138 of 1903 - Ordinance 138 of 1903 – Sidewalk Extension No. 32. kN 0RD I NANCR . An ordinance levying a talc and for the assessment of property en the west side of Nast Temple Street between North Temple and first North Streets, and on the west side of Center Street between first North and.Nine Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 12, 20 and 27, for the ooastruetionof sidewalks. Se it ordained by the City Conasi2 of Salt Lake City, Utah: SICMON 1. That tine City Council does hereby levy the tax and provide for the eseeefsment upon the property hereinafter described abutting on the wort side of Nast Temple Street between North Maple and Pirst Werth Streets,4and on the west side of Center Street betwsen lirat North and Nine Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Nes. 12, SC and 27. . This tax is levied to defray the expense of conatruoting side- , walks upon said portions of said streets opposite the property here- isa►tter described to be especially effected slid benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established j that the same will be especially benefited thereby to the full • amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an sisal and miter* rate to a000rdane* with the linear i' foot frontage sees said portions of said streets fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five (115) feet beak therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said psassls of lead is one thousand three bled and fitter-mine end 62/100 t$ UU.62) dollars, or ens and 68/100 ($1.88) dollars per front or linear feet, and the Treeaurer is hereby amthorisod and empowered to assess in aosorda'nee wdth the Srewistsssm this erilsomee for the purpose herein mentioned, i all of Lots 1 and sa, *lack 94, Plat *A*, and all of lot 1, Ploek 5, Plat "N", Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon the of- ficial plats of said City to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from said streets. I . mcgua 2. uls erdinasoe shall take effect upon approval. 40 Passed by the City council of Salt Lake Cii:y, Utah, Aeceeber 14th, 1903, and r f rred to the U :yo; to hs Uouauvl. / C!I:y deco 9, Approve e -i:nis �eay of poceaber, 1903. a Gyyt- YlYL(I _7nyc r. 1_,38 a X O b A H I a FI 0 RA xtlego^rq to tnamsafasaa slit lot ban x40 s girtrvet sorusatbrto mi boa elgmAT ii zoX noewtsd *avail algae teat to able /sow exit no mewled Sbsat8 Istae° to slate Sawa alit no base ,alsoil8 dl^tot tautt ban OS ,&I .aolt stohhtatU nt ,slush soakings dt1c4i ..,s1La sbte ton ou teatr�s� odt Y `!o ' :tistU ,titt9 o*.I t at!! e 'etearoo xt ertt b3 /o tt btss xet ortS tivsl" f9t1-a teauaJ M t �, iP� a� !'�>Q �� R b:jrlixoasb Talton/elt f - 4 wit ao# S •._�8 e# lot sF 6 q xr, algraeT debt neewteir lie. a T t+a.s �a sog no lint4SA �" A� ao *salt" letnslfp able taw ant ao 1D~ ,a3 'ie, tamper tact �b ...TTTT = I atatttatC *l wrIbta nt' ,stso�zt`ffi aaty of 3 l saeo l "S\ C brut O9 ,^aE'�aq�, �. Mbta nnttoultatioo 'to esamnia* srfl ii...v lab o bditV'ef �1 xs;` et{T C" -elerf ego.q an3 etisoggo eieelta blase '1 0 anoit soq bia:a now axlew b,taa 1pd b9'i_2ermcr bras betool/A 4,1Latoages ad et bedtzoasb lattant , baaiatidatas brie bentalsteb ,begbujbs N,delad al It boa ,taemsvo :eat 110 sill of Waled/ batttened xdtatoagae ed ilia emus brit tsdl xde-ied esa bast 90 eleoIaq bias bnea ,bstreI xdersd xet ent nc tauome its lasatl adt dttw eons/moosnt slam Amottnu bna: Loupe no Sa besaesaa 1 Drug now wataoll startle Dias to saottioq bias nogw ststnoit loot as t adl bate ,aollersdt hand toot ( a) eirft-xtneyst to aft'geb rn of fano at Drat 'to *Leyte bias nogg bei*eeeae ed of ban bowel idvxert ealmilob (Sa.Qdat$'! oO ASta bfa snip=xtgt` bras belL,uad smeart bassuoAl en* ban ,toot qaonai 10 taint leg r attob 4c+a.L*) oolva ban sno io songalooea Kt *oases of lanlanortmi beaa toninoi tea Isde^isd at 7eivaao^r'! 1 ,,baaoitnera stem ri saog?tq ant not semolhs tulle Ineasfa,tattve/q edt dttw ,a looIF ,I tot to .Is bnra ,WA" Jolt/ tee iota, ,8 has I a tot to Ilan -to en* now nwoda ois ooze alit as 001rIge alto sziaa.I JIRa ,"ff• iailg toad Seel ( ) ovtt-itnswt to riLgeb a oi xtio bix;a to atslq L toll .i3te3'1ta bliss molt .lavolgga now loons slat Ilona sononibio airfT .S W IToTl