136 of 1903 - Ordinance 136 of 1903 – Franchise, amending and re-enacting certain resolutions granting franchise AN on 7)INANOL NG A:-) Td1;-ENP.S 7 ING CLOT AIN RESOLUTIONS GRAIITIYG 7RANC7ISLS TD PREnLOES'-,URS 07 TNE UTA7 LIP d2P07iR. CIA".20Y. ITHERI,:"AS, the City Council of a.Lt Lake City, on Tjay i , 1603, by Sec Lion jne of ji ord i.nance, granted to the Salt To.aAo and Ogd en One and 'Electric I, t , its successor s and assign , fur a period of twenty-'five years from the date of said ord inance, a rirb t and privilege to use and (occupy the eta ets, 1 leys, I flo S, and pubi ic places of salt Lake city, for tbc, pot.po sc o cond ucting rya s •:AijetriC carcent by means of suitable pipes, wice s, or conduits, or by use of Wi re S or conduct- ors placed above piP streets,, or To t ; at af rward s, to-yri t, on the 2Pibh d ay of July, 1093, the City Council of Salt bake ty, by Section one of a resolution, granted to Cohort ii Jones, his heirs and as:'ign s, for a pc rio,.:1 of twenty-five • years from said date, a rig!)t to occupy the eta ot't , eYS, lanes and public places of Salt Lake ity, for the p,rpo se of convoying electrical energy and electrical en runt by means of pules anI wires abovo the sur- face of the ground ,and by means of pi de s or conduits Lid 1.11.(3ur the ground; That artorwar1 mm, t the 19th day of -"lecember , 1 S95, the City Council of Salt L,,ke City, by Section 1 of an ordinance, granted to . . Ual.ker, lii rho ire ,:nd assign s, for the dpClod •Sive years from said Into, th0 privilege of occupying and usinr the street s, alloys, lanes and ,,ub c place soP Pit Labe Pity, for the r -pr iv nog() of con- veying. gas and el ectrical current by means off suitable pipes and conduits to be laid below they s'orfac(. 0 P tbo ground r by means of •3ires an4 conduc- tors placed above C C tr0 t to be used fur electric 1 igb tin1 nd "F' 1‘" nisloinV SO pipe!, 1i bei0.1 fl ru'fnco of 170 ground cfc6r , .e conveying steam for lu.:aAing and furnishing po'.7er, and ether purpo se s, to the inhabi tnnts and property owners cnd users in said ci ty That cftur 1tCP 5, to- ut, on the 1.8th day of 7."ay, 1097, the City Council of Salt Labe City, by Portion one of an ord inance, granted to The Pioneer Electt , foe poriur7 of tPienty-five years from the date of said or inance, r t to eruct and mint:in a single 136 L4bk. line of poles in the streets, alleys, and lanes of salt Lake City, with necess,:ry wires and proper appliances thereto attached , and also to lay pipes and conduits therein for the distribution and conveyance of elec- tricity and gas for said city, to be used by the inhabitants thereof„for light, heat, power, and other industrial and commercial purposes; and 'horoas, the Utah Light (c Poser Company, by a series of mesne conveyances has become the owner and now is the owner of all the frsa- chises above set forth, and is now engaged in building a large power sta.t- ion on the Jordan Liver :u1d- otherwise r ovi.r, itc, 1ur+01' a, lt1 Salt La' o City, and for that purpose has issued a series of bonds, due in thirty years from January 1, 1900; and has requested. that each franchise be extended for an addi_t.ional period of twenty-five years, namely, fifty years time from the time of the granting of said original franchises re- spedtively, NOVI, ;T11:TUTaLL be it ordai.ned4by the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City% -.. 1. That each of said resolutions and ordinances granting said frame chisel be, and the some is hereby amended by striking out from Section 1 of each of said resolutions and ordinances, the-words "twenty-five years" and autzsti-teitina tharwfor the words "fifty years". PROVIDED: that. after May 19th, 1,918, six additional arc lights be furnished ftto of charge to the City, during the life of this franchise. That attar July 24th, 1918, six additional arc lights be furnished free of charge to the City, during the life of this franchise. jna`. af�:a+ p+scse;hsr 18ti, 1918, six add; iorial are lights be furnished frea of charde to the City, duri-ig the life of this franchise. That aff:.r pay 17th, 1922 seven additi,nal arc Fights he furnished free of charge to the city, duel na the life of this franchise. 2. That the said Utah Light L' Power Company, its successors and as- signs, shall place all their transmission wires within the following bounded district of Salt Lake City, underground , within nine years from January 1, 1905, to-ait: - 1. On Pest Temple Street from its intersection of South Temple Street south to fourth South Street. 2. On East Temple Street from its intersection of South Temple Street south to Fourth south Street. 3. On State Street from its intersection of South Temple Street south to Fourth South Street. 4. South Temple Street from its intersection of Pest Temple Street east to t:r. 12"treet. 5. First South Street from its intersection of Pest Temple Stet east to State Street. 6. Second South Street from its intersection of Pest Temple Street east .to State Street. - 7. Third south Street from its intersection of West Temple Street east to State Street. SATt.t.a'cuAxi/ 1/ �-c___, 3, Said. Utah Light & Power company shall commence said cork in, 19054; a d shall build and construct the necessary conduits and ways for such underground transmission -wires not less than a distance of one block each. yoar, that is to say, the distance around one full block each and every year after January 1, 1905, and the whole of said district shall be completed within nine years from January 1, 1905, and the said Utah Light a Power Company shall , by and with the approval of the engineer of Salt Lake City, locate the place and places in the streets of the said district in which said wires will tni.laid n, or.+�o- J-.,,,,..v,: a., .oa., —.0 ...,...!i1 right, to ex ovate :and build the sale) Tide/ground condu4ts aid ways for the trans 4sion w;rres-in s.-,ud loc(it.y 1 herebygpage confirmed. S t. �1rr� r t i Yai p, ...vr y gam'+` AIipW fitly or J _� :' ,1. 3• I Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake Clt Utah, 0e ember 14th, 1903. and referrdd to the Mayor for his approval. Ity Reco der. 6eproved this __ day of peeember, 1903. Mayor. Oleu)CCroed by ch:, 'N,ayvi ant ''a(5Bi wii-.1 cha recolbt odatlon that ca+taln a(,;41+ ., b,s male. n,aasn pr .401. 1 tO tns City Council Oecer.her 28th;1909, aiend,A and passad by Th,. Cl y CeianQJI of .Sail Lake City, Ut h, 0eclmh3r 28th, 1909, and raerre uay,r foe his aoproval. \'- �j p ,,k1 , aCe'NO thie I day t) 0 '•aebar. 1903. 6 J, art. ',f./_ __ 'Ya ye r. . , . . i,.n :::)itH1,,,.:,:) .i [..-..,I,..: ,,;1.• t,i.., ) -....i. ;). :., .:• ,. ..1 .jl.) '.•,. ' • • .:,-', iV,/,,,,Vj :.(: , i'.1.;.511:.flar.) '',,,•1.i , ., , :, ' l '..: l:.;.,, ‘'ll l .. :: \ :,', CJI,,r, , If° Uf,)11.,,I.:L ..".:_:...).L 30,, il,..,'1. fiL.,.L ....,,Z:11.! IS '.1,./ ,.1.;,. 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