134 of 1908 - Ordinance 134 of 1908 – Amending & re-enacting Section 311, prohibiting transfer of retail, liquor •
AU 0 :_ D i iI ri _. C it .
An ordinance =endina and re-erectir Section 311 o" the :revised
iiOrdinances of Salt Lake City of 19o3.
Be it ordained by the City Council oif Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECI'IUr 1. That aection. 311 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
I Layne pity of 1903, be, a; he same hereby at ided ,and re-enacted!
sc ge)t9-read. .s fof w • 4/
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/ff�,11 �r, v5 C 311. i.ICEt y 'o si SITEL Is.Y..:30 P?OI'F:IETOi'. OF THE
Ho� �� �LA LIOEih D. L •��'fNO=T-TT S `rFRA o retail liquor
' qicmnse shall b ti e any ,oi t -hen the proprietor'
,Qf the place o i� s is- e Prt ` tor. as used in E
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section, i 1hktsb :4ined • e the _ son, firm or corpot
tt ution that o,en _ Se s op !of goo s and fixtures in, and the
Tr,tlece in which th9°/lu: _Zeos is proposed to be carried on, or ha
a lease of said place in his, their or its name, from the owner
thereof; end no liquor license shall be granted unless the person,
firm or corporation alplyint therefor shell file with the appli-
c>a.tionan affidavit davit ' y p . . 1 "made o tin: ?r;-.un member o� the firm, or
officer of the cerpero.ti.aii aoplyin+ Cot such licer:se, that he,
they or it is the owner o f ' . e stock o" =oods and 'ixtures in,
and the I..;lace where such proposed license in to be used, or has;
a lease c- said place ir hiq , their or its. name from the owner
thereof, A retail liquor license shall be non-transferable, exr
eept by consent s ns eri',y of the City Council, and it shall
be unlawful for any par:,on to do irgsinesso under a license tram
ferred to him without such cor.qert.
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SECTIOO 2. All ordinances end r:::;o1utionn. past.; of ordinanpes
and resolution: in conflict herewith ere bdreby repealed to the extent
jbf such conflict.
S-C'TIJI: 3. This orlin_ ._> slJa7.1 _.:e effect upon approval.
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