135 of 1980 - Amending section 51-12-2 rezoning property fronting the East side of State Street East to 300 East, /4, SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE Bill No. 135 of 1980 (Downzoning of South Central Community, Part Two) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO REZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has determined after lengthy public hearing deliberations before its own body and before the planning commission on numerous occasions, and after having reviewed citizen testimony, planning and demographic data and on-site inspection of the area known as the South Central Community in regard to proposal for zoning amendments under Petition 89 of 1980. Said Council has concluded that to complete the comprehensive rezoning in the Community, it should address the residential areas abutting existing commercial areas fronting State Street between 1300-2100 South to foster and preserve the viable neighborhoods and housing within this particular area of said community. Said Council desires by its actions to encourage development and growth in the community that will be compatible with the best interests of the particular neighborhoods involved and with the development of the city as a whole. Therefore, the City Council of Salt Lake City hereby adopts the following amendments to the Use District provisions of Title 51. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Use and Use District Map, as adopted by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the fixing boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 51-12-2. Residential "R-6" to "R-2". The following-described parcels of residential land in Salt Lake City, adjoining the existing commercial areas fronting the east side of State Street east to Third East beginning at 1300 1_3 South Street south to north line of Westminster Avenue currently zoned Residential "R-6" shall be zoned to a Residential "R-2" classification. "Commencing at a point on the South line of 1300 South Street, said point being 150 east of State Street; thence East along the south line of 1300 South Street 771 feet, more or less, to a point half way between 200 East and Roberta Street; thence South 1059 feet, more or less, to a point 125 feet South of Browning Avenue; thence East 458 feet to a point 100 feet West of 300 East Street, thence South along a line 100 feet West of and parallel to 300 East Street, 890.4 feet, more or less, thence West 163 feet; thence South 100.0 feet; thence West 397 feet; thence North 50.0 feet; thence West 380 feet; thence South 50.0; thence West 230 feet; thence North 160 feet; thence West 149 feet to a point 150 feet east of State Street; thence North 988.4 feet; thence East 197.0 feet; thence North 287.1 feet; thence West 197.0 feet; thence North 574.2 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Also commencing on the north line of 1700 South Street, said point being 150 feet east of State Street; thence North 138 feet; thence East 536.0 feet; thence North 22.0 feet; thence East 180.25 feet; thence North 11.0 feet; thence East 518.75 feet to a point 100 feet West of 300 East Street; thence South along a line 100 feet West of and parallel to 300 East Street, 233.4 feet, more or less, to the north line of 1700 South Street; thence West along the north line of 1700 South Street, 526 feet, more or less, to a point 100 feet East of 200 East Street; thence South along the line parallel to and 100 feet East of 200 East Street, 1,756.69 feet to the north line of Westminster Avenue; thence West 702.25 feet, more or less, to a point 150 feet east of State Street; thence North 1,756.69 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th day of December , 1980 CHAIRMAt47 ATTEST: c /) k26/: c��,`1/ CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on December 16, 1980 Mayor's Action -2-- J4(.4(11,—. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 135 of 1980 Published December 24, 1980 —3— 1:3 5 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty Bill Ne 135011900 (Downtoning of South Central Community,Part Two) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12.2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH,1965, AS AMENDED, ll RELATING TO REZONING AND FIXING Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal BOUNDARIE OF ICT WHEREAS,the City Council of Salt Lake CIIv,Ulan ha delernlined after lengthy public hearing dellllerattons befere advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily its own.bodv and'be�ere the planningcommission sinn n lime, as�ns,and after having reviewed citizen testimony, (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English Manning and dmographie data a d n-site Inspection of the area known as the South Cenl al Community In regard to language with general circulation in Utah, and Said Council hasi�nttteon<iudea•nano cooid Petitionttmuraden: published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the tial areas labeu'wn Community, sl tiing Co nmerciaid areas frontiing State Street between 130U4100 Sporn m fester andn preserve the via. State of Utah. foie neighborhoods nd housing within this particular area of said community.Said Council desires by its actions to encour age develoomett and growth In the community that will be h arthml e'd'�and wih nine aevemumenl rOf the'tvvas That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto adopts Itheefollowing am thA endments tot theltUseke city Districthereby erovvi sinn f Title sl. pub notice of Ordinance #135 of 1980 NOW,THEREFORE,Ben ordained by the City Council of Sall Lake City,Utah, SECTION 1,That the Use and Use District Map,as adopt. ed by Section 51 12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake CHMIs, be,and file sae relating to the fixing ded as follows;daries of Use Dls The followinResidential tl eocllibeed p r��s off residentlol land In Sall Lake Clty, dinning the-re 11 commercial areasfronting theeast side of State Street east to Third Eas inning at 1300 oci Street south to north line of Westminster Avenue currently urf ently'zoned dll Residential"RC6"shall be zoned to a Resider, "Commencing at a point Lis ts sts line of 1300 South Street, said point being ISO east of State Street;thence Fast along the hasouth line of 1300 South Sir- 7 1 feet.mere or less to a point lt ay between 200 Epst,51ldi Roberta Street,thence South 1059 feet,More oe loss,to,a dust i251eel South of Browning Avnrlee,thence East 450 feet 1 a point 100 feet West of 300• East Street,thence Sooth alon a line 100 feet West of and West 13lel 1feet, East he ce Seth ao9000 rnr;thence or i97 feel, was published in said newspaper on....,.ns 24 199 thence North 50,0 foot;thence West 380 feel;thence South 50,0; thence Well 230 feet;thence North 160 Mel;thence West 1e9 feet to a point 150 feet east of Slate Street;thence North 98.3.3 feel;thence East 197,0 el;thence North 287-1 feet, then West 19/0 feel;thence Norththence 52<.2 feel,more or less,to the ;I point of beginning. C ('� /.( Also mm• leg on he north line of 1700 South Street,said A� �:� (V ,. <`, (, 1 A OSl 3r\ /-C Point being 150 feet east nl tate Street;thence North 138 feet; +''' thence East 536.0 feet;thence North 22.0 feet; thence East Legal Advertising Clerk 180,25 feet;thence North 11.0 feel;thence East 518.1.5 tech to a b 11 point 100 feel West of 300 East Street;thence South along a line 100 feet West of and rparallel to 300 East Street,233.4 feet,I West along the no to rth line of 1th 1700 South ne of OS Street,1526 Street, more or \1 less,to a point 100(eel East of 200 East Street;thence South f02•e me this 5thday tong the linela hat to and 100 feet East 9f 900 east street, of ne West 712.25 1 lo tent,more hc•north a line oto amid nt 150r'pet cast t of Stale' Street,thence North 1,75,69 feel.more or Icss,to there'mint of beginning. A.D. 19..,81, SECTION 2.This Ordinance shall take plied thirty I-30 days after the dale of ds f-i 1,sl publicallon- i . Passed U the(AyCtorI.1I of Sall Lake Chy,Only'his ,1 1616 day 1 December.1980. _ I.RDNAD J.WHITFMEAD ATT CST l.Ii AIRMAN /I • MILDRED V.HIGHAM • / i CITY RECORDER 2 F ' Traesmilled to Mayor on December I6,1•ia0 Mayor's Action `Notary Public rl--D L.W ILSDNR /, MA YU ATTEST REC l UEH CITY RECORDER :SEAL) PILL NO of 1980 Published etl December a,1990 lvly C.'omtnlsa,uu i.n}a,ao c June 1, 1981 ' 1rr