136 of 1980 - Amending section 51-12-2 rezonine property between 400 and 500 East Streets North of 100 South Stree SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE Bill No. 136 of 1980 (Rezoning of Block 62, Salt Lake City Plat "B") AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO REZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has held extensive public hearings, and has considered and deliberated the recommendation of the Planning Commission, citizens' testimony, planning and demographic data, and has participated in on-site inspection of the East Central Community, including Blocks 51 and 62 of Plat "B" of the Salt Lake City Survey. Based on said review and deliberation, the City Council finds that rezoning is appropriate on said Block 62 in order to foster and preserve the existing neighborhood while encouraging development and growth in the downtown community that will be compatible with the best interest of the particular neighbor- hood and the development of the city as a whole. Therefore, it adopts the following amendments to the Use District provisions of Title 51. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Use and "Use District Map", as adopted by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended AS FOLLOWS: Sec. 51-12-2. "R-7" to "C-3A". That the following-described parcel of land in Salt Lake City, Utah, generally located south of the existing Business "B-3" district having frontage on South Temple Street including Lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and portions of Lot 4 of Block 62, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, currently zoned Residential "R-7" shall be zoned to a Commercial "C-3A" classification. 36 Commencing at a point on the Southeast corner of Block 62, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey; thence North along the West line of Fifth East Street 495 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 7 of said Block 62; thence West along the North line of Lot 7 of said Block 330 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said Lot 7; thence South along the West line of said Lot 7 99.5 feet to the North line of Alameda Avenue or its extension thereof; thence West along said North line of Alameda Avenue 330 feet, more or less, to the East line of 400 East Street; thence South along said East line of 400 East Street 395.5 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of said Block; thence East along the South line of said Block, said line being the North line of First South Street, 660 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th day of December , 1980 . ! H �Z.�r) C AIRMAN ATTEST: CC TORDER // Transmitted to Mayor on December 16, 1980 . Mayor's Action: /e MA •• ATTEST: /. CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 136 of 1980 Published December 24, 1980 ADM-15A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALT LAKE WY ORDINANCE Shana D. Conatx BIl1 P000 np of flockllll6Z�Salt Lake Clfy Plat"II"1 AN ORDINANCE AMEOpNDING SECTION 1,12-2 OF THE AS AMENDED, TO REZONING AND FIXING BOUNDqR IES OF USE GIST R!CT WHEREAS,the coy gneh of Sall Lake City,Utah,has Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal Held eklenseve'punllc hea�'leInp,and has considered and de it1- erated the recomm0lldaMr1 of trio Planning Commission,eIB. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily ee s'fgeNtpnv,Mantling m d deograohk dale,and has Sunday)1 gI91e inW Of the East Central Corner. (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English cfly,incl.:ha9 Blocks 51 and 67 of Plat"B"of the Salt lake ity Council .,Ba ed on said renew and deliberation,Block ck City language •with general circulation in Utah, and C der hto f star lend¢preserves dine c%Isrling night neighborhood while encouraging sdeT¢moment d growth the „lawn cam- published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the com- munity that Wll be p le th.the pest Inheres of the o rticular rotor der: noon and, develonment of the city as a State of Utah, whole T ereforp,lit a loot;. following ahlejldthenb to the se District pro Vision of TM(d SI. NOW,THEREFORE,be 1 ordained b1 the Coy Council of Sall Lake City,hate That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto SECTION 1 That the Use atkl"Use t Map",a adopted e, es-I n 51.12d of the Revised Ordinances of.,ail Lake City,U�tf.+nU,s1965,as amended,rotating to the fixing of boundaries PAAS FDI.Iowsltlels.00, and Inc some hereby is, Pub notice of Ordinance #136 of 1980 aanoSec.51.13.4."R.7"to"C-IA" that the following-doscrinpd parcel col land In Salt Lain. City,Ulan generally located so th of the existing Business "0 3"district,having Irontago,on South Temple Street Inciud- -rap Lots I,2,-3,7,B and portions of Lot 4 01 Block 62,Plot"B", Sall Lakc Cte.Survey,cur n Ily zoo d Residential "R 7" shall he Toned to a Commercial"C-JA"classification. Commencing Mania Southeast corner ofBlock 62 11,19 of IN Filth Eas/411beI feel,More thence Ion,,hto ltllle Northeast st corner of Lot Vol said Block 62;thence West alone the North file of Lot 7 of sold Block 330 feel,more or less,to the North- west corner ofsaid Lot 71 thence South along the West the of said Lot 7 99.5 feet to the North line of Alameda Avenue or Its extension thereof;thence West along said North line of Alam da Avenue 330 feet,more or less,to the East line of 400 East 5,00:thane South along said East line of 400 East Street 39S.5 feet,more or less,to the Southwest corner of said Block; thence East Moro the South Ilse of 'd Block,said line hang the Nort line al nest south street,said feet,mom or less,to Dec. 24, 1980 the pond of beginning. was published in said newspaper on SECTION 1.This ordinance shall hake¢heel thirty(Tel days oNpr the OM of its first notification. 16th day o Passed lbyc the City nouncit of Snlf Laku City,Utah,this R11NAI.D J.WHITAEIRMANHEAD CH I ATTEST': \�l \; 0; (\ MILD RED V.HIGHAM t .r --, - _ --.. l�j �•\ i�)s, CITY It n RECORDERI s Ned to Mayor on oerohn v 1e,19ea Legal Advertising Clerk Mayor's Acti.: rCD s.'NILSON AAYOH ATTEST MILUREDY HIGHAM I l6EAUECORDEP !fore me this 5th day of ii'9h,n 0 Ocml,bmr 21,,95q _pit_ Jan. A.D. 19...81.. Notary/Public My Commission Expires June 1, 1981 A"