135 of 1920 - Sidewalk Extension No. 203, Second and Final ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 00 t ia i Barnes Burton Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. te4 Green Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE oRDDLI.]: ;r1rEm Ior the ;..,sses;srden 0 at , royerty on la dalgan Avenue, 1.3th ito a point One ton tired 2,i.:,;.-ty—five feet dlast from said Thirteenti) taut Sir eet, in .1.1.1ewalL District to. to, (Site— euhLL 11.xte hsi on No. 203) , or tiu j•rtia.'1)o se of idrovid.i.K for t con— struct'on of concrete sidewalks. 115 IT Oibldll.d.) 010 00..IiIS3I0. 3 of 5.10 note Uit.d, Utah.: 311.0TIO0 I. Thf..t the dolera of Coindlisdi(driers of hiLt Lw e Jity doe 3 hereby levy the tax nt trOvilu for the essess;ment of the s.,me upon the property hereinafter de scribee in t5idoviall. District id o. (Sidewalk !',:xterisi on No. 203) for the purg)ose of providing for the coustruct ion °I' concrete sidewalks, to—At: In Lot 10 of :Roca.. .30, 5 Acre 3is Pield This tax i 3 3.eVi Cl dee.r..t-J the. t.tx: -Lice 01 C ads true ting. c oncoete sidewalks five (5) feet tILe and four (4) inchesJet,tid ii ith three and one—quar ter (3-,1) inch oo,au ant three—quarter (-.1T.) ineh. topding, upon the portions of said !3treets opposite the proper ti hereinbefo re . and hereinafter de sc rib ea to de es)dc L2.11 y affected to bactitea by sold impro ve iw.nt, art) it is her old d d de ter fail.'„id blis ed that wit prop sr t] will be especially benefited thoroby to tiL full amount of the tax hereby levi ed., end EL., dbe000le ad: .Len,J Lore hereby assessed. at an equal and lin infortl rate in accordance the linear Toot frontaue upon said nortions cif seih streets, itrontiih;. upon and 135 r „,.• — I " 1 to a depth of fifty (50) feet back there from, and. tid3 tax hereby levied and to be assessed uyon- said. earcels of land is Five Hun-i dred Twenty-five and 85/100 ( 5525.85) dollars or One and • 594/1000 ($1.594 ) dollars por from or linear foot of abutting !, property, there being 329.98 feet of :x'outtiup property within the boundaries of the lot , oloch and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the tot,.1 cost +.2 eost per front ' I foot of said sidewalks, accorairi to the contract entered into for the performance of 3,Ad. r4o_d and ,y.icing sale if-pc ovement, rite Shepard & Weber, Contractors, dated the 21st day of .;,crib, 1n20,, and the• Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned: Yteoeting on both sides of Ifiehigan !Wenn.°,11222 Thirteenth test to ze point 165 feet east fro Thirteenth last Street; • The south aide of the Last 164.95 feet o f the zest 181.95 feet of the north 161.28 feet of Lot 10 and the north side of the east 164.95 feet or the west 181.95 feet of the s.outra 59.81 feet of Lot 10, Block '60, 5 acre 21 at "0", eie Field SUrvey, as the dime are shown up on the official plats of se.id city, to a depth of fifty (50) feet back _crag said streets, and to collect said tax. SB�CTIOI II 5:-.- t l .J1 . e c oin and 05 delin=_Went II 111.2o five equal earl) ins tellmenta, with interest oz. 4ae hole • sum unpaid at the rate o.. s is.. y _ coat _ ._; ul , able at the time each jntot lie as is due, to-nit: One-fifth thereof one year after the ordi Ilene e c oa to rming the levy of the tea for the i uayment for such ine or ei.ient becomes effective; one-fifth thereon I in two years after said ordinance bec ones effective; ono-fifth 1theree in three years -after as ordi name, '.teamed. effective; he ! one-fifth thereof in to.- eeers after inter Oral naoce bee cries 2. I t i f I } EI ! 'I 4 effective; and one-fifth thereof in five years after said ordin-' iarice beciLmes effective. One or more irist�llrients , in the order in which they are y ayable, or tile vhole s ec i<:.1 ts,x, raay ue paid at any time within ten days after the ordinance conArming the levy of the tax becomes effective, ‘Jithout interest. In the event of any install.rnunt or the interest aforesaid not Ding • paid on the date inn au Dec cries due, the a.vhole amount of the special tax un id. at the time said inetz.lima nt a:.nd. interest are due, shall become due and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of eigh', per cent per ar:num until the sole of the (property assessed;. provided, one or more :install:nento, in tie I order in whicy they are payable or the .rirole special tax unbaid� may be paid on the day any instalment bec brae s due, by p a ying the amount there of and interest to slid date. S CTI01t III. This or dinar,ce shall take effect one day! after its first publication. , Passed by the 3ourd of Coraiission•er City, Utsh, 5th of Ociober, 1J2•C. i y rec rder. .. ; • Si dewalk l:atensi on 1V o. 10). 2d and Final :estimate. it 1 1 ; • - i. , . . , • „ . 1.--- 1 . , . f , II. i .•-; , *-• a r, 5 T-1 -.. ,. f) ha •. • RI . zi rs F . 6,13 61 . . I , 1 _ [,..„ . .44 ..,_, . . . 4 . .. . , . [is 4L_ ,, ...,_ 1 i , I A____ 1, 1 I I. 3 :'„, 1 --,. ‘ I . • • i • • • 4 y , • • • • N ; 1 N I I I 1 li '»� � W�'vniyo� rf" r Y S n t P 'tea ✓f A f, k . 6. .)\(' 5ti -, . �.�a. .si - . .....w..�rr.o�.'•--'u..'a'-- 7 . 1 oSz • - . -r-- --- , � 1 I , , I ' LO 1 Is l 1