138 of 1978 - Vacating 1700 North Street west of Chicago street, together with the platted alleys located within B ROLL CALL rtrOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, s ptemher 7 ,19 78 Mr.Chairman .... Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed. Greener... ( Ctl,t' Hall Phillips r Result AN INANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING 1700 North Street west of Chicago Street, together with the platted alleys located within Blocks 3 and 4 of the Folsom Addition Subdivision in Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that the right-of-way for streets and alleys described herein located in Lots 3 and 4 of the Folsom Addition Subdivision have never been improved nor actually used by the public as a thoroughfare, and that the vacation of such street and alleys will not be adverse to the general public's interest; therefore, Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That that portion of 1700 North Street west of the intersection of said road with Chicago Street, together with the platted alleys located in Block 3 and 4 of Folsom Addition Subdivi- sion located in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer to be public property for the use as streets, avenues, alleys, or pedestrian ways: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 20, Block 4, Folsom Addition, a subdivision of Section 23, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., SLB&M. and running thence south 125.00 feet; thence east 125.00 feet; thence south 15.00 feet; thence west 125.00 feet; thence south 125.00 feet; thence east 125.00 feet; thence south 66.00 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 19, Block 3, said sub- division; thence west 125.00 feet; thence south 125.00 feet; thence east 125.00 feet; thence south 15.00 feet; thence west 125.00 feet; thence south 125.00 feet; thence west 15.00 feet; thence north 125.00 feet; thence west 215 feet more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot 9 of said Block 3; thence northwesterly 15 feet, more or less, to the soutwest corner of Lot 10 of said Block 3; thence east 215 feet more or less, to the southeast corner of Lot 18 of said Block 3; thence north 125.00 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 18 of said Block; thence west 224 feet more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot 10 of said Block 3; thence northwesterly 66.00 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of Lot 10 of said Block 4; thence east 226.00 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 2 of said Block 4; thence north 125.00 feet to the north- east corner of Lot 2; thence west 226.00 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 10 of said Block 4; thence northeasterly 15.00 feet, more or less, to the south west corner of Lot 11 of said Block 4; thence east 226.5 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 19 of said Block 4; thence north 125.00 feet; thence east 15.00 feet to the point of beginning. Said vacation is made expressly SUBJECT to all existing rights- of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every descrip- tion now located on, in, under or over the confines of the above- described property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing, replacing, removing or rerouting said utilities and all of them. Said vacation is also expressly made SUBJECT to all existing rights-of-way and easements of any third parties that may be estab- lished by law. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 7th day of September , 1978. C;;;Q/YOR CIYRECOR1 R (SEAL) BILL NO. 138 of 1978 Published September 13, 1978 Certified copy sent to City Auditor's Office for Recording 9-28-78 , a_ O i A i nii Reworded al /(e ` J m 3177396 I;,:,,uoar,, s..e 61-, ' a,:,,,t1.ct-=L) -,e;Z2,_„e„ K„I;F L.DIXON,Recorder STATE OF UTAH, Salt Lake^ount ,Utah No Fee es. 2y ePity ,2'—' City and County of Salt Lake, , JQ/3e/ S 94 I r 90, i 34/ ./ e I Mildred V. Higham , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby ,, certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of An Ordinance Vacating 17Q0North Street west of Chicago Stree , together with the platted alleys located within Block 3 and 4 of the Folsom Addition Subdivision in Salt Lake 4 City, Utah. I/ A! fO - •+3 passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, September.7 th _ 19 78 as agpepp of record in my office. - , I U WIT E S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said --' , City;this. .,.,._y,th' day of September 19..7.8.. "A `,_ ,i i(SEAL(,)1 i i CG ,,4 I ; City Recorder l`°ti "f Published September 13 th 19 78 •.1 BILL NO. 138 of 1978 13 � [aa, AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING 1700 North Street west of Chicago Street together with the platted alleys located within 1 Block 3 and dot the Folsom Additim Subdivision In Salt Lake COO,Lnah. WHEREAS,the Boerd of Commissioners finds that the right-of-way for streets and alleys described herein located In Lots 2 and 4 of the Folsom Addition Subdivision have never been improved nor actually used by the public m a thoroughfare,and that the vacation of such street and alleys will not be adverse to the general public's interest;therefore, Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake atvgkeliTON I.That Mel portion of 1700 North St eet t of the Irdersectlen of said mad with Chicago Street,toPether whit the platted alleys located In Block 3 and 4 of Folsom Addition Subdivision routed In Salt Lake City,Utah,more particularly described as follows,be.and the same hereby is.vacated and declared no longer to be public properly tor the use as streets, avenues,alleys,or pedestrIen ways: Beginning g tpr northwest corne_r of_Lot_N,Itlock 4.Folsom rAttrInlitlene's=911"Irs.o.4:724:.;:ai.1•Arde1411,472.1 .0,"13.00 feet;thence west 125.00 feet:thence south 125.01/1tht; thence east 125.0 feet;thence tooth MAO feet In the northeitif corner of I-ot 19,Block 3,said sobdivIsion;thence weft 125.00 \ feet;itunce south 125.00 feet;thence mst 125.00 feet;thence- en ' south 15.00 Net;thence west 12500 feet;thence 000th12.5.110 feet; hence west 15.00 feet;thence north 125.00 feet;thence west 215 feet more or less,to the northwest comer of Lot Oof said Block 3; ' thence northwesterly 15 feet,more or lots,to the southwest corner of Lot 10 of said Black 3;thence Net 215feet more or less, to the southeast corner of Lot IS of sald Block 3;thience north 125.00 feet to the northeast corner of Lot IS of saki Block;thence west 224feet more or kin,to the northwest corner of Lot 10 of said Black 3;thence northwesterly 46.00 Net,more or lass,to the muttmest opener of Lot 10 of said BloCk 4;thence eaSt 226.03feet , to the southeast corner of Lot 2 of said Block 4,thence north r25.00 feet to the northeast opener of Lot 2;thence west 226.03feet kI. 2-) to the northwtht corner of Lot 10 of said Biock I;thence no0theasterly.15.00 feet hoe or less,to the southwest corner of Jr-) Lot II of sold Bleck 4;thence east 226.5 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 19 of said Block 4;thence north 125.00 feet;thence Li I east 15.00 feel to thripolM of beginnine. Said Vacation Is made expressly SUBJECT to all misting . rIghtsdhway and easements of MI public utilities of any and every description now located on I.,Under gr over dr confines*, the abovodescrIbed property awl also strolect to Vie rights of entry thereon for the OurOoSe Of maIntaininh altering,repairing. replacing,removing or rerouting said utilities and aH of them. Said vacation Is also exPeaSsly of SUBJECT to all existing rights-at-way and easements of any third parties that may be est/AMMO by law. SECTION 2.Tnis ordinance shall take effect thirty(13)dayt attar Its Ilrat publication. Passed by_altse Beard of Commissioners on the Ott,day of $eptember,1971. TED L.WILSON Mayor MILDRED V.HIGHAM City Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO.IX of 1911 eubilslen1Septemter 13,1974 (A.32) CX> / 3 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE Shana D. Palmer AN ORDINANCE VACATING 1100 North Street west of Chicago Street,together with the platted alleys located within Block 3 and d of the Folsom Addition Subdivision in Salt Lake City,Utah. WHEREAS, the Beard of Commissioners }Inds that the htof-way to streets and alleys descrthed herein located n Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal Lots 3 and 4 of the Folsom Addition Subdivision have never been P Y g etl no ad fly used by the public as a rhoraaghfare,and In meralphone}=vestt;therfore, winnafhaadyerseto advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily the general public's interest;therefore, Be it ordained by the Beare of Commissioners of salt Lake (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English CItvSECTION1.That that portion of 1700 N o nth Street west of the language with general circulation in Utah, and intersection of said road with Chicago Street together with the plated alleys hared Block 3 and, f Folsom Addition published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the Subdivision located In Salt Lake City,Utah,more particularly declareddescribed alleys,l or to bs and ways, r the opertytforhe is,vacated as sttrreets State of Utah. avenues, or pedestrian ways: Beginning at the rnrihwe5t corner of Lot 20,Block 4,Folsom Addition.hence south 12500rtfeepeamn,ce aas 12s00f t; and That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto south 15.00 feet;thence west 125 00 feet,thence south 125.00 feet; thence east 125.00 feet;thence south 66.00 test to the northeast feet; of Lot 19,Block 3,said subdivision;thence west 125.00 thence south 125.00 feet;thence east 125.00 feet;thence Pub notice of an ordinance vacating certain south 15,00 feet;thence west 125.00 feel;thence south 125.00 feet; thence tmor west less,feet;o e northwest cornernorth of Lott 9 thence f said Block 35 corne`rof°Lot10 aesal1d Block 3;thence east less, then southwest he`s' streets and alleys to the southeast corner of Lot 113 of said Block 3;thence north 125.00 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 1B of said Block;thence west 224 feet more or less,to the northwest corner of Lot 10 of said Block 3;thence northwesterly 64.00 feet,m or less,to the southwest cor the �nser of Lot 10 of said Block 4;thence east 226.00feet 125,00 feet to the nortt heastfcorner of L Lot 2 of ot 2;Block 4; west 226.oe feet to the northwest comer of La/10 of said Block 4;thence northeasterly 15.0D feet,rwIre or less.to the southwest corner of Lot 11 al said Block a;thence east 226.5 feet to the southeast ear of Lot 19 of send Block 4;thence north 125.00feet;thence t 15.00 feet to the point of beginning Said Vacation is made expressly SUBJECT to all existing rights-of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on,In,under or over the cantines of the above-described property and also sublect to the rights of entry there.' " "the purposeolmmt aalnmater amarepalrina, Sept. 13, 1978 replacbq,removliq.or rerouting said utilities and all of them. was published In said newspaper on Said vacation Is also expressly made SUBJECT'to all existing stabli-al-way and easements of any third parties that may be TIttS .Th by law. SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take effect thirty(301 days �` after its t eubfication. Passed ssed by the Board of Commissioners on the)th day of I I \1 September,1978. l MILtv Re o de.HIGHAM Legal Advertising CIerk (SEAL/ Published Septem9ber 13,t919 (A-32) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ust day of Sept. A,D.19..7.5... -C • Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb. 11, 1982 . ' I,;