138 of 1912 - Paving Extension No. 68, Second and Final Estimate. ROLL CALL
,utc a atte Lity, Utah,. Sept._ 11,,_ 191 _ 2
VOTING - Yes No I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser .s,
Korns II r ,, l n A
Mr.Chairman .
RESULT - - _.._.I __.....
' .
An ordinance levyint a tin and for he urea- s21(mt of property
on kifth Ens'," 41trost beteen Third South ond Iiinth South Streets, .
in Paving Dist4ict -No. 27, for the purpose of providinc; for the
grading, Lcuttoring snd curbing and 1).-:.vin5 thereof.
Be it ordsined by tthe Besrd of Commis"'iJ,1CY2 Of ,T•lt IL lie
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. TIn t the 2osrd of Commissioners of Soil Lake City
does boroby levy the tax Ela provide for the sssessmont of the
sane upon the property hereinafter described in PsViiKj District
No. 27, for the err cc oil 2rovi dins for the or din , glittering
ant curbing, and pscrin thereof, to- it: '.
In Lots 3 to 20, inelu.sive, Block 2, Ehrich's SubdivisisJn of
Block 5; 2 to 5, inclusive, Bloch 10; 4 sild 5, Block 19; 2 to 5,
inclusive, Block 24, all in Plat "B't, Sslt Luke Cit-y Burvsy,
ting on Lie east side of kiftth East 2',rect. ,7tJ0013. Iifth South and
Ninth South Streets.
This tax is levied to de-7r:.y ',he e :.-un.-e of Lrs,71,-.1.1 , F,ytte'rin, •
and curbinz -:!ith cement, ,2nd paving with asphalt s resdws.7 (so id
roa.dwsy to be sixty (00) feet betmeon curbs and nine othd ono-half
(9 ) inches tEiek) , the portion of Brj.id street oposit•c the prop-
erty lereinbefore and hereins.ftir described to be especislly
effected sna benefited ID:' of7.id inrprovement, end it is hereby adjudted,
determined if or blis:i cd that sai a ,l'o2orty vill be expocially
benofiied ts, oroby to --4,0 full amount of Ic tax hereby levied, and •
sad psrcels of lsnd Fcc 4,creby sssssed st an ecu. 1 snd. uniform
is te in acecrdf7neo with he line r fes • frontsge upon or roortion-
of said street frontin u-pon and to s de:,th of tweny-fivo (25)
foot back therefrom, snd. .',"se tsx hereby levied. nd to be assessed
upon said parcels of land is t-:.ent-y-throe thussnd four hundred
eiy-fonr sal 94/100 ( 23,404.94) doll{rs, or eight end
. ..
0058081/10,0J0,000 ( 8.0958001) dolisrs per front or linear foot
. ,
of abutting property for said roadmly beieen Fifth South end flint,
South Streets, there being2640 feet of abutting property *Nithin
the houndries of the Lots,blocha and street above mentioned in
said district, v,hich to the '60tra cost and cost per front foot of
0::.710 paveent, accordin to a cont,,ict ep.tcred into for the per-
, formence of said s'ork r:iyid. mainin said im:rovem:ent, ':?i.th bi. .t. Loral, p
aCtea. t7 c 241, 6,,'y of biovember, 1911, end the Treasurer is hereby
authorized rot directed -So assess, in accordsnce mritit tile provi-
sienh. of tiais ordinance, rer tbe 2urposc herein mentioned:
The steL:t ide of Lots 3 to 20, inclusive, Slock 2, bihrich's
Oubdivi •ion of block 5; the -:!et side of Lots 2 to 5, inclusive,
Bloch 10; the ,most aide of -Lots 4 and. 5, flock 10; the west side
of -note 2 to 5, inclts. . loch 24, ell iii rl. "IP', Slt Lcke
City Survey, es the same E'-re -illo:ra ttpon the officitA. 2lets of said
city- to a depth of ts?ent -five (25) feet bach from said nireci,
and to collect said tax.
iIECTION 2. sf—la tEx shall become end be delincuent in ten
eclual yecrly inetmalments, ,i.th interest on tbe .mhole sum unpaid
at the rate of six per cent per annum, : pniilo at Ibe time each
installment Li due, to-- it: One-tenth thereof one year after the
ordinance confirminy the levy of the im:x for the 'L ,,i-mccat for such
inovement becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in to yea.rs afte,
said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth Hereof in three years
after said ordinz,nce becomec effective; onc-tenih ti_ereof in four
yerr :2ftcr sL'... a ordinance bee affect:1.7e; onc-tc:n!h. iIcreof in '
five years after said ordinance becomes effective; onc-1-oiih there
of in eix years a:fter said ordinance becous effective; one-tenth
thecof in seven years after said ordinaciec becomes effective; one
tent thereof in c::::Lt: years after said ordinsnce becomes offectiv-;
one-tenth thereof in nine years after sr,j(1 ordinance becomes effec6-
ive; ril on.e-tenth -thereof Li ten years after said ordinLnee becom-a
effective. One or mere instellments, in 1: e order in uhicii they
are -foyable, or 'Co :J2eciel tea, InLz he oi u icy time
vithin thirty days after i e ortini confirminaj tl,e levy of the
tcx becomes effective, siihout interest In the event of flay
instell.)an, , or ' a Lferes{ :a, no beio _ ,.)Lia, on the tuto
the same becomes due, the ' hole cnount of the si)ecial unpcid
at ',,ho line said in13,memn;; and intere: t are due, shall become
due Enj cnOmshC11 drft'ihtorest at the rite of eiji,,t per
cent :or aanum until the sale of 1 ,0 -2rei:erty aosessed; provided,
one or more installments, in the order in -lish they are )c,,,,L•b:_o,
or Ye ihole srocica' taXunji it, ffr:, be it on the dmu eny in
stullment becomes (1116, b1 Eyia.j toe auouih thereof nail interest
to said dete.
SECTION 0. This ordinance shell tile effect one day her
its :irst
22evinE; Extension No. 88.
Second and Fincl E' timalo.
Paseed by the Baird of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Sept. 11, 1912.
1r a/filt/i/01
City Recorder
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