e here-,
in oorotfoned:
The south siJe of -ot,. i ..'.,J1 2, 71,...wk 22; the south cide of Lot
1, 2, r., a l 4, ThJok 59; Lne ,;,-)ob s11e of 11otr 1 nnl 2, 71aok 58;
the oorth elle of :lots 5, 1, 7 oaf 9, ..11och 55, all in 21ot "5",Salt
L ake City- SUrVe , L`O '6'._O 3, 11,7'. tO:e Oe',',.; u„)on 2. 0 official plats of I
said City to a de,rth of t, enty-Ci-ve (25' foot 1,t..ck frow suit street,I
and, to collect said tax.
I ,
3ECTIOF 2 .5M if tax ,-;i1n7,I 1;e00Ple, an.: ire ielilajt.. t in ten equa'.
installments, as follows, to-:it: Inc-tonin I, .o'r0,.)7 one :jos.. after 1
the a :,q,cycl of the ordinance confirwinL the levy or! the tax for thel
▪a.L.mont for such L., rove , .1 ; ono-tenth tho -eof in to yea -c after
each araval; one-tooth tneetf in three years r)Ster :,ach ago-oval;i
one-tenth thenoor 12 four :ve,-:":".', ar'ter umu r ,,,vfl ; one-tenth theref
of in five yet-sr:, offer sure anov,- 1; one-tenth thoro,f in .i.r,-yars1
nrter rnh a2novni; ann-toolO ereof in ueven j mar a after such ap-:
.,...2eval; one-tentn te.-- Jr in OL:,1 ,vetroc fter 211(31:1 a—poovel; one
tenth theear in A.LeO you- no aftec such .t. ,_.roo -, ; oaf one-tenth theref
in ten j- .-1:L L '1:,-,-2 -..',3'. ::_,.-os.,-11 , '.: ,,a C.no o :_; 111 iyn.to'll oents Or
the 'Of- Ole tq-,i. fl:',,,,, :He ;:, if on or 7:*'0 r t: t, ." :t ,','`,.' r Th,?,: the vi:0rov.1 of
thc ord;:nnat, orx fiumi L the 2..0c; of t-t:. t x. sine or .corn itn.t.-Ilments
or ...e cools s_oci,i I `‘.,•A ,r1t,,,,, ire . 1 : Jr: ':- ',. Icy rn,/- ixac 11:::ent 7)ecothes
due 1c' ,),',,,,v-1_ i-_, the ,,,..ohn thereof L. ..1;te:.ent to Iota Of o.,j'iO.1t. Bach
of coil instalh.--,ent ,=1-.,111 lour intoca , f-.,1 tho rate of ui (C.i4,,,,er
cent z. ansnm fro::: the ,1ete of tae 2,.,J:7OVO1 O_fl 1,710 on,1:-:-.rase 41c
. i
ing the levy of al.C.', tax uctil the data a r" o_el',.n.Lueney, HX1,1 e,1.01t
(3) ii:ir cent „yen am urn froze del-hojaanoy. 'oat!1 ,..L..iol.
CE0722:,-)E 3. Frli- 0-,3 in,auie ..)-_all take a rie,.-_;t a.dun cz.vrovrl. 1
Paving T!) torcion To..1 Ci. Fourth ?larti'l. F,:-tirpt,te
Paased li,y the City Council oft ,a,.;:17:4 2;-..lz Cil;y,Utah, 3optenber
,•-• ;
„1.9 08, am.i r efe-,red to the va- :I:OA hi ,a3o or o v al. it, 100
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