136 of 1973 - Amending Sections 18-3-4 and 18-3-6, establishing requirements for exterminators and pest control op ROLL CALL ,,'"; December 4 73 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, 19 Mr.Chairman.... I move that the Ordinance be passed. Barker Harmsen Harrison Phillips ,).i:=. ✓i Result AN ORDINANCE /. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 18-3-4 and 18-3-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1965, relating to exterminators and pest control operators. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 18-3-4 and 18-3-6 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to exterminators and pest control operators, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 18-3-4. Referral to health commissioner. The application for such license, together with the statement of the applicant, shall by the license assessor and col- lector be immediately referred to the health commissioner for inspection and report. The health commissioner or his deputy shall within five days of receiving such application make report to the board of commissioners as to the fitness, qualification and responsibility of the applicant to act as a fumigator, exterminator or pest control operator, and as to his knowledge and experience of and with poisonous or noxious gases, chemicals, compounds or products used for fumigating or exterminating purposes. As an aid to assist the commissioner he may require the applicant to take and pass an appropriate written examination. Upon determining the qualifications of the applicant the health commissioner shall add his recommendations as to the granting or denying of said application. The board of commissioners, upon re- ceipt of the report, shall act upon the application as it shall deem fair, just, or proper, in regard to the granting or denying of the same. * * * "Sec. 18-3-6. Registration of employees required. No person shall be engaged by said licensee to work at the occupation of an exterminator, fumigator or pest control operator employing the use of hydrocyanic acid gas or other dangerous gases or chemicals, compounds or products used for exterminating purposes, unless said employee shall have filed an application and statement of experience and qualifi- cations with the health commissioner; take an appropriate written examination prescribed by the commissioner; and pay to the Salt Lake City-County Health Department the sum of one dollar. Upon receipt of the qualifications and result of the test, the commissioner may in his discretion approve or disapprove issuance of a permit to said employee." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the -2- inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 4th day of December , 1973. szvaucx Temporary Chairman (SEAL) BILL NO. 136 of 1973 Published-December 11, 1973 :0; ADN•al% • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 ss. County of Salt Lake f • a K., Co.r, AN ORDINANCE Ale ORDINANCE ANIENDINC --.Sections 1%3d and 18.3d at the ::)1(` Revised O d o ces I will•COke C ty,rOt TRigt! eXf trdAp roBe• n urdeltea b 'm', Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that:h:e is legal a ver- f: m101ot(!s m e'City.. using clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday). V1oh: .f x!"i Yf SECTION t, Me,S clines Ord.' end a€3-0 1 me loco c d^ newspaper printed in the English language with genera cir- nonces of Salt Coif V Uroh` 1965 relating to mlf.. gro " culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Pest control pe r a d the some per by Rah. u ' ea to Conty,in the State of Utah. modal follows: .s1bB3 x ri, trt lcTt on a such license, together r with the That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto statement of f p I 1 br"the licenseassessor and collet. tor be Immediatelyreferred to Me' Ptsll Os-Qin�utcu <<;laf.i_zx to c XLtt,rio i.n.I t i-on oIt I new t; inspection � health port.e T eper health __ one report. The h it. I 1 toeg or.hi gaW h R W th n Nye emboli.. o feeport such CI Olt'CS'0.1. Opel- 'Jemr.�t,. oboe ad off cot.. stonersN s�(o the- -- --' Wily of t 1he11lotion ovatican,to nd�as passa fumlgata'. exterminator ar none' control operator,.and ay To hi:; ------""'--" knowledge 0n4,: x experieous gases,l with paiSCn0VS: chemicals.soMaghdds or products used for Minion..1p�or id external., to -- tbg mnml'q wtr�t:e tl a Poe applicant to W1} and pass ina}nny _ uea npriate written nion determining Me huolitications at the applicant the health co. misslaner shall add his re e i Otos to ,he moldingor was published in said newspaper on denying of said application. The board of commissioners, anon eceipt 0 the report. shad act Dec 11,, 1.97j upon the application os it shall _._._ deem fair, lust, or proper, ih regard to the'granting or denying, of the.some. "Sec. 1133%. Registrotion oB. —_-- • pobee a rd NO shot be t the license.. Jl CC j—e-ae. _ { ark }one occupation of e • ma: r erultrm t I a Legal Advertising Clerk control omonlae c i Igas the. gerous oga acid gas use- of . compounds or r chemical,setor o rounds o prides, used Cod. compounds p h unless tled lain' em• ployee shall have tiled an application and statement of zIon healt• h.one ssiner:ions on the mot commissioner:take on OP. 1^,,,Ii day of scritwof¢written a ominoen on set to.by Me Saacommissioner: a t to before me this pav S the Solt he CRV-tunty dear.Upon receipt the sum at e dear.anon.ulipt ne test, me _ A.D. 19 cottons and result 1 the tole the — - prove over may o his discretion-- pp — — .prove or ditl pl e ve issuance a! lI4,, ..7,,,,,,.,,_.._. SECTION? 1 In i ommissioners tf5 hlfL k Board of CIfY CI s to theFpeas.P to d II of thenabua 1 ce Salt Lake Citythat /.. Notary Public inhabitants nonce became ordinanceeftectiv hail SECTION wlspsalt tyke effect upon its first publics Pion. Passed by theelf Lake al . Utah.sioners of this nth day of December.1913.Utah, CONRAD B.NARRISON Temporary Chairman MERMAN J.NOCENSEN ,5 RM.Recorder ISEAi.1 BILL NO.130 of 1913 Yublished December 11.10f..,.3.93). I e je4 ir