134 of 1920 - Paving Extension No. 159, Fifth and Final ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah ° °°el' i" t , 192()..... Barnes Burton If Crabbe i I move that the ordinance be passed. Green i__ Maim 7 .....___ ..-- i 41-----7 -- Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE U• 0.10I11.,InE ..,IIII:r: — '2,2.1 Luici for the ...sse3sinent of Is2o- serty on lIc(.11elimd. Street iron n,rbe:ct to hale, Yale -venue -iron -no- Olelland Street to :a even-uh :act, heroert ir an Yehth Psi; to :IcOlelland Street in Paving Di sbr ic i; So. `.31 (.1.'avl.,:: 22.(tensj on ho. 159) , n.ol"uhe rose pf providinf, for the -,:c.'d.1,1 , curbi-nP with inteLral curb, con- structing drainage sys teal to c,..c.,.' ....tor ..Jc.L'osa ; a... -ion: ctreets and intersections, c ons true ti/IL, ,-.,.•:i v....Lc 0.ri v cha„_;s, irtece. lingxasinatiax-martyr Rottisa.nx2;x'4 iris tall ing do.i.,er s or v-3 ce.,n, ash -2,...av int thereof. Bli IT 0a.a.Ii!ju [ihhi (:),..I,J ,.)...' S Oil:ILL;I‘;':. .) of ..i,al I Lain Jity, Utah: SILOTION I. Yhat the 3oL .ad o i '...;einini ssionc•rs oh Solt L-ae Jit,.T does hereby levy the tax and provide for the ,...,;33e3:11al'u Oa_ tin :sane upon the property her clan:I:ter descl.i,Jeu in raving; District ITh. .ol, (Pay in Iiixtension So. 159) hon. the :Inn' ose of provinis; for The E;rad.- ing, curbing with integral curb, coLsbr P2,i:lit al':_.in. Le stolen to carry oaten' across and. alon., street-s cnn, inter Jectionb, con.n.,ruo Lila: Jrivate driveways, PgfittaX1-1.Tirx4Arakir.:,e,a.npaaitalri-,;.p. installing u...tcr services, ...rid, pavir thereof, to-wit: In Iota 18 to a.) incl. on.' Wooduury :Sub. of rilk. 17, :11'ive acre Plat a and. Lots 15, 16 anti 17 oh :31oci. 17, 5 ...ere h1Ji, .n, .,. 'Acid Survey, abutting on i,o th .3i.i0 S oh I Icdi ellaod Street fr an ;ler bert to Yale, Yale .,,venue it on 1:(1-01011_,ila '3-t. to ,:llevanni Last, 17..er bort n.ve. froin Tenth i]aat to lIcUlciland :street. 134 ! - 1. 1 1 1 This tax is levied to fr ey e eeee ense of I,rovi din gE , for the grading, cur b_;rig with integral curb, constructing drain+ age system to carry water across .rid along, streets and inter- sections, constructing private drive><r , imetottlimpersuaccy.oux j: egxtglatellc installing water services, and paving; a fill concrete (said pavement t o ae tvdenty-ibu-r (<:4) feet eetvaean cures on 1J, I McClelland Street fr am Herbert .ive. t o Yale eve. and '?erbert live. fr an Tenth Sast to ihdlellena .it; and thirty (n0) feet between curbs on Yale live, fr an i:hidlelland to :i;leventh fast 11 street, and all of said pa.ve;rsent to oe seven (7) inches thick), the portions of said streets opposite the _as operty,hereinbefore and hereinafter described to )e es oecially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined end established that said property lei 11 ue eepeniwlly benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said 11 parcels of land are hereby assessed at can equal ace uniform rate; it in accordance with the linear coot frantuge upon said -por tions of said streets fronting upon anti to a depsh of fifty (50) feet buck therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to ce assessed {upon said parcels oP 1 end is Fourteen Thousand Your Hundred_ it !I Fourteen and Sixteen/100 (.44,414.16) dollars; Si Tousand II Hundred Thirty-four and 4l/100 (. 6754.41) dollars or Seven ,;.are II67/100 (0.67) dollars per front root or linear foot of abutting, property for said thirty foot roadway, there using 078.02 feet abutting said portion of >.i-ci improvement; ;eleven Thousand. Three Hundred Thirty-one and 75/100 (F'7351.75) dollars or Five 8a/100 ( 5.85) dollars per front or lineal foot of abutting property for said twenty-four foot roadway, there being 1253.29 feet abutting said portion of saal d improvement; Two li Hundred Forty (+y240.00) d°liars for private drivevia s, or Forty (1p40.00) dollars for each private driveway, there being six ii private driveways; One Handled Eight (-)108.00) dollars for c I il!water services or Eighteen (: 18.00) dollars tot' euci.i rater ser- (vice, there being six water services, and the cost of the con- . I s true tion of which eriv .to driveways, tlf4, S:t 1.<,, 4 iYr� ;., 1- r sof`arZ a -a . o"etVn tTOWs and too cost o a ,,;ic.i water !services. and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set I lout, and all within the boundaries of the lot;, block and II . Istreets above mentioned in enia district, w Lien is toe totc:l 1 cost and cost per front loot of said im'•erovement, according to the contract entered into for ton gerfacmance of said e ord and jmaking said improvement, aitb i_or,sn Paving Com any, dated the 1 13I, d day of November, 1919, ado the Treasurer in hereby autao_isod • bland directed to assess, in accordance yith the ;rovisions of this ordinance , for the :aur;99ose hare in mentioned: II Twenty-four Foot Roadway i I1 1 The south side of Lots 18 to 23 incl. of :'oodbury 1 'Sub., the north rl.de o f the east 252.35 feet of the nest 285.35 feet of the south 254.1 feet of Lot 16, 3eginning at a Point 1 285.35 feet east and 35 feet south of the northwest corner of i 1lot 16 Blk. 17, 5-here Fl-et ":," thence Southwesterly 255.79 feet; lof Lot 16, Beginning at a ;aoii.t 415.06 feet west o-i the north- ,east corner of Lot 16, Bid. 17, 5-acre Plat "_:" -i,hence northeast+ 1 jerly 33.26 feet of Lot 15, 3eginning at a point 415.06 feet west of the northeast corner of Lot 16, Bid. 17, 5-;cre Flout "L." 1 i thence southwesterly 225.39 feet of Lot 16, the east side of the north 100 feet of the west 297 feet of Lot 17 and the !'lest side .` of the south 141.86 feet of the north 144.5 feet of tan east 1438.68 feet of Lot 17 of Block 17, 5-fore Plat ".n"dig, Field Survey; I T: I_i'TY FOOT 2OLDIllY , + The south side of the east 439.34 feet of the north. 1i223.74 feet of Lot 16 and the aorta side of the ea tt38.68 feet of the south 284.46 feet of Lot 17 of Bile. 17, 5-acre Flat "L.", 1 Sig Field Survey: . 3. 1 i 1 i ; 1 • PROPERTY ASS'3SS BB 20it I1IV,[P:� DZPT :`:el'IS IN ADDITION TO ' �� 1'H _. CLr. B ASSL`$21'LNlTL' 1 1 The north side of the east 125 feet of the •lest 158 fe't 1 of the south 254.1 feet of Lot 16, the north side of the east I 40 feet of the west 198 feet of the south 254.1 feet, t;_e north !iIside of the east 40 feet of the west 2,38 feet of ti.c south 254.1 il!feet, Beginning at a point 271.85 feet east and 163 feet south !Of the northwest corner of Lot 16, Blk. 17, 5 acre slat "a" it jlthence southwesterly 10 feet and, Beginning at a 1,oint 297 feet I !least of the southwest corner of lot 16, Bid:. 17, 5 Acre Plat i I"a" thence northeasterly 115 feet of Lot 16 and the, east side lief the north 100 feet o:i the west 297 feet of Lot 17, all in !Block 17, 5-Acre 'Plat ".'z" Big Feld Survey; j PROPERTY ASSESSED 20 -IAiE t 33iiVlCihS Ii riDDI'1101I TO THE 21:d dwuL.1 a3 i SabLOT i 11 The north side of the west 313.68 feet of the east it 38.68 feet of the south 284.46 feet of Lot 17 of 131k. 17, 5- tl ' ere Plat "A", Big Field Survey, as The same are shot.n upon the Ilfficial plats of said city to a•de eta of fifty (50) feet back i !from said streets, end to collect said tax. it SECTION II. Said tax :3 i 11 sec ode 2 be delinquent LI 'ten equal yearly insta im,3nts, with interest on the :hole. stun : I paid at the rate of .hIe: ter cent 1)er annum, -:aja•ule at the Liao ach installment is due, to—.+it: One-tenth thereof one am ! fter the ordinance confiri_;ing the levy .oss the twig for the pay- !anent for such improvement bee olio s effective; one-tenth thereof in two years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof lin three years after said ordnance eec aces effective; one-tenth thereof in four years after said ordinance bec omes effective; i lone-tenth thereof in five years after said ord n!ence secoraes I !effective; one-tenth thereof in .sip: nears after said orl Hasse becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in seven pears ;;,fter said 1 04. irI ,I lordinance bec aces effective; one-tenth thereof in eizhi years , after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in Dine years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth Ith.ereof in ten years after ;aid ordinance becomes effective. lOne or more of said installments, in the ader in which they ,ire . )ayable, or the whole special tax, may be Paid azt any time aitn- I'n ten days after the ordinance confiri.inil the levy of the 1 ,tax becomes effective, without interest. In the event of any linstal.lment or the interest aforesaid not being:; _aid on the date 1 i I he same bec aces due, the nhol e amount of the spec tat tax un =aid i I i t the time said in,3tallnicnt and interest ,:,re Lae cue, shall sec one ue and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of ei4_int er cent per annum until the ;;ale of the property assessed; I rovided, dine or more :instalments, in the order in Viiii oh they re payable, or the whole spec h 1 tue unsaid, in;y es aid on the day any installment bec ace"s due, by payin- the a1,1012.1at tie re- I bf and interest to said date. 5EC`l'1Oil III. This ordnance snail ta..i.a effect one day after its first public:.t ion. �J -- / 6 irk ^_ --- i Passed by the !3oL.rd of Commissioners' of Salt La._u Pity,; ;Jtah, October 5th 1920. 1 ..,g, 7"y ec or er. aving ntensi n No. 159. th and Final . stimate. 5. 11 �! 1 1 I 1 • • . r ,. ' 4... , ,,,,,,,...... _: , , . .• , I _..,, k cp 9.. ,....,41 ri. A R 4 , 6i! i • j f 1 hot 0 , . i