137 of 1973 - Amending Chapter 15 of Title 18, by adding Section 18-5-50 and 18-5-51, defining 'check eggs' and es VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, December 4 19 73
Barker I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Harrison — ((
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15 of Title 18, of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, pertaining to egg products
by adding thereto two new sections, 18-5-50 and 18-5-51.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Chapter 15 of Title 18 of the Revised Ordinance
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to egg products, be, and the
same hereby is, amended by adding thereto two new sections to read
"Sec. 18-5-50. Sale of check eggs. Check quality eggs may
be sold at the point of production or packing directly to a
household consumer exclusively for use by such consumer and
members of his household and his non-paying guests and his
employees under the following conditions:
(a) The eggs shall not consist of any leakers or dirties.
(b) There shall appear on the package or on a placard
that can easily be seen by the purchaser the
following warning: "It is recommended that check
eggs be thoroughly cooked before consumed."
(c) The words "check eggs" must appear on the carton con-
taining check eggs in bold black lettering, together
with the date the eggs were produced.
"Sec. 18-5-51. Definitions:
(a) "Check eggs" shall mean an individual egg that has
a broken shell or crack in the shell, but with its
membranes intact and its contents do not leak. A
check egg is considered lower in quality than a
(b) "Dirty or dirties" shall mean an egg or eggs whose
shell has dirt or foreign material adhering to its
surface, or which has prominent stains on its shell,
or which has moderate stains covering more than
One-fourth of the shell surface.
(c) "Leaker" shall mean an individual egg that has a crack
or break in the shell and the shell membranes to the
extent the egg contents are exuding or are free to
exude through the shell."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 4th day of December, 1973.
Temporary Chairman
'1 6`A
itye .rder
BILL NO.137 of 1973
Published- December 11, 1973
Affidavit of Publication
Jr ss.
County of Salt Lake
tl 'IRD c s of Solt Lake C
AN OrRb I k�
AN ORIonic' t nn ei e ,.g655 of tole taI of theRe
ryl 965,Intl i lr,g to eqp p atl
byboldingtheret t new sections, d0 con 18551.
Be II ordained by the Board of cc),ni ssioee a PI Salt Lake 1Lity,; rt
yy ryryk�� Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says thatie is legal adver-
SECTION lee�thot Chapter t5 0,4 qlle"18 oyyf�tl R sad Ofei e CY5 p y
ion Lake City
;Utah,thfrode 1965,
v,relo thetoiegg p emuasedliee•n+'Mk tisi.ng clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
,e hereby'awwe ;.eod
newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
sec lE 5.50 sae Of check eggs.Cheek buOliIV epos may be
said t the 06nt of production er eackreo directly to a heusehoid culation in Utah, V
and published�i in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
consumer a lU I ely for^use by-such consumer ad MOnbero I County,in the State of Utah.
hit household oed hIS 0.pOVlea 0004 and his elpoloVee4 under
the f Ildwl g conditions:
IP The gags Shall not cohsistol env leaker4 Or ditties
(IN There ld1 oppear on the pack a of gat Olecdhl that
a n Mkbr softl 1hq bvaboyit the fotlnwipp-tom That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
ekQm ended that chick'egs be thbr}Sr�hiv
( L Deed leel a ee
L()Tha WQ tls'Ohbek ek reggae must appeak On Itte Cartoon con Ae' h ClA Ij f tlaXl'l' iI(`I a 3 Lt;_i1u (.( f-Jfl r1 il(111a�I.i.
Pair{p check e0Wi 19,bold al0ck fettering;together With --
the' 1pp'thb gloss!'
prod cad. .
5e 0*10'DCbhitthan
Co)" en Peas than Mann he individual oil {Ile has a
ken shell o.1 tract i the rail but with Ile 000IIMeath/Ones
1 teri gntl 19 a frailty
do Oof lank.A cheek!g�Igtoo.
s Sly 0 tlirte• hall ateri art eel 0 egos woffe Cl or
h lit f foreign'Material on It o f Its awrfdae or
h prominent starts n If6, , to wfil LI has"
mbl@ s/$Ine'p0!Ing m'Ote Wipe ne.lpurih;b} the
Shellr' shalt
Imo(c)'Lbraeek,In the shee l d ean on individual
shell membrane;that
Qteeth p xtant -- --"-the Egg entenls a e exuding orre ree fa exude
Ih, ah to shell.'1:,
SBLTION 2 In the opinion' f the Boatel of Co miseloners it i -
restart,to Rfe'eess e,health'and Yelfore.1 the Ihh CHdnfs Of Solt
ke Ca,than,thel,thu ordinoneebecome effective immediately. ._
SECTION 3.This ordinanceshon r kke effect upon Its first punnet,. was published in said newspaper on
Posed by:the Board of CommisSllaners of Self Lake City, Utah,
s nh day of beedtabeo.1973. -`
• Temporary
�V Recorde{
bhshetl oerember 11 1973 (B.94)
Legal Advertising Clerk
n�,11 Subscribed ands day ofworn to before me this -
A.D. 19
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Jul.y ' 7 971l