133 of 1912 - Amending Section 103, signs over streets and sidewalks. ROLL CALL e, ""l'" _ge City, Utah,,__,\= 1911. VOTING Yes No I move that — �� i r Keyser �/Jf�+ Korns s•- Lawrence _.... r - y .t Morrie Mr.Chairman . . ...I/ ... Resu6T ... AN 0 2DIry, ClT, . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 103 of the Re- vised Ordinances of Scat Lake City of 1903, relating to sins on or over streets or sidewalks, so amended by an ordinance passed by the Cit-y Council of Salt Lake City December 5, 1904, and approved by. the 1.tyor December 7, 1904. Be it orCained by the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SkCTICh 1. That Section 103 of the Revised Ordinances of Sal Lake City of 1903, relating to signs on or over streets or sidewal s, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council of salt Lake City December 5, 1904, and approved by the Lb:or December 7, 1904, be, and the same is hereby ascended and re-onectod so as to .reed as follows: S-ECTION 103. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or construct al sign, sign-post, cgn-board, wood or metal amning, uormanent advertisement, arch or any other str cture, above, over, in or upon any part of any street or sidewalk of Salt Lake City, without first obtaining permission so to do from the Board of Commissioners of said city. Application fo such oormission shall be in writing, cad call contain the naoe of the person for those benefit the same is made, the period or time for 7:hich such liemit is desired, the place uheve such structure is to be erected or constructed, the dimoonsiens ther-- of, the material to compose the same, and the manner of con- struction, which a.j.ilication shall be accompanied. Jit.h a blue print or otor drawing or tracinz of suck propoLod sign or oth r structure, C]o•t after January 1, 1915, it s,Hall Sc mniewful for any person to maintain any sign, sign-post, sii:n-board or metal awning, f)a raicacat advertisement, arch o. cny et .er structure above, over, in or upon any • c.,.rt of any at rant or sidewalh of 133 Solt Lo'ne el,.-copt roof si3ns, JifhOD rtskin t ),-aicrtion ticrefor es provided in this section. SEC'IOK 2. All orOiarncec rnd resolution , or :1,r.rts of ordi- ricfloos rad rcso.Lntions in conflie, .nrowith cre hereby re:erlei to the e-nteul of such conflict. SECTICS P. This ercineace Poll .he effect upon its f-!,rst • p4liortion. • -TY Passed by he board o$ 4ommissioners of Salt Lake City; Utah, Septemb t1 191 . hayor y eoor e t S � t6t 6p C.,) 7-0 t ; O