135 of 1972 - Amending Title 2, by adding Chapter 20, providing for an Airport Advisory Council, and defining the / IIVLLI.MLL
LA/TOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, Nova mber 29 ,19 72
Mr.Chairman ;;i
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Hammen V . u�1 >
AN ORDINANCE AMENISINS Title 2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to aeronautics, by adding thereto a
new chapter to be known as Chapter 20, providing for an Airport Advisory
Council and defining the nature, personnel and duties of such Council.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Title 2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to aeronautics, be, and the same hereby is
amended by adding thereto a new chapter known as Chapter 20, providing
for an Airport Advisory Council and defining the nature, personnel and
duties, said chapter to read as follows:
"Sec. 2-20-1. Creation. Title. Composition. Qualifications.
There is hereby created an official body of the city to be known
as the Airport Advisory Council, which body shall consist of
eleven appointed members; in addition to the duly elected, qualified
and acting Commissioner of the City Department to which the airports
are assigned who will be an ex-officio member of the Council.
Members of the Airport Advisory Council shall not be appointed as
the representative of any particular aviation activity.
"Sec. 2-20-2. Appointment. Oath of office. The members of
the Airport Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City. The members of the Council shall
sign the oath of office required by law to be signed by City
Officers and file the same in the office of the City Recorder.
"Sec. 2-20-3. Term of office. Vacancies. Three members of the
Airport Advisory Council shall be appointed for a term of one year,
four members for a term of two years and four members for a term
of three years; provided, however, that after the initial terms of
one, two and three years, all subsequent terms of office shall be
for a period of three years. The term of office of each member
of the Airport Advisory Council shall commence on the 25th day of
January, 1972, and he shall serve until his successor is appointed
and qualified, unless the appointment is made to fill a vacancy, in
which case he shall hold office for the unexpired term of the
person who ceased to be a member of the Airport Advisory Council
and whom he is succeeding; providing, that if the Council member
representing the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City shall
cease to be a member of the said Board for any reason or shall
cease to be in charge of the City Department to which the airports
are assigned, such occurrence shall automatically terminate his
membership in the Airport Advisory Council and the City Commissioner
succeeding to that position shall automatically become a member of
the Airport Advisory Council. Vacancies in the Airport Advisory
Council shall be reported to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City with appropriate recommendations by the City Commission member
of the Council. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
limit the number of terms a Council member may serve.
'Sec. 2-20-4. Organization. Quorum. The members of the
Airport Advisory Council shall meet after receiving notice of
their appointment, and organize by the election of a chairman
and a vice-chairman from their own number, and they shall
designate an executive secretary who may be either a member of
the Council or another suitable person as the Council may see
fit. Six members of the Airport Advisory Council shall con-
stitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting
regularly called.
"Sec. 2-20-5. Powers and duties generally. The Airport
Advisory Council shall:
1. Act in an advisory capacity only.
2. Advise the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
in charge of the airports regarding such matters as may
properly be brought before it.
3. Review and make recommendations on all operations or
activities that are major in nature and require policy deter-
4. Assist the Airport Management and the Commissioner in
charge of the airports in the following matters:
(a) Review and recommend on the major considera-
tions of the Master Plan Study for the Salt Lake
City International Airport, and review and
advise on a continuing basis modifications of
the Master Plan as may be required by changes in
conditions, use and technology.
(b) Review the improvement program of the Master
Plan Study as related to income and revenues
so that the staging of major capital improve-
ment projects are within the anticipated airport
revenues and income projected in a conservative
(c) Review on an annual basis with the airport admini-
stration, the income from all sources, the expen-
ditures for all purposes, and the relationship
of anticipated revenues to anticipated expenditures
including debt retirement.
(d) Review and advise on major problems involving broad
policy considerations, including rules and regula-
tions, commercial operations and general aviation.
(e) Advise on problems of general public concern
affecting the Salt Lake City International Airport
and Salt Lake Airport No. 2.
5. Assist in every way possible for the continuing orderly
development and promotion of the Salt Lake City International
Airport and Salt Lake Airport No. 2 to serve the local and
regional requirements for air service.
'Sec. 2-20-6. Executive Committee. The Airport Advisory Council
may designate an executive committee or committees to consider
matters which may subsequently be presented to the Council.
"Sec. 2-20-7. Meetings. The Airport Advisory Council shall meet
at least once during each calendar quarter, and at such other times
at the call of its chairman or at the request of the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City or the ex-officio council member
"Sec. 2-20-8. Remuneration. Members of the Airport Advisory
Council shall receive no compensation for their services as
members of the Council or for any personal expense they may incur
as members of the Council.
"Sec. 2-20-9. Removal from office. Any member of the Airport
Advisory Council may be removed from office by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City for cause, prior to the normal
expiration of the term for which he was appointed."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabi-
tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 29th day of November , 1972.
Temporary Chairman 1IgM/I`CX
BILL NO. 135 of 1972
Published December 5, 1972
/A 6�
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt) Betty Pho 1 os
Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to aeronautics,by adding thereto a new chat/-,---_-'--"
Iter to be known as Chapter 20,providing for an Airport Advisory Council and
defining the nature,personnel and duties of such COUncil. • '
Be It ordained that the Board of Commissioners of Sett Lake Cify,Utah:•
SECTION 1,That.Title'2 of the Revised Ordinances of Solt Lake City, first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal advel•-
'Ufah,1965,relOting to aeronautics,be,and the some hereby Is.amended by Being
riding v thereto-anew shooter known as Chester 20,providing for an Airport tisinrr clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
Ito read
'Advisory Council and defining the nature,personnel and duties,said chapter h
;to read asfollows: "CHAPTER 20 newspaper printed rioted in the Ear li:h language with general cir-
Sec.2-20-1.Cf9m .ian.TM camposUlan:G}amincatlons.There Is hereby culntian in Utah, aIUL published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
!created an official body of the Ito to be known the Airport Advisory Utah.
.Council, nhi h body shall consist of eleven appointed members,lit addition County,In the State of 4J fah.
f theduly elected,Mantled and acting Commissioner of the City Depart-
t to hl h theI ports are assigned who will be an ex otfi<o member of'
-the Council MembleYSibf-the Airport Advisory Council shall not be appointed•
i• "Sec.2-2 2.)45aOftany ment.Oath particular aviation TheoctivIty. That the legal notice of which a copy is attachedhereto
Sec.2-2m2.Council'shalilaiment.Oath of office.The members ofLite Airport
Laketoty City.Thfffi embe?seot the Counc appointed il shall sign the dthe oath of office of rrequireds of l 1
by law to be stgned:by,g1ty Officers rind the the some In the office of the City In Ordinance _e_l_ttnE, __a-ezo_natjtlC.un__13-11_1_vIQa_L
"sec.2-20-3 tom of office.Vacanaies.Three members of the Airport
;Advisory C .)111.1 be appointed for a term of one year,four members for ��n
f term or 1 o ydart and fa members fora term of three years;provided. O 1 11 2 e ._
'however,that-d/t(tl/the Initial terms of one,two and three yeears,all subse-1--'--
entterms berYfi'e'shall be fora period of three years.The term of office
each aryardr pprbi oeldrhe shall
serve until
hisi shall eomms appointed
p on ted orb
of d,unleyht972r and heshall serve until successor Is which cos ahe
shallhll ol offIcestor heoin unexpired
Isd mademto fitll a vacancy,In eased case he!------
I mem)member
a the
Ae meaty Cd term of whome he
is who ceased;to be a
bat of the Alrpor/:Advisory Corned and or succeeding;provld-1
that if the shall Ch se to be arepresenting the Board of tomrtne far any eas of
;Salt Lake cease
be in charge
r be a member a the said towel for hey reason -- ---
r shall cease toc be In r ce h thelm Deportment his h¢memorts;
ahe Airport
Ad occurrencensnob automatically City terminateCommissioner
ris mceedersh to
in the all utoV Cocoon and the CITY member
Ai suporteedvls tory I
;that positionVac shall in the Airpo:become a member shall theAirport a dto the Council.Vacancies In the Airport b keAdvisory w h Councilpp ilt be reported to'
by the iono of Salt take C Council.
1.Nothing e recommendations sl
I by the City Commission member of the cpa Cou Naming In this section shall was published in said newspaper on
be c"Sec.ad to limit theniz number or terms a Council member map serve.
"Secs l shall Organisation.Quorums The members of the Airport d orga-
,ni Council shall meet after receiving notice.of odour an from ent,their and num-
e and
election d si chairman andu ive secretary om ay be note- )eceraber '" 19Z2
her berfthey shallucis or another he eyl utlee secretory who ncil be eker a ._ _2t
ember bf rs of the ell e dvIsuitable lson as toe Council a may see tar
members of the Airport a An I V Council shall constitute q fo
th transaction. ow business t meeting ly.The irpod ...
S 2205 Powers and dutiesgenerally.The Airport Advisory C II .__1
1 Act in an advisory capacity only.
2 Advise the Board of Commissioners r Salt Lake City In h f the \ \N" \ \',,
airports regarding such matters as may properly be brought before It •
3.Review and make recommendations on all operations or activities that I
are '
moor In and require policy Legal A uerttamg hock
d.Assist the Airport Management and the Commissioner In charge or the
airports In the following matters:
(a)Review and recomlnend on the motor considerations of the Master
Plan Study for the Salt Lake City International Airport,and review an
reavired by changes continuingvise on° In conditions,,basis u and modifications
se technfhe ologMaster Plan as may be
eq(b)Review the Improvement program of the Master Plan Study as relat-
ed to income and revenues so that the staging of melon capital Improvement 6th _ day of
nolects are within the ottlelpaled airport revenues and income prolected In me thi•s
conservative onn anr.a coet rvativ 0annual basis with the alrpont admini the tlon,the In-t
me from all sources,the expenditures for all purposes,and the relationship
of anticipated revenues to anticipated expenditures Including debt retire- D ln_ rt
e t. A % 1
m n(d)Review and advise on molar problems Involving broad policy consid-
erations,Including rules and regulations,commercial operations and general
le)Advise on problems or general public concern affecting the Salt Lake jr` '
City international Airport and Salt Lake.Airport No 2. y i. i, /
5 Assist in every way possible for the continuing orderly development r., %.<--
and promotion or the Salt lake City International Airport and Solt Lake Air-
port No.2 to serve the local and regional regolremenis for air service.
'Sec.2-20.6.Executive Committee.The Airport Advisory Council m Notary Public
'designate an executive committee or committees to consider matters which
may subsequently be presented to the Council,
"Sec:2-20-7.Meetings.The Alrporf Advisory Council hall meet at least3nce during each or quarter,and at such other times at the call of Its
chairman or at thea request of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
,r the ex-officio council member thereof.
'Sec.2-20.8.Remuneration.Members of the Airport Advisory CoUncil
oholi receive no compensation for their services as members of the Council
or for any personal expense they may Incur as members of the Council.
"Sec,2-20-9.Removal from office.Any member or the Airport Advisory
Council may be removed from office by the Board or Commissioners of Salt
Lake City for cause,prior to the normal exUlration or the term for which he
',as ppointed."
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
'IYy Iris necessary to the peace,health and safely of the Inhabitotonis of Solt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. ---
SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication,
' Passed by the Board Of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah this 29th
day of November.1972,
Temporary Chairman
City Recorder
BILL NO.135 of 1972 fA_97)_
Published December 5,1972 -._.__ _,-_„— -_
L_IC t..1+