136 of 1914 - Franchise to Utah Light and Railroad Company on 13th East • Aug. _erg.,.... ........191........4 Shearman I move that the ordinance _ ass Wells Lawrence V Morrie .......... .... ...._. Mr.Chairman Result /36 An ordinance arnendin ; Section 4 of an ordinance ;gassed by the City Council of Salt Lake City December 2, 1907, and approved by the Mayor December 3, 1907, entitled "An ordinance ratifyin„ and confirrninn the transfer of franchises to the Utah Lio;ht and :Railway Company, a corporation, extendinm the life of said franc hi s , arpendiny' Vet--; :same, incluclin.r the franchise to the Utah .'over Company, passed by the City Council .';uu;ust 3, 1905, and approved by the Mayor Au-;act 4, 1905, by addirc;, a new subdivision to Section 4, to be known ao Subdivision 29. • le it ordained, by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Luke City Utah: SECTIOTT 1. That Section 4 of an ord in nce :passed by the City Council of Salt Luke City December 2, 1907, and approved by the Mayor December 3, 1907, entitled "An ordinance ratifying and confirr:in^; the transfer of franchises to the Utah Li.rht and ?_ailuur Comppany, a corp- oration, extendinC the life of amid franchises, and amendi.n f the same, includ.inh the "ranchise to the Utah Power Company", passed by the City Council 1ucust 5, 1905, and c..yerovcd by the Mayor 1uSust 4, 1905, be, and the some is hereby amended by insertin,^; after subdivision 28 the followincr• 29. A sin,•lo or double track on 13th Sat Street from 5th South Street southerly to 7th South Street.. SECTION 2. The Maid 3auntee, its successors or a..sienss, shall construct, complete and have in operation at least one rai luay 'crack, with necessary switches, on all ;portions of the street covered by this ordinance on or before the 31st 'lay of Describer, 1914: and, in the event of failure of said. Erantee to have completed and in oper- ation at least one track on said street within the time mentioned, then as to the port"on of said street not so occupied at the expiration of aid period. herein provided, this franchise and all previsions thereof shall be null and void. 1::fi -2- SECTION 3. This franchise shall extend until the expiration of the franchise of which this is an amendment, to-wit, until the first day of July, 1955, and the ri_`"hts hereby rr.a,nted shall be subject to the conditions of said ordinance to rhich it is as €smen'roat, to the same extent as thou;sh the Trnnts herein contained has been inserted in. and constituted. a part of the said ordinance. SECTION 4. The grantee shall, within thirty days after the nassafe of this ordinance, file its acceptance of the same in writins with the City Recorder of Salt Luke City; anci in case of its failure so to do, this franchise shall be null and. void. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. u Passed by the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. AUG r 194 , 1914. ( c)V. ja3 ISayor ', City Recorder. 1 ' --1. --- . . , . . _,. .3. -14 , . ........._. .., .. . . , . , . C.. .j.41C 07.1 • E ,. • • g a Z 1 -C-- --:3 • • co „......_"_-:. 7 „,_........3 2 . , , . E . . , . . . . . P .. . , .. _ . . .. , . . ....,.__ ...-., w_. i UTAH LIGHT" 4 S: MAil SALT LA ENGINEER' Scale ; 1000 reet to 1 Inch. ,fir 14 I d' yi N !, h .V, h tri GI g N n o w c- 0 z - , Y -1 f Z N , I .- f_ r a�� , r] LJ �I U ❑ LJ U Li ' J L� LJ U I iJ LiLILiLJJ .UJ JJJi I , E ULiLi ❑ LJU `_JLILJr1J J r_ JHHE1HHLJ ❑ _1Li.iJJ L] le i J I i CITY Cf LJ j i 1 ._.] 'J L rii J J Li _ ! 1 � . JLJ F,� U ._l / JJU,000 LJ ❑ Gam] LJl^JLJ U ❑ LJ r. °I L_J LJ U LAdja LJ LJ LJ ❑' gr L EJ L9 L_9 ❑` L°] LiLi ILiUU Lftl LA Li L.1 LJLJULJ (JL.._I LlU J__ v. w di c FIRST SOUTH -$T—�j L �- i1��� vY a T SUOONO o� L,L a . 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