136 of 1912 - Sidewalk Extension No. 146, Second Partial Estimate. ROLL CALL salt Lake City, Utah Sept. 9, 19L __2 VOTING Yes Na 1 move that the ordi.na�.nce be passed. Keyser • Karns Lawrence j�,.�^ Corir,issioner of Streets &: Public Inoroverients Morris [ Mr.Chairman , RESULT - AN 0 N B I I is ; C N An ordinance levying f, tax and for the assessment of property in the district bounded on the north by Ninth South Street, on the east by the center line of Fourteenth East Str-.et, on the south by the city limits, and on the west by the center line of State Stree , in Sidewalk Districts Nos, 29, 30 and 40, for the construction of cement sidewalks. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Utah:City, SEC;'ION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the sami upon the property hereinafter described in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 29, 30 and 40, for the construction of cement sidewalks, to-wit: In Lo',s 11 and 12, Block 17-A; 20, Block 18; 2, Block 17; 1 t. 20, inclusive, Block 5, Paradise Subdivision of Block 2, all in Five Acre Plat "A", Dig Field Survey, abutting on the south side o Ninth South Street between Eleventh East and Thirteenth East Streets; on the east side of Ei:1hth East Street between Princeton Avenue an. Tenth South Street; on the west side of Tenth Ec:st Street between Laird Avenue and Tenth South Street; end on the nest side of Lake Street between Wilson and Devinington Avenues. This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing cement sidewalks (said cement sidewalks to be six (6) feet wide an. four (4) inches thick, on .Ninth South Street, rnd five (5) feet wide and four (4) inches thick, upon other streets in said terri- .oryr upon the portions of said streets o.[ osite the sroperCy here inbefore and hareina.fter described to be especially affected end benefited by said improvement, .^.;id ii is hereby adjudged, deteruin:d and estcblia -ed said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said par- cels of land are hereby assessed a.t en equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portions of - 1:>6 -2- said streets fronting upon and to a depth of "1: enty-Tivo (25) feet back therefrom, end the tax hereby levied anA. Co be assessed upon said earcela of lend is too thousand three hundred thirty-three and 04/100 ( 2,;33S.34) dollars; one thousand six hundred forty- end 3/130 (r0.,647.06) dollars, or one Lad 85/1000 (4.085) dollars per front or linear foot of abntlins property for aidePalk six feet -side, there 'being 1518 foot of abutting property vithin the boundarioa of the lots, i)loci,v end etreet above mentioned; and six hundred ejnie.ty-six and 81/100 (pass.Si) dollars, or 75/100 ( 0.75) dollars nor front or linear foot of abut property for sidewalks five foot -iGe, there being 010.75 foot of•abattins prop erty within the bolundaries of the lots, blocks . nd streets above montia,ned LA said ClitliCt , 77117:1 is [Sc-1total cost end cost per front foot of said aider:alks , according io the contract entered into for the performance of said. cork and malsins said improvement nits iho Consolidated Construction Company, dated The ldt;h day of October, 1011, and the Trovsurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess. in accordance with the Provisions of i:nia ordinnce, fog the ourposo herein mentioned: Six Foot Walk. The north aide of Lots 11 and 12, Bloch 17-A, Five Acre Flat , his Field. Survey. Five Foot :elk. The north 120.45 feet of the cost side of Lot 20, Bloch 18; tho cost side of [he west 726 foot of Lot 2, Bloch 17; the cost side of hot:. 1 to 20, inelhaive, Aloeh 6, Paradise Subdivision of Bloch 2, all in Five Acre Plat "A", fig Field Survey, as the same are skein upon the official plats of said city to a acio.;.h of twgrat1- fitp feet hack from seiC strc:cts, and to collect said tax. SF,CTIO-IT 2. Said tan sir II becomc. condo be delinquent in five equal yearly installments, t!ith interest on the whole sum unpaid - . •-• -• at the rate of six per cent per annum, -)ayable at the tie each in- stailment is dale, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one year Efter the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the paynent for ouch improvement becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in two pears after said ordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in three years after Said ordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in four years after said ordinance beceMes effective; at one-fifth there- of in five years after said" Ordinance becomes effective. One or more of Sfi-f inatallments, in:the order in -;I:1:ich they arc panoble, or the whole c2ecial taxi iilay b& Paid at any time within ihirty - .. days after the ordinanceconfirMOrg; tie levy of td.Je tax becomes effective, without i4erest. In the event of any installment or the interest aforosafd not being paid on the date the same becomes due, the uhole mount of the a]-,ecial tax unpaid at the time said installment end interest are due, shall "become due end payable, and shall drool interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed; provided, one or more in- stallments, in the order in which they arc 'y;yalle, or the whole special tax unpaid, may be paid on the Jay any installment becomes due, by paying the amount thereof and interoet to said oxte. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first publication. Sidewalk Extension Ito. 146. Second Partial Eatimate. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ..i /ta 'oeptembap-ptja, (<7‘__,„/ '.-''7-''---''' ,t.-7-•. ••-7:, •- -- Bayer i-y Co-order q_ • :A C. _ . \ i ,, 6.-- . if- co ri: _., 4fi.