133 of 1920 - Paving Extension No. 141, Sixth Partial Estimate ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, °C L°Der 8 t , 192 0.A. Barnes .- ,....,.... ....._ _ __._ Burton -4 -.'' di Crabbe * I move that the ordinance be passed. Green 1/ Mini ' '---1 r---- Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE Au 0R-Dnu.,(3-:P. :L WY r..:•(.1- a. Y,X and for the asseasmen t o 4-' :m.'o- ID er ty on Seventh East Pr obi ninth to Td12 -teent h ;'$.;on th in PLIV Lig Dis- trict No. Ni (Paving 11:nbensi on No. 1,f1) , nor the purpose of :gravid- ing for the grading, CUT'bilk:: ._. .:K[ g;ut tering: ,:ith o enient, c one trlIC-Ling drainage system to carry ',Jat,el' J.C31'0..;;.; :,ilki -::1 onL s tree ts .-sici inter- sections, constructing private dr iveuays ,.:,:na. -..aviih -..d th sheet asphalt thereof. BE IT O .ILLI.ID b y the 3o ar a o-n 0 ommi ssi on ar:3 0 f ;i La t L Ci ty,, Utah: SECT IOY,` I. Tic-'",,, the 'oL.-_,.:i. o.i: doinmi 3:3 i0i--!:.1'S 0 f :.,.;.1 t I ..i.:i) Nit , Utah, hereby levy thu trx and ro vide for tie ,_..s s e.s as u-i t of "th e sage upon the property here in after de seri oe d in Pav:ITJE: Di.fir,r ic t f e. 31 (Paving Extension No. 141) i or -1.;, e ourj)o as of _a'o vi ding for -thejing, grading, curbing and guff et in g gi ta cc neon, c on struct in4 tre.:Lac-e aystem to carry ,iiater acros 3 ,.ti.a ..:iong street i Limad in 1;0 rJeC t iOU:i, COi i;;t112.Ct nip private driveways JAW. :La vj.:4._ e ith she at asphalt thereof, to In Lots 2 to 14 foci. 0. 81k. 2 iT,ad, "i;On T J ',vb. OP .d.11:. 10, Lo ts 2 to 7 incl. of 3.14:. 2, Ogden Nub., Pots 2 to 16 inol. oP 31k, 2, Li bev ty Pk. Dub. Pint 3, 1ot3 2 to 0 i i-nil. on 311c. 2, '.1.'oronto Tab. , Lots 2 to 17 incl. of 431J,.. N, ton'3 duo. '2,„ Lois 2 to '3 inel. of ak. 2, Eyler & Rees Sub. , Loin 1 to 22 tool. of 'hi,y...-rt,,, IN. add. , all in Block 18, and Lots 1 2 12 to 2U incl. of 31.h. 19, 5 .-o:ce flat x, .dig field Survey. 133 I 1 ii H 1 ! i : .1 !1 This tax i:.; levied to defray the e: sense of prisiding �' or the grading, eurbin�; end utterin.?; with cement, constructing jr•ainage system to carry water across and along streets -�:na inter- ections, constructing nrivhte driveways and -o vrin,;: with sheet sphalt thereof (said o.,.ve:neiit to be thirty-six foot between urbs, the street railway tr.::.c :) to be west oi- the west curb, ant} 11 of said paveirnnt to be nine (9) inehe.3 I be . \':_.ti Si.'." (6) i I ftnch concrete base, and one and one-half (1- ) i.nc>> binder and l Ibne and one-half (l -) inch sheet asphalt topping) i _ tg 41artaxxixtbalo,Si v the portions of said streets opposite the lro-. erty hereinbeforo and Hereinafter descrieed to .3e especially affected and benefited by said improve nt, and it i s hereby, ad- „judged, determined and estebli;hed that .mid yro.;ert,y ':rill cc specially benefited thereby to die fUll amount of the tax hereby evied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed t en equal land uniform rate in accordance 1th the linear loot .fr outage upon] i 1'aid portions of said streets 1routing upon and to a depth of ifty (50) feet back thereir an, -nd the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said lareels of land is Thirty-nine Thousand • fix Hundred Seventy-one a.n. 45j100 (-)39671.4.5) dollars; t-u.rty- •Dine Thousand Two Hundred liine and 45/100 (,;;b9209.45) collars or ix and 90/100 ( ;>6.9a) dollars pa r a, t or linear foot of abut- Iting property for said tinir ty ,;ix foot r oadwa there being 5617.4 11 Ceet abutting said portion of said. improvement; tour i funare d i3ixt two ("462.00) dollars for private driveways, or `i'hirty- 1 rhree 033.00) dollars for each private driveway, there being 1 ourteen private driveways, and the cost of the construction of i ;lri:ich private driveways and the roperty benefited tiered; is iereinafter set out, end Al v,ithin the boundaries of tade lots, l'blocks and streets above _mentioned in ;au di.,triet, „.:i.c'n is ti. total cast and cost per .front foot of -id -improvement, according Ito the contract entered into for the 1. rfor:.ance of said work ;C.and making said improvement; viith J. if. i:eller., dated the 2nd • Hof q j I 1 yuly, 1919, and the Treasurer is hereej a atnoriaed and directed. -..;o assess, in aeccrdance ,7itii the ir. ()visions of this ordnance, 11 a:or the purpose herein lilenti01)ea: F T'TI T-f SI.7.1. 1'00'1 :. 0.d.i.Y.Va.l. 1 The west side of hots ;-.. 60 LI incl. of 312. 2., .Tia,mpton's ;I Sub. of Blk.. 18, The weaa; side of hots 2 to. 7 inc i. of i312. 2, ii 110gden Sue. the Wrest side oi: hots 2 to 16 Lich. of bin. 2, Li dor- - ty .01c. Sub. Plat 13, the wes-i., ji de of Lots a to 8 inc1. of bin. 1 i 2 Toronto Sub, the west ;side oi hots 2 to 1 7 inc . of ,31.k. 2 Tia,mpton'3 Sub. 't2, the use in ,31,.: of "Lotri 2 to 6 irni. of 61k. 2 Eyler & Rees Sub. and. the we;ii, side o t: Lots 1 to 2I., incl. of IlLiberty Park Add. all of 131.h. 18 ann the east side oi hots 1 l& 12 to 20 incl. of 1312. 19 6 Jin -, 'dil; l'fielo. 3urvey; ! I PROPPRTY aSS;I3b,,;.0 YO:: ....1.7:i2: .,./ .11.d,".'an Ey ...D.DPx10i, TO I ri211,; ::.i(.41.1....; _.";;Li 1=3:;i._ :11 11 The west side of Lot 1 4, the Alest Cjae oh the north 1 24.75 feet of and the -ae 31, .jili5 Oi -L11. 3 auth 41.25 feet of Lot 12, the west sine of Lot 5, 311c. 2, Tila,,ipton's Sub. , the lie st Isicle of Lot 6, iilk. 2 Olen Sao. , the west, siue of both , .31k. 2 liberty Pk. Flat 13, Inn -,,,a'3:, side oil 1,ot 1, '6,1e Li 3, side of Lot 6 of filk. 2, Toronto Sue. , t,Irr., ,.),:',.6 .,:ide of hots ..) .7.. 4, the west side of Lot 6, aria tilt-, pain 3ii!,,,:- o 1 'Lot 12, .311.:. 2 haiipton 14 a i Sub. #2, the west side oi ho Sc, ; , ;3).2. 2 E-jler i' _Wes Shp. , i the Crest side of Lot 10, hi )cr.,; Pk.Add. ,, ),2. 2;], '-'3 St _ii 0. of Lot 11, Liberty Ik. add. of 'Shock 18, a acre J'lat "a.", 3ig Field ISurvey, as the sane axe shou.,in upon the official :olata of said 11 city to a depth of fifty (50) feet back from said streets, and i Ito collect said tax. 1 SECITIOIT II. Said tax shall bee one and be delinquent in ten equal yearly instUlrnenta, -with interest on the Yhole sum junpaid at the rate °a dta l'ar ca.=art -,,,er L:..nnuFn f.,,,,-.„1)1(3 .:.:l the tim0 1 1 1 each installment is due, to-wit: One-tenth thereof one jean after 1 1 ,1 ! il 6 1: I i ;1 I 1,. , the ordinance con firming the levy of tip e tax for e payment for I 1 1 Isveh improvement bec one r3 effective; one-tenth thereof in two IYearS after said ordnance b<coa ss effective; one-tenth thereof in three years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tend:; thereof in four years dftor se id or dinar,ce ,JeceicU effective; on9- (tenth thereof in five years after safe ordinance iiec ones effectilfe; i lone-tenth thereof in six years after sw.a o'rdindrcce aecomes I) effective; one-tenth thereof in seven years after said ordinance ; becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in eihht ,ears e,fter said ordinance beccnies effective; one-tenth thereof in nine ,/ears ,after said ordi Hance bee ones effective; one-tenth thereof in ten years after said orO na:,nce hoc one s effective. One or ;)ore of said installments , in the order in which they -e pay.oie, or the whole special tax, may no :_aid e,-t =:i'iy tilde, :>ithin tuo days (alter the ordinance con:Circling the levy of the tux baco.ies effec-i ) I) hive, without interest. In the event of any installment or the interest aforesaid not m.ee"nu aid on the date the same becomes due, the whole amount of t ic, siysoie.l tLa. un_ald at the time said Ij Iinstal.lment and interest are due, shall become due aria _arable, I a i 11t par cent far annum �1,nd shall draw interest at tee leas of j(until the sale of the property assessed; proviJed, one or more iiinstal lments, in the order in wed oh they are __ty_die, or the li whole spec L i tax unie iu, iw:,, be ;;.i.d. on the a ay any inatz:ll;aen t ij ;;becomes due, by paying the amount thereof and interest to said Ida to. SIUCTIO11 III. This ordinance nail take effect one day ill !after its first Publi cation.I fr/3---iers, I Passed ;y t1 3o,:ru o.l Com)i.0 i_onur3 o`' n-alI Ls-1•.e City4 i !Utah, October 5thio O. m;i 6, ,„ o -r !,— Gity I e order. ;(Paving Lxtens' on No. 141. I6th Partial ux-i<nate. 1. ' IL h •-}• 131,1 • OO I :P . I . • F.= jy.