136 of 1904 - Ordinance 136 of 1904 – Amending & re-enacting Section 402, re: miscellaneous licenses. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting an ordinancd amending Section 402 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, passed by the City Co incil of Salt Take City, Utah, February 15, 1904, and approved by the Mayor of Salt Lake City, February 26,1904; and an ordinance amending Line 28 of Section 402 of the Revised Ord- inances of Salt Lake City of 1903, passed by the City Council of Salt L ke City, Utah, March 7, 1904, and approved by the Mayor of Salt Lake City, March 9, 1904. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTIOR 1. That an ordinance "to ame d Section 402 of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1903, relating to miscellaneous licenses, so as to include merchandise brokers", passed by the City Council February 15, 1904, and approved by the Mayor February 26, 1904; and an ordinance amending Line 28 of Section 402 or t! e Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1903, passed by the City Council March 7, 1904, and approved by the Mayor March 9, 1904, be, and the same are hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: SECTIOF 402. _TISC.FLLA:EOJS LICENSES. It shall he unlaw- ful for any person to engage in or pursue any business, voca- tion or calling hereinafter mentioned without first obtaining a license so to do; and. he shall (except where otherwise pro- vided) take yearly payments into the City Treasury, in advance, for such license as follows: Assayer .. 12.%0 Baggage wagons- - - 10.00 Fill posters, to include distribution of advertising matter 150.00 Building, loan, discount and. investment insti- tutions when outside capital is employed - - 50.00 , Coal yards, to run five wagons or less 50.00, Coal yards, to run Over five wagons and under ten wagons 100.00 Coal yard, to run over ten wagons 200.00 Distributer of advertising matter 20.00 6 Exhibiting apparatus, -per day 2,00 Exhibiting freaks of nature, .per day 2.00 Exhibiting machines, per day • • -2- Exhibiting natural curiosities, per day 2.00 Exhibition for the trial or test of skill or stlength, per day 25.00, Express Company 100.00 Feed and boarding stable 30.00 Ice wagons, each 10.00,; Insura.ce agent, for each company represented - - 25.00/- - - l0O'. 0 ..? Tuns dealers- - _ - - -_ ._.- - _.. . Lodging rooms, without board, forty rooms and over 50.00 Lodging rooms, without board, less than forty rooms and over twenty-five 25.00 Lodging rooms, without board, less than twenty- five rooms and over ten rooms 12•00 Merchandise brokers 25.00 Oil or gasoline wagons, each 15.00 Ore samplers or crushers 25 .00 Photagraphers ;er Railroad ticket brokers Real estate agents 25.00 Second-hand dealer 25.00 Sewing machine agent, for each company represented 25.00 Shooting gallery 50.00 Skating rink 100.00 Slack rope performance, per day 10.00 Sleight of hand or other trick amusements, per day 15.00 Smelters 25.00 Solicitors of crayon, oil or other art productions, and enlargers of portraits or pictures 50.00 SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordi- nances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SrC'TION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. // �- / Fasaed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, -Utah, hoventcr 7th, 19C4, ar.d referred to the kavcr for his approval. -- > Civ recorder. Approved this day of Noventer, 12C9. kavcr. 3 '.= - --- .... . --, - ' 1.••• ".... • '''. .., -L---- __.. • . . Z , '• ' ,-,... .'., .... • , ' .=.,t -..., zi-,- ,s.....,R, • ' • . - - -r ,,,,,:-..', ,.:' i-wo .:11,...,, i taitrf•fcr.. ri.:,a .,0 1 :od- qo I.c.h: t. f, 1°1- tt• tertaft.-,: ek,f..61•:•. . rf.th-racci br.r3 b `:: • J;f: ....,0115 VTO,B' 1ii-,-.1 . -2Tla:.)1.) '.1„111.., . . .C4‘31 \;,•;107 ,b- /.),• ,,rorflta ,nt1")c.,-1 ',.1-1.,k`b0 _ .., ,'.. r2.;• , d _ .; _,,, - - - lo:c.„ .__, •,,,, •••• 1--_ rfbt ' u.".:o.f ,1) o,f i -*.t-,t.k ,-.1-• ;11 --ri J (. • '.,. ":',,,--,, -. - la-F.,..- - - .(...‘,,,,,-;:,,'_i_._••i.*kr.a.iz: .1"-!,..11 ,t•"•';:7;e2,',': ol,:e.b 4,*rici...1 rai - .1,1- '.....t , ' .1;.f '„,::-:‘,1-:)\--,.-"?:- :\_ -5- .--_. 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