135 of 1904 - Ordinance 135 of 1904 – Granting franchise to B. Mahler and his heirs, executors, administrators, • AN ORDINANOR GRANTING A FRANCI3E TO E. XAHLER AND HIS i,EIRS, EXECUTQRS,AUINISTRATOR3, SUCCIORS AND ASSIGNS, 3OR 00V- STNUCTING AND 0?ERATING A RAILROAD. Ceotion 1.- ZE IT ORDAINED by the City Counoil of Salt Lake City that 3. IZahlor, his suooesoore and assigns, have the authority and oon- • • sent of the :;ity Council, and permission is hereby granted them to don- etrdot cnd operate a single or double traok railroad, together with all the heoesoary switeheo, turnoxA and midetraohs for the trona- , .,ortation of ,iansengero, bav:age, freight, eypresv and mail matter, and also ,sermit-sion for the erection of e line of poles or two liner of iAler when neoeasary. carrying telephone, telegraph. trolley and trans- trin!:ion wires for the use of said rcilroad, is a oontinuous line through said City upon the following streets, to-wit: Commencing at the Northern boundary line of acid •,lity et n oint whore the Coanty !And. running pcmt Beck's Hot ' pringa, leaeing 'Auth crosees the same; thence Southerly along said County Fond to a point where the said Rend int:ascots with Second rest ',,treet; thence South long Seoond West treet, to Sixth North treet; thenoe. Pant along Sixth North Street to ';qrlit Went Street; thence South along Flret ' eet street to South Temple Street; thenoe ". ist along South Temple ` treet to hot Temple [A;reet: thonoo South along hostTemple Street to .!..ast Fourth !,:outh Street; thenoe " s.ct along :;ast Fourth South treet to nvoond East Stroot; thence South on econd hst Street to the ':Auth boundary of uaid city. This frnnahiho, so far as it applies to ..croond :Safit Street, is grant- ed in aocorde.nce with the provisions of :•eotinn 4 ef ec ordioance ck:ant- D frnohise to the :2,clt cke and surbhrhan Railway Compuny, effective a,;A:3t 14. Seotion Z.- in consideration o thio ould. 135 -p- grt.rtee, hiu euceeet•or:e or seeigns afern:;:..id, hereby agree to two " " rails in the oontti.ructfon of eciri railroad, and where onto read la ocnetrooted ar c_ee:rnt ed ui;on lurvee streets, they are hereby required to keep to loud repair and dove nitb brink ar stone. or other material to be aa.tually t reed upon, the: apace i.neitiu the track or traoket, and of :oo tno feet wide or e.an n •re: cf the: :;time, including ul7. epeeee Fetwcr;c double tracks where: the atom iro roes;s.rwited. ':e.+4tior :;teem esell not Lc need ser. a motive power in the u;;srui, on of :eiii railroad. ih.ed said grentee, ;:is :ucoeseore or txe.-.;signe aforeeeid, oiler- ore :cars upon eeiii railroad wit:: all ne;oeca.ary and modern improvements for the o:;nve+nienoe, comfort and safety of pats:engere, which said, oars • snail be rara 1nefeon 6ea31; no:, every oay, both wt:ye, anil nt a sohtrdu e tev i' ;,ct: exee:;ding twelve mile ,e - ";cur ni.thin the eettlod i ortione of he ;ity. The track cr tracks shall be nor.e,i,ranted to t.l:u cector of the street, uolesa etherwi.s:.o riroated by the .",i.ty i)uui�oil, a end in ouch a meaner as shall be €p proved by that :sty ^,n;ueoil. :;r: t.r:nk or ..:•aokts e nel tee; laid, ±.:nr the road operated so ens to JF.'iL`ie: n6 1,ary 'ir,,>ci 1 i er;t to the Coapion ct ordinary owe of etreeste for ex11 s,rs1. the water ()curves of cold streets tihall be kept free and unobstructed. ;:aid tracts s%1811 be laid eAd rr.aintained at grade a.rs ortr.b'.lrshed by the .lity, rand p,,rmanot crorsi.ngta shell ua raide and. matintni.rcd by tr.r, grantee, his al.o:eor:ore or ee4e1i.goo cre s rid, at the inters:ectior of ®treats ar.o elsewhere wherever the ser=ie shall be .5ecedeury, t;t the to>oretion and ;wrier the direction at and to the anoopt.eone of the t;it y Council. :octi.on 4.- The price of c- eins;le fare one way shall not exceed five e to 'within the area of the City limits as now established; but Oi;n :icei,ors: Odoratix,g r,;,;,id ;;are are herooy respired, when demand. is made tc lull to cry one perron, a:t eve t loe, tight ticketea for the SUM of twenty-five oents, oa.ob of s;esi.d tickets to be equivalent t:. a eess.h ...5- , . , fare of five oente. 1 This 6ranteo, his saosessoro and eve:lime nere to ho sah ,,ot to such roa.nnble rules, end ren,Actions concerning the oxcharge ane 1 acceptance of tronetere bct,veen street railroad componies (tire:toting within said ';ity, :.: Illo, , o, Ir.:: 1::,-,id t1 : sOil unsy/-.ted. -,00tion_p.- That this franchice ho, slid t1e ems v ,41-J-(1 ,7:rreted for a period of Ore I'.undred (le ) 71-'oxs, frer; tfA, C•ctr, o the resorf,:re of this crdiranne. F'notrior. 6.- Th.at nothine in this grant ohell be so eonstrate, vs to pre-vont ' it !,,:',. e ,”„-ty, or it:ci .:_uthorinod n, , to Lvvr,c, eewering, lsyf.ng Ear cr water meirs, or pipes, sitosit,e, 7k, r3rp,:, or An sTr ralin,,T improving an:r cf the strots need 1-: 'arstlende of tlAis franshise, but all sas iml)rovements stall bo mad, .vith ns little inary ne practicable to said reilroad, or to tho operation thereof, ! , , and only after reasonable notice, not owl:loading thirty aire, to untd grantee, his steneenors or fn:aigns, ;'ne 'ir., 01717tilnit7/ nffor(W m avid City to lay a temporary trac),- or trholm aso.T) othor pnrts 04! owid street, daring the prosecution of the -7ork of mnid imprvvomento, .PWstion_7.- That in the oonetraotion nnd oneratioo of 8%id, r01.- road, the said c:rootee, his eassessore or asnigss °Rol-await, ‘)I'llV, all timov sonform to eash reneonable ordinances, vase r:ile re::::::11ene se meT be ndodted by the 3i.t.7r r;ocncil of said lit in relation to o:z.,« straating End operating railroads. :'Alotion_h•- That 'Llt Lsi:o Vt.? nhz.L11 i,r. no Tvly 1)e lf,::h)le r responsible for any occident or damage thet nay coos.? iv the corairuc- tion or operation of said railroad by renon of the default or ntsoon- duot of silla grantee, hiE vtloceesoro or ee:,igno aforouvid, emdlOyeffil, vill'A ho aseeptance of this .zrant shall te deemed an t .Ttf:..- mont on the pnrt of the void ,7rartee, for himself, hie suclesm7,rn or aq011. to save naid it harmless fror. end tioirist any aful OA inabil- ity, 1 , costs. oxpowme or donaree from any OAIWO erining out nf mmir euen default or,miecondaot, or which may accrue ty reaoon of any • aooident or injury which may 000ar in or by reason of the oonetruoticn or o9ersa.ticn of ..ica.d ra1l,r.ay, s.m'' to i.ndor.(r;ify ;+ax:r rer;;eay said City for any lose, aante. ex.enee or damage of ix Lind it may euetuin by rye(- eon of any default, r1enundrat, .:c^icert or 1rrjury. and if any judgment for citwiage& for nny anal nofuu1t, mieocinduot, accident or injury ei'(a11 be: rcaovcred eee.inet said Tity, t10 r.e:cevery thereof shell be final as between said City t.ne° the, said. ;rr.ntee, his ouoa,ae:rv;a ox aggignb eesid, end conal-ueive a to the liability' c'i' the 1,-zt.ti*r to Lna ,,Cr .isr, provided. however, that tho said Yr-i.r,tne, ^'1 i co.ctae4p:Szs3 or oGzigna. shall ) .Vs ";.y.d cotiae in writing o1` the i:,ea,164oy of 3ahi'h yat1ra4 lb . t1r4 to om orsr, rage.,•:r And :(:f(rnd tiae( name. • sceotion 9.- That if thin grant, cit'' the terve and (ronditlobe here in nonteiined he not rroaojted t:, 'writing by halt ;:;ranter within ;sixty j{ days after notice of the p ss a; e oft t, orI ina,nce, cx ii' t::ea iirvlio inary survey of coaid railroad be not commenced within twelve zcrGno geIf ',?:; after the passage of thin s+ratinr:.nae, or acrr:::t:c+rui;t.on of psi; least one track, of We road be not completed throuc'h t•ir: ti.y „ei.r:r;tr, tame r years after the &aoeptorae of thin ordinance, ':12e:t. t.!;i.tri G;)'r.,t,t :-nli trar',- ohiee sha1l become null eno void; provieed, Y..c lever, t,:s r_ esr:,is 6xrant and franchise eba11 not he forfeited for the oou(t.e above etut forth, or for any rearm) whatever, if the avid' f rr r•tee, i:!.. euooc eor s aforec;f'.id, without their fault shel). hsave been revee.ctedi t:ir&e:xed or delayed in the performance of nuah conditions, or snj of t:r.ea4 by the not of cod, or the operation of low, ''trikea or o tr aa-.hem:, uufond th.ir ocntr.ol. 3eoticn-_1C.- That cv3iuoevor and wherever the curd 'sauooebuur:'O' ooaurre in this ord inen0e, tho c'ame, in nd(ition tc ite ordinary suoaolag, shell be onnatrnad tc xcEtn Ytrl[', include, beald'e,, ore. "©ot;.on 11.- This ordinance vall tnho cfre it tiiion e.l,jl eic;5.1. ... . I , ... . CP ;,...,;"• 70 Zi tI6 41 * (...3\1• 1 1 s to t ty, 1 ..V 11, ! iiil t