136 of 1960 - Amending Titile 36 of R.O., 1955, rlating to bicycle dealers and bicycle repair shops. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, December 20 ,196 0
I move that the Ordinance he passed.
Harrison . .
Piercey . . .
Romney .
Result . ■
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 36 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1955, by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 2,
relating to bicycle dealers and bicycle repair shops.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Title 36 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1955, relating to bicycle dealers and bicycle repair shops, be, and
the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as
Chapter 2, to read as follows:
"Sec, 36-2-1. Business License Required. Any person who keeps a
Store, shop, office, or other p ace of business, for the purchase, barter,
exchange or sale of bicycles, whether new, second hand, or used; or who
repairs, trades or exchanges bicycles, whether new or used, shall obtain
a license to carry on such business as hereinafter provided.
"Sec. 36-2-2. Bicycle dealer defined. Any person engaged In buying
and selling, bartering and exchanging bicycles, whether dealing ex-
clusively in bicycles or in conjunction with other wares, goods and mer-
chandise, is hereby declared to be a bicycle dealer.
"Sec. 36-2-3. Dealin with minors restricted. it shall be unlawful
for any bicycle dealer, byTiimself, his agents, servants or employees to'
purchase or receive from any minor, any bicycle, whether as a trade-in
on another bicycle or an out-right purchase for cash, or as an exchange
or barter for another bicycle without the written consent of the parent
or guardian of such minor.
"Sec. 36-2-4. Dealers to keep books. it shall be unlawful for any
bicycle dealer to fall to l ep a substantial and well bound book in which
he shall enter at the time of purchase, trade-in, barter and exchange of
any bicycle, the following information:
"I. A true and accurate description of the make of such bicycle,
together with the serial number thereof.
"2. The name, age, description, residence and address of the
person selling or purchasing, trading in, bartering or exchanging
such bicycle.
"3. The amount of sale or purchase.
"4. The date and hour of purchase.
'5. Whether the purchase or sale was made by a minor with the
consent of his parent or guardian and, if so, the parent's or
guardian's name and address.
"All entries shall be made in Ink or typewritten and if written
in ink, shall be in a legible manner and form, and all records
of such bicycle dealers shall be open to the public for inspec-
tion by any police officer at any time, and a copy of ail entries
made each day shall be reported in writing to the chief of police
on the next business day.
"It shall be unlawful for any bicycle dealer to deliver to the
person selling or purchasing any bicycle, to sell or otherwise
dispose of such property unless he can show a good title thereto
either by bill of sale from a seller, or from the former owner,
or by registration.
"6. No license, other than a regular business license, shall be
levied or charged against such bicycle dealer for carrying on
his or their trade or business within the limits of Salt Lake
"Sec. 36-2-5. Hours of business. It shall be unlawful for any
bicycle dealer to keep his place of business open for trade before the
hour of 7:00 o'clock A.M. or after 7:00 o'clock P.M., or on Sunday;
provided, however, that on days preceding legal holidays, and the last
fifteen days of December of each year, it shall be lawful for bicycle
dealers, as herein defined, to keep their places of business open until
9:00 o'clock P.M.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 20th day of December ' , 19 60
/ / /
L. 0 Commission
em ofary airman
ty Recor
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 136 of 1960
Published December 28, 1960
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D M Ockey
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with. general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake G,ity gill No. 136 of 1980
An Ordinance relating to bicycle
dealers and bicycle repair shops.
was published in said newspaper on December 28, I980.
Legal Adveaisiag�I .
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of
December A.D. 19 60
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
1,1111 Mettavin. Firhate ed Utah.
Legg1 Notices
TITLE 36 of the Revised Ordi-
• 5 of Salt Lake City. Utah,
1955, by adding thereto , new
nhaptnr to be"mews a as Chanter
2,relating to bicycle dealers and
• Herhoe-
it oedninea b6 the Ike rei of
• C n tnnet.s of Sort Lake City,
SECTION I. That Title 36 of
the .Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City,Utah,labd.relating 10
bicycle deal ors anal bicycle repair
• shops,cbe, and
by t dui Dunn hereby
w chanter to be known as Chan-
ter 2,to read as.tollaws;
"Sec, 36,2.1. Rosiness License
Required. Any pelson who keens
a Store, shop, office. or other
lace 1 business.nos=. lea the p
bphase.barley.exchange o 11If
hicycleo whether vsale
hand, r toed; or new,
• trades o exchanges cs bicycles,
whether licens new -cd,shall obtain
' license
n ory on 1`idcd.
fined. us-2-2.tla.ecle dealer de-
fine^. Any -son engaged
efts Sand Beyer ,bartering e,d
cexchanging hick leer whether deal-
on enctitrivelw r bicycles o h1
• land with other
declared`toh merchandise., 1 dealer.br
'Rec. 36-2-3, Dealing with ml-
fttsferslrictytlbicycle shall be dealer,aby
hhnsclf, his agents. servants.o
aplal rehns or
as a` ate::iiehtn onether
11,rter is for naanothern bleeder dvithr
out the written consent Cl the
Potent"Sec.or 36,2.4 Raard of'
soon keep
bastes It shaiA be u 1=wtul 'or
y nicyele dealer ei Fa;l to keen
nsubstantl ti and l e;r:1d bone
tiwhich lie shall enter the
me of purchase,nytrade-in.at
and exchange of y bicycle.the
following•It information,rur
tine of th r1Cmak"and aoI 1' I^deshoc-utter
;relhar with the SCII1, number
nnn1 10 .1 nqe.rl^a^rivli or
eeei one nnlehhet of utr n
C.�e,el=inei rasurch
.nn hartc piny'o :.han=n h
".i. '1'he amount n`sale m 1
Olds, 11
"a.The date and
hour of our-
sale 5cv Whether then purchase with
the consent of his noire.� `nor n rd-
^nfds i/ th 1
and addr'fs1s.
nAlla cnlalasne'ha.i he mean in
r toc010,'Ittrn end 1f 1t
ninlr,shell he i P aiblcm�iti�
rl fort., o d uh open
suchthe nub dealers;hull he.
1 the ice of for hnsa action by
any police officer. at each
• d ob all anti let node
nnh dn.oeM1 COPY
of r led In writ_
^ bthc chief of Pnolice an the
bic�vlrleshdesler to deliver for
to tnY
eh, hasi,any
bicycle sal li Il cl otherwise yet t =
• of such n er'=1 unless ho
show - file hereto
Oilier by• show
ef�r seller.
or the farmer other,or b
strati n.
es,6.Ne le salic.other than a
rior lice ass,shall be tlry
afo against pch bl-
vtheidealer n c hin
r their trade It business pugs enitllin
[h"limits of Salt Lake f business.
"Seal 36,-,.}foul,of bus
It shall he u0 hoc l for t c`et
ycln 11'ca tc keen his lele of
e n for trade before the
hear o'clock
P'M,I A.M.orafter'
chi IletI. P.M„n r 5unalas
vided. however.that?or'
�,1nS days
Deb.aaa tl1c
fifteen days It December er
ace it shall herein
laldefi ed.
hiciclen their. es herein defined.
to,"o t p r css
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nor to its health
s• safety of the this
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take effect upon its till nuhlica
Ptnssncl by Inc Rnard of Com.
sIa Slt'hcoe City,Utah.
aof Deeranb^r. 116n,
bfERTemnora r'Chairman,
Cltv .f.Y.OGENSEN,
Rencc order.
LL he Dec.of
Pulllishcrl D 26.10 iB66, (CT,
� 36